Henry Jäger
Univ.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henry Jäger
Institute of Food Technology
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Email henry.jaeger@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-75233
- 2014 Professor Food Technology, BOKU
- 2012 - 2014 Project manager, Research and Development, Nestlé
- 2012 - 2017 Lecturer Thermal and Non-thermal Food Preservation, TU Berlin
- 2006 - 2012 PhD/Postdoc, Dept. of Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering, TU Berlin
- 2000 - 2006 Diploma Food Technology, TU Berlin
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Hydrocolloids as biofilm imitations for cleaning validation processes in the food industry
Autoren: Bachlechner, C; Kauer, T; Zand, E; Fuhrmann, P; Jäger, H
Event: Food Colloids
Year: 2024 - Tailored processing strategies for the ohmic baking of wheat bread
Autoren: Waldert, K; Bittermann, S.; Martinović, N; Schottroff, F; Jäger, H
Event: 38th EFFoST International Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Ohmic Baking: A Sustainable Future for Industrially Baked Goods
Autoren: Marek, E; Waldert, K; Jäger, H
Event: 38th EFFoST International Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Ohmic baking of wheat bread - role of power input and baking chamber design for tailored process optimization
Autoren: Waldert, K; Bittermann, S; Martinović, N; Schottroff, F; Jäger, H
Event: 22nd IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology - The future of food is now: Development, Functionality & Sustainability 2024
Autoren: Rivera, J; Schottroff, F; Jäger H
Event: FOODSIM 2024
Year: 2024 - Effects of pulsed electric field pre-treatment on the heating uniformity and final product quality of ohmic cooked vegetables
Autoren: Waldert, K; Prenner, S; Giancaterino, M; Jäger, H
Event: 5th World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, and Food & Environmental Technologies 2024
Year: 2024 - Understanding of the applicability and the mechanism behind pulsed electric fields (PEF) as an alternative peeling method
Autoren: Giancaterino, M; Jäger, H
Event: 5th World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, and Food & Environmental Technologies 2024
Year: 2024 - Understanding of process-structure-interactions during the processing of plant materials by pulsed electric fields (PEF)
Autoren: Giancaterino, M; Jäger, H
Event: 38th EFFoST International Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Pulsed electric fields as a pre-treatment for ohmic cooking of beetroot to improve heating uniformity and product quality
Autoren: Prenner, S; Waldert, K; Giancaterino, M; Jäger, H
Event: ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Potentials for acceleration of food fermentations by pulsed electric fields
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Waldert, K; Schmiedl, B; Jaeger, H
Event: 38th EFFoST International Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Stimulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Metabolism and Growth Using Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF)
Autoren: Schmiedl, B
Event: 5th World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, and Food & Environmental Technologies 2024
Year: 2024 - Ohmic Baking: A Sustainable Future for Industrially Baked Goods
Autoren: Marek, E; Waldert, K; Jäger, H
Event: ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Computer-aided characterization of continuous thermal processing of food: an engineering toolbox for ohmic and conventional heating assisted sterilization
Autoren: Rivera, J; Schottroff, F; Jäger, H
Event: 22nd IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology - The future of food is now: Development, Functionality & Sustainability 2024
Year: 2023 - Low and high moisture extrusion of less refined ingredients – Impact of processing conditions on texturization of defatted soy flour.
Autoren: Pöttschacher, R; Phongthai, S; Bender, D.; Schönlechner, R; Jäger, H
Event: 14th International Congress on Engineering and Food 2023
Year: 2023 - Healthy and sustainable food through processing?
Autoren: Jaeger, H.
Event: 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023
Year: 2023 - Optimization of ohmic heating concepts for tailored vegetable processing
Autoren: Waldert, K; Astráin Redín, L; Gratz, M; Giancaterino, M; Cebrián, G; Jäger, H
Event: 9th School on Pulsed Electric Field Applications in Food and Biotechnology 2023
Year: 2022 - Die BOKU als ein Kernelement des Food-Innovation-Ecosystems
Autoren: Jäger, H; Garaus, C
Event: Trends und Umbrüche im Food-Sektor
Year: 2022 - Fallbeispiel Obst, Gemüse und Milch - Haltbarmachung leicht verderblicher Rohstoffe
Autoren: Rivera, J; Jäger, H
Event: ÖGE Jahrestagung 2022
Year: 2022 - Continuous Extraction of Proteins from Microbial Cells by Pulsed Electric Fields
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Kastenhofer, J; Spadiut, O; Jaeger, H; Wurm, D.J.
