Kurt Pinter
DDipl.Ing. Dr. Kurt Pinter
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG)
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Email kurt.pinter@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-81235
ORCID: 0000-0001-5062-4274
55511344600: AuthorId
AAA-2819-2021. : ResearcherId
Research Focus
Research on aquatic ecosystems, exploring rivers and the interwining relationship between human resource utilisation and ecosystem stability. I am dedicated to developing research based, pragmatic and sustainable approaches for an effective river basin management.
- 2019 Doctoral Degree
- 2008 Master of Science - Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
- 2008 Master of Science - Natural Resource Management and Ecological Engineering
- Year: 2019 Awards: Reinhard Liepolt Preis
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Implications for managing the climate crises in rivers: aspects of shading, residual flows and cold-water pools in the thermal regime of a pre-alpine river
Autoren: Borgwardt, F; Popp, S; Pinter, K
Event: Symposium for European Freshwater Science SEFS13 2023
Year: 2021 - Kontroverse Fischbesatz -über den Wunsch und die Notwendigkeit neuer fischereilicher Managementstrategien.
Autoren: Pinter, K
Event: Forschungstag der Österr. Bundesforste
Year: 2021 - Gedanken und Vorschläge zur nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung von Fischereirevieren in Fließgewässern
Autoren: Pinter, K
Event: Fortbildung für Fischereiaufsichtsorgane
Year: 2018 - Ecological functions and the research programme at the fishway Freudenau
Autoren: Pinter, K; Meulenbroek, P
Event: FIThydro 4th Regional Stakeholder Workshop – Alpine region
Year: 2017 - Fischotter – Fischbiomsse – Mensch.
Autoren: Pinter, K
Event: Dialogforum zum Fischotter
Year: 2017 - Kontinuumsunterbrechungen an Fließgewässern
Autoren: Pinter, K
Event: 9. ÖKF Forum 2017
Year: 2016 - Fischschutz und Fischabstieg - Darstellung der Forschungsaktivität in Österreich
Autoren: Rauch, P; Pinter, K; Pröll, F; Seliger, C; Zeiringer, B; Unfer, G
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - Strategies for the management of grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in the Alpine rivers of Tyrol (Austria) and Sout Tyrol (Italy)
Autoren: Unfer, G; Pinter, K; Seliger, C
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - Reproduction and habitat of freshly emerged Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho) in the river Pielach, Austria
Autoren: Schöfbenker, M; Pinter, K
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - Studie zum Einfluss des Fischotters auf die Fischbestände ausgewählter Niederösterreichischer Forellengewässer
Autoren: Pinter, K; Stöger, E; Unfer, G
Event: Sachverständigentagung 2016
Year: 2016 - Fish passage through a hydrodynamic double-screw: an alternative solution for restoring river connectivity
Autoren: Zeiringer, B; Führer, S; Grigull, M; Pinter, K; Pröll, F; Unfer, G; Auer, S; Jungwirth, M; Schmutz, S
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - Early warnings: Fischökologische Aspekte der Wassertemperatur als Vorzeichen von Klimawandelauswirkungen in vor-alpinen Flüssen am Beispiel der Pielach
Autoren: Pletterbauer, F; Unfer, G; Pinter, K
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - EARLY WARNINGS: Fischökologische Aspekte der Wassertemperatur als Vorzeichen von Klimawandelauswirkungen in vor-alpinen Flüssen
Autoren: Pletterbauer, F; Unfer, G; Pinter, K
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - Der Einfluss des Fischotters auf die Fischbestände ausgewählter niederöster-reichischer Forellengewässer
Autoren: Stöger, E; Pinter, K; Unfer, G
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - Post-Release Monitoring Strategies for Sterlets in the Upper Danube 2015-2021
Autoren: Friedrich, T; Pinter, K; Unfer, G; Pekarik, L;
Event: Post - release monitoring strategies in sturgeon restoration programs
Year: 2016 - Fischschutz und FIschabstieg - Darstellung der Forschungsaktivität in Österreich
Autoren: Rauch, P; Pinter, K; Pröll, F; Seliger, C; Zeiringer, B; Unfer, G
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2015 - Long term development of two valuable grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations of Austria
Autoren: Unfer, G; Pinter, K
Event: International Symposium Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids
Year: 2015 - New methods and opportunities in the monitoring of early life stages of brown trout
Autoren: Pinter, K; Unfer, G
Event: International Symposium Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids
Year: 2015 - Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Austrian Alps. A long-term data series of a self-sustaining population
Autoren: Pinter, K; Unfer, G
Event: 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society 2015
Year: 2013 - Ways to merge conservation needs and recreational fishing in protected areas
Autoren: Pinter, K; Unfer, G
Event: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Year: 2013 - Strategies for the sustainable management of salmonid fish populations in Alpine waters with special emphasis on protected areas and national parks
Autoren: Unfer, G; Pinter, K; Meraner, A; Holzer, G
Event: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Year: 2012 - Radio-telemetry-study: Migration Bahavior of Burbot (Lota lota) and Grayling (Thymallus thymallus) at the Hydropower Plant Group Malta in the River Möll, Austria
Autoren: Pinter, K; Unfer, G
Event: 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012
Year: 2012 - Telemetriestudie: Untersuchungen zur flussabwärts gerichteten Wanderung der Aalrutte und Äsche in einem durch Wasserkraftnutzung stark beeinträchtigten Gewässersystem
Autoren: Pinter, K
Event: Sachverständigentagung des Österreichischen Fischereiverbandes 2012
Year: 2011 - Die Eignung der in Österreich gezüchteten Bachforellen für Besatzmaßnahmen - abgeleitet aus den Ergebnissen einer Fischzüchterbefragung
Autoren: Pinter, K
Event: ÖFV-Symposium gemeinsam mit IHG 2011 - Fischereiliche Bewirtschaftung Österreichischer Salmonidengewässer - Ein Dialog von Forschung und Praxis
Year: 2011 - Rearing and stocking of brown trout as perceived by Austrian fish farmers
Autoren: Pinter, K; Unfer G
Event: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society AFS 2011 - New Frontiers in Fisheries Management and Ecology: Leading the Way in a Changing World
Year: 2011 - Spawning redds of brown trout in geologically different streams
Autoren: Unfer, G., Hauer, C., Pinter, K.
Event: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society AFS 2011 - New Frontiers in Fisheries Management and Ecology: Leading the Way in a Changing World
Year: 2010 - Überblicksergebnisse von Besatzversuchen mit juvenilen Bachforellen im Projekt "Troutcheck"
Autoren: Unfer G., Pinter K.
Event: Österreichische Fischereifachtagung 2010
Year: 2010 - Rearing and stocking of brown trout (Salmo trutta): questioning if Austrian fish farmers
Autoren: Pinter, K., Unfer, G.
Event: Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids 2010
Year: 2010 - Survival and growth of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) stocked in three tributaries: Comparison of wild and hatchery trout
Autoren: Unfer, G., Pinter, K.
Event: Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids 2010