Event: 4th World Congress on Electroporation & Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies 2022
Year: 2022 - Investigation of electric field effects during sterilization by continuous ohmic heating
Autoren: Rivera, J; Gratz, M; Schottroff, F; Jäger, H
Event: 8th School on Pulsed Electric Field Applications in Food and Biotechnology 2022
Year: 2022 - Neue Erkenntnisse beim Ohm'schen Erhitzen von glutenfreiem Brot
Autoren: Bender, D; Waziiroh, E; Jäger, H, Schönlechner, R
Event: 8. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften 2022
Year: 2022 - Creation of a biofilm imitation based on rheological and tribological analyses
Autoren: Bachlechner, C; Zand, E; Kauer T, Furhmann, P, Nothnagel, R; Vukonić; Rodríguez Ripoll, M; Váradi, T, Jäger, H
Event: 1st Annual Meeting ÖGR 2022
Year: 2022 - Neue Erkenntnisse beim Ohm'schen Erhitzen von glutenfreiem Brot
Autoren: Bender, D; Waziiroh, E; Jäger, H; Schönlechner, R
Event: 8. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften 2022
Year: 2021 - Ohmic Baking in Improving Gluten-Free Bread Characteristics: Role of Starch and Flour.
Autoren: Waziiroh, E., Bender, D., Saric, A., Jaeger, H., Schoenlechner, R.
Event: International Conference on Biotechnology and Food Sciences.
Year: 2021 - Ohmic Baking in Improving Gluten-Free Bread Characteristics: Role of Starch and Flour
Autoren: Waziiroh, E; Bender, D; Saric, A; Jaeger, H; Schoenlechner R
Event: The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Foods: Future Foods and Food Technologies for a Sustainable World
Year: 2021 - Decontamination of selected herbs and spices by gamma irradiation and low energy electron beam (LEEB) treatment and influence on product characteristics upon storage
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Lasarus, T; Stupak, M; Hajslova, J; Fauster, T; Jaeger, H
Event: 35th EFFoST International Conference 2021
Year: 2021 - Gentle sterilization of carrot-based puree and influence on processing contaminants and quality
Autoren: Gratz, M; Schottroff, F; Jaeger H
Event: European Federation of Chemical Engineering EFCE Online Event on Alternative Food Processing Technologies 2021
Year: 2021 - Enhancement of the subcritical water extraction of curcuminoids from turmeric by pulsed electric fields
Autoren: Vladić, J; Le Tan, H; Fauster, T.; Gerhart, T.; Jaeger H
Event: 1st Greenering International Conference 2021
Year: 2021 - Surface decontamination of fresh-cut salad and fresh raspberries by H2O2 vapor
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Lirsch, A; Kravchenko, A; Jaeger, H
Event: 35th EFFoST International Conference 2021
Year: 2020 - Selective recovery of functional compounds from bacteria using continuous pulsed electric field treatment
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Kastenhofer, J; Spadiut, O; Jaeger, H; Wurm, D
Event: 34th EFFoST International Conference 2020
Year: 2020 - Curcuma longa L: Pulsed electric field pretreatment followed by subcritical water extraction with addition of acidic modifier
Autoren: Simić, S; Vladić, J; Fauster, T; Le Tan, H; Gerhart, T; Jaeger, H.
Event: 26th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems (ISAEP 2020)
Year: 2020 - Pulsed electric field as a pretreatment for intensification of subcritical water extraction of polyphenolic components of Curcuma longa
Autoren: Vladić, J; Simić, S; Fauster, T; Le Tan, H; Gerhart, T; Jaeger, H.
Event: International Scientific Conference: Harmonization of approaches to pharmaceutical development
Year: 2019 - Evaluation of electric field effects of ohmic heating on vegetative microorganisms
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Biebl, D; Burghardt, N; Schelling, J; Jaeger, H
Event: 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Ohmic heating – a novel approach for gluten-free bread baking
Autoren: Bender, D., Gratz, M., Fauster, T., Jäger, H., Schoenlechner, R.
Event: 5th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages 2019
Year: 2019 - Application Study on the Preservation of Liquid Whey Protein Formulations by Continuous Pulsed Electric Fields Treatment
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Krottenthaler, A; Johnson, NB; Bédard, MF; Jaeger, H
Event: IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo 2019
Year: 2019 - Continuous pulsed electric field decontamination of liquid whey protein formulations – influence of process parameters and media properties on inactivation efficiency
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Krottenthaler, A; Johnson, NB; Bédard, MF; Jaeger, H
Event: International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF)
Year: 2019 - Ohmic heating – a novel approach for gluten-free bread baking .
Autoren: Bender, D., Gratz, M., Fauster, T., Jäger, H., Schoenlechner, R.
Event: Bender, D., Gratz, M., Fauster, T., Jäger, H., Schoenlechner, R. (2019): Ohmic heating – a novel approach for gluten-free bread baking . 5th International Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages, JUN, 26-28, 2019, Leuven, BELGIUM
Year: 2019 - Comparison of conventional and advanced thermal treatments for preservation regarding quality parameters of cloudy apple juice and sea buckthorn syrup
Autoren: Fauster, T; Teufl, Thomas; Jaeger, H
Event: 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Effect of PEF as pre-treatment on physical quality of freeze- dried strawberries and red bell peppers
Autoren: Fauster, T; Giancaterino, M; Pittia, P; Jaeger, H
Event: 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Design and evaluation of a novel pulsed electric fields (PEF) flow-through chamber for increased treatment homogeneity
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Horneber, T; Eppmann, P; Knappert, J; McHardy, C; Rauh, C; Jaeger, H
Event: 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Gluten-free sourdough breads based on buckwheat or millet flour: effects of selected lactobacilli on the functional properties of breads.
Autoren: Regine Schoenlechner, Denisse Bender, Vera Fraberger, Palma Szepasvári, Stefano D’Amico, Sandor Tömösközi, Giada Cavazzi, Henry Jäger, Konrad J. Domig
Event: 19th ICC Conference 2019 - Science meets Technology
Year: 2019 - Increased inactivation of bacterial endospores by ohmic heating
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Pyatkovskyy, T; Reineke, K; Setlow, P; Jaeger, H; Sastry, S
Event: International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF)
Year: 2019 - Ohmic heating – eine innovative Methode zur Herstellung von glutenfreien Backwaren
Autoren: Bender, D., Gratz, M., Fauster, T., Jäger, H., Schoenlechner, R.
Event: 5. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften 2019
Year: 2019 - Effect of PEF pretreatment on process performance of and product quality during the freeze-drying of fruits and vegetables
Autoren: Fauster, T; Giancaterino, M; Pittia, P; Jaeger, H
Event: 3rd World Congress on Electroporation 2019
Year: 2019 - Edible insects: Investigation of cross-reactivity and reduction of allergenicity
Autoren: Pali-Scholl, I; Meinlschmidt, P; Larenas-Linnemann, D; Purschke, B; Hofstetter, G; Rodriguez-Monroy, FA; Einhorn, L; Mothes-Luksch, N; Jensen-Jarolim, E; Jager, H
Event: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology EAACI 2019
Year: 2019 - Environmental impact assessment of yellow mealworm (T. molitor) production for human nutrition in Austria
Autoren: Dreyer, M; Hörtenhuber, S; Zollitsch, W; Gronauer, A; Jäger, H; Kral, I
Event: CASEE Conference 2019 - The role of life science universities in redirecting land use from threat to guardian of ecosystems
Year: 2019 - Novel foods: Enzymatic and thermal food processing make edible insects non-allergenic
Autoren: Linnemann, DESL; Meinlschmidt, P; Purschke, B; Hofstetter, G; Monroy, FAR; Einhorn, L; Mothes-Luksch, N; Jaeger, H; Jensen-Jarolim, E; Pali-Schoell, I
Event: Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Allergy-Asthma-and-Immunology (AAAAI)
Year: 2019 - Continuous pulsed electric field decontamination of liquid whey protein formulations – influence of process parameters and media properties on inactivation efficiency
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Krottenthaler, A; Johnson, NB; Bédard, MF; Jaeger, H
Event: 3rd World Congress on Electroporation 2019
Year: 2019 - Effect of Pulsed Electric Field Pretreatment on Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cell Culture Bioprocesses
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Sarić, N; Sommeregger, W; Jaeger, H
Event: 3rd World Congress on Electroporation 2019
Year: 2019 - Electric field effects on bacterial endospores during sterilization by electrotechnologies
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Pyatkovskyy, T; Reineke, K; Setlow, P; Sastry, S; Jaeger, H
Event: 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Non-Thermal Effects of Electrotechnologies on Bacterial Endospores
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Pyatkovskyy, T; Reineke, K; Setlow, P; Sastry, S; Jaeger, H
Event: 3rd World Congress on Electroporation 2019
Year: 2019 - Mechanistic Insights into Electric Field Effects on Bacterial Endospores
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Pyatkovskyy, T; Reineke, K; Setlow, P; Sastry, SK; Jaeger, H
Event: IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo 2019
Year: 2019 - Gentle preservation of milk-derived protein formulations by pulsed electric fields (PEF) – Influence of process parameters and matrix properties on inactivation efficiency and product quality
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Krottenthaler, A; Johnson, NB; Bédard, MF; Jaeger, H
Event: 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019
Year: 2018 - Impact of different methods for the reduction of oxygen during production of fruit and vegetable juices on content of vitamins and secondary plant metabolites
Autoren: Fauster, T; Minauf, M; Ems-Haselsteiner, J; Krottenthaler, A; Scheibelberger, R; Jaeger, H
Event: 32 EFFoST International Conference
Year: 2018 - Influence of combined Pulsed electric field and pectinase pre-treatment on fermentation and aroma profile of white wine
Autoren: Fauster, T; Hanz, K; Scheibelberger, R; Teufl, T; Philipp, C; Scheiblhofer, H; Jaeger, H
Event: 32nd EFFoST International Conference
Year: 2018 - Combination of Pulsed Electric Field and pectinase pre-treatment to improve the fermentation behaviour of white wine
Autoren: Fauster, T; Hanz, K; Scheibelberger, R; Teufl, T; Philipp, C; Scheiblhofer, H; Jäger, H
Event: IFT-EFFoST 2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short course
Year: 2018 - Processed Foods - Focus on Future Technologies
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: ILSI Europe’s Annual Symposium 2018
Year: 2018 - Evaluation of pulsed electric fields technology for the improvement of carotenoid extraction from dried Rhodotorula glutinis
Autoren: Martínez, JM; Schottroff, F; Haas, K; Fauster, T; Álvarez, I; Raso, J; Jaeger, H
Event: 32nd EFFoST International Conference
Year: 2018 - Differentiation of thermal and electric field effects during microbial inactivation by continuous pulsed electric fields and ohmic heating treatments
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Haas, K; Schoenher, C; Zunabovic-Pichler, M; Jaeger, H
Event: 32nd EFFoST International Conference
Year: 2018 - Stabilization of carotenoids in dried carrot concentrates
Autoren: Haas, K; Volkert, M; Jaeger, H
Event: 5th International ISEKI Food Conference 2018
Year: 2018 - Edible insects: Defining cross-reactivity and reducing allergenicity
Autoren: Pali-Scholl, I; Meinlschmidt, P; Purschke, B; Hofstetter, G; Einhorn, L; Mothes-Luksch, N; Jensen-Jarolim, E; Jager, H
Event: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology EAACI 2018
Year: 2018 - Evaluation of thermal and non-thermal inactivation technologies combined with a novel anti-microbial plant extract in a multi-hurdle approach
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Schoenher, C; Zunabovic-Pichler, M; Jaeger, H
Event: Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE) 2018
Year: 2017 - Influence of different pre-treatments and drying methods on the dry fractionation behaviour of mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor)
Autoren: Purschke, B; Brüggen, H; Jäger, H
Event: 1st International Conference on Innovations in Food Science & Technology
Year: 2017 - PEF application in the vegetable processing industry
Autoren: Jäger, H; Schulz, M; Fauster, T
Event: 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies 2017
Year: 2017 - Recovery of soluble proteins from edible insect migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) and characterisation of their compositional and functional properties
Autoren: Purschke, B; Tanzmeister, H; Meinlschmidt, P; Baumgartner, S; Jäger, H
Event: 1st International Conference on Innovations in Food Science & Technology
Year: 2017 - Technologien und Konzepte zur Entkeimung von Konzentraten mit hitzeempfindlichen Inhaltsstoffen
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: GDL-Symposium Nicht-thermische und alternative Verfahren
Year: 2017 - Criteria for the development of successful hurdle concepts based on non-thermal processing technologies
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Krottenthaler, A; Kapeller, M; Fraundorfer, D; Hledik, C; Schoenher, C; Zunabovic-Pichler, M; Jaeger, H
Event: 31st EFFoST International Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Influence of PEF pretreatment on quality and economic aspects during potato processing in pilot and industrial scale
Autoren: Fauster, T; Schlossnikl, D; Töpfl, S; Jäger, H
Event: 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies 2017
Year: 2017 - Einfluss der Substratkontamination mit Mykotoxinen, Schwermetallen und Pesticiden auf die Wachstumsleistung und Zusammensetzung der schwarzen Soldatenfliegenlarven (Hermetia illucens)
Autoren: Axmann, S; Purschke, B; Scheibelberger, R; Adler, A; Strnad, I; Jäger, H
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2017 - Zukunft Obstbau, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen
Year: 2017 - Stability of carotenoid aggregates in an intermediate moisture model matrix
Autoren: Haas, K; Volkert, M; Kiesslicher, A; Schreiner, M; Jäger, H
Event: 18th International Symposium on Carotenoids
Year: 2017 - The role of temperature and electric field effects during microbial inactivation by PEF and ohmic heating
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Krottenthaler, A; Gratz, M; Schoenher, C; Zunabovic-Pichler, M; Jaeger, H
Event: 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies 2017
Year: 2017 - Effect of pulsed electric field (PEF) and ohmic heating (OH) on bioactive compounds extraction from fruit and vegetables
Autoren: Mannozzi, C; Fauster, T; Haas, K; Tylewicz, U; Romani, S; Jäger, H
Event: 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies 2017
Year: 2017 - Influence of particle composition on agglomeration behavior and instant properties of food powders
Autoren: Haas, K; Schmid, M; Jäger, H
Event: Food Innova
Year: 2017 - Alternativen zu Milch - eine vergleichende technologische Bewertung
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: AMA Milchsymposium 2017
Year: 2017 - Von Nanotechnologie, Coating und Co – Wissenschaft in der Lebensmittelproduktion
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: VEÖ Jahrestagung 2017
Year: 2017 - Rohstoffe, Nutzstoffe - Ressourcenschonende, energieeffiziente Verarbeitungsprozesse
Autoren: Jäger, H; Fauster, T
Event: 2. Dialog Forum zur Ernährung der Zukunft 2017
Year: 2017 - Nutzung neuer Rohstoffe und Verwertung von Nebenprodukten in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung
Autoren: Jäger, H; Purschke, B
Event: Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg
Year: 2017 - Safety aspects of edible insects for use in the food and feed value chain - investigation of bioaccumulation of contaminants and process-induced mitigation of allergenicity
Autoren: Purschke, B; Scheibelberger, R; Axmann, S; Adler, A; Pali-Schöll,I; Meinlschmidt, P; Hofstetter, G; Einhorn, L; Mothes-Luksch, N; Jensen-Jarolim, E; Jäger, H;
Event: INSECTA Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Enzymatic hydrolysis as tool for the modification of techno-functionality and allergenicity of migratory locust protein
Autoren: Purschke, B; Meinlschmidt, P; Horn, C; Rieder, O; Pali-Schöll, I; Jäger, H
Event: ÖGE-Jahrestagung 2017 - Ernährungstrends und aktuelle Fragen der Nachhaltigkeit
Year: 2017 - Cleanrooms in Food Processing – A Promising Concept for the Food Factory of the Future?
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Jäger, H
Event: International Conference on Food Innovation - Food Innova
Year: 2017 - Pulsed electric fields (PEF), Verfahren zur Gewinnung und Haltbarmachung von Lebensmitteln
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Jaeger, H
Event: Nachhaltige Lebensmittelverarbeitung und neue Methoden zur Sicherung der Lebensmittelqualität
Year: 2017 - Modification of insect protein functionality and allergenicity by enzymatic hydrolysis
Autoren: Purschke, B; Meinlschmidt, P; Horn, C; Rieder, O; Pali-Schöll, I; Jäger, H
Event: 31th EFFoST International Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Effect of extraction procedure on composition and functional properties of migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) proteins
Autoren: Purschke, B; Tanzmeister, H; Jäger, H
Event: International Conference on Food Innovation - Food Innova
Year: 2017 - Einfluss der Substratkontamination mit Mykotoxinen, Schwermetallen und Pestiziden auf die Wachstumsleistung und Zusammensetzung der schwarzen Soldatenfliegenlarven (Hermetia illucens)
Autoren: Axmann, S; Purschke, B; Scheibelberger, R; Adler, A; Strnad, I; Jäger, H;
Event: 129. VDLUFA-Kongress 2017. Standortgerechte Landnutzung - umweltverträglich und wirtschaftlich
Year: 2017 - Sublethale Schädigung von Mikroorganismen durch innovative Inaktivierungsverfahren
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Jaeger, H
Event: Catch them all! Flowzytometrie in der Mikrobiologie
Year: 2017 - Neue Technologien im Lebensmittelsektor – Benefits für Verarbeiter und Verbraucher
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: Verein der Vorarlberger Lebensmitteltechniker
Year: 2017 - Comparison of different methods for measuring the cell disintegration in plant tissues after pulsed electric field treatment
Autoren: Fauster, T; Sperk, C; Jäger, H
Event: International Conference on Food Innovation - Food Innova
Year: 2017 - Characterization of ale yeasts - a study of technological, analytical, biological and sensory attributes
Autoren: Webersinke, F; Klein, H; Jäger, H; Forster, C
Event: 36th European Brewery convention
Year: 2017 - Ohmic heating als alternatives Verfahren zur Haltbarmachung und Garung
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Gratz, M; Jäger, H
Event: GDL-Symposium Nicht-thermische und alternative Verfahren
Year: 2017 - Emerging Technologies in Food and Bioprocessing
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 4th School on Pulsed Electric Field Applications in Food and Biotechnology 2017
Year: 2017 - Unterschiedliche Verfahren und Aspekte der Sicherheits- und Quallitätsbewertung
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Jaeger, H
Event: Nachhaltige Lebensmittelverarbeitung und neue Methoden zur Sicherung der Lebensmittelqualität
Year: 2017 - Prozess-Produkt Wechselwirkungen bei der Lebensmittelverarbeitung – Bewertung neuer Prozesse und Rohstoffe
Autoren: Jäger, H; Purschke, B
Event: DFG Senatskommission zur gesundheitlichen Bewertung von Lebensmitteln (SKLM) - Plenarsitzung
Year: 2016 - Eigenschaften und Prozessierung von Körnerleguminosen für die Human- und Tierernährung
Autoren: Schedle, K; Jäger, H
Event: 6. CAS Herbsttagung: Körnerleguminosen - wertvolle Körner für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft 2016
Year: 2016 - Wirkungsweise der «Pulsed Light» Technologie auf die mikrobiologische Stabilität und andere Qualitätsmerkmale von Lebensmitteln
Autoren: Zunabovic-Pichler, M; Heinrich, V; Petschnig, A; Ecker, B; Müller H; Jäger H; Kneifel, W
Event: Wädenswiler Lebensmitteltagung 2016 - Lebensmittelsicherheit und –qualität durch nicht-thermische Verfahren
Year: 2016 - Neue Verfahren zur Gewinnung und Haltbarmachung von Lebensmitteln
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: Tag der OÖ Lebensmittel
Year: 2016 - Esskultur und Lebensmittelverarbeitung unter Modernisierungsdruck - Risiko und Chance
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 8. Qualityaustria Lebensmittelforum 2016
Year: 2016 - The Role of Temperature in the Inactivation of Microorganisms by Pulsed Electric Fields
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Jäger, H
Event: Electroporation based Technologies and Treatments (EBTT) - International Scientific Workshop and Postgraduate Course 2016
Year: 2016 - Strategies for shelf-life prolongation of fresh-cut vegetables (1) contamination scenarios (2) process optimization
Autoren: Zunabovic, M; Lupberger, L; Ulrich, D; Schmidt, J; Tirpanalan Ö; Kneifel, W; Jäger, H;
Event: 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Fruit and Vegetable Processing
Year: 2016 - Edible insect oils for food and feed - compositional and physico-chemical properties of extracted oil from mealworm and black soldier fly larvae
Autoren: Purschke, B; Stegmann, T; Schreiner, M; Jäger, H;
Event: Insecta 2016 - International Symposium on Insects as Feed, Food and Non-Food
Year: 2016 - “Eigenschaften und Prozessierung von Körnerleguminosen für die Human- und Tierernährung”
Autoren: Schedle, K.; Jäger, H.
Event: CAS Herbsttagung 2016
Year: 2016 - Benefits and Potential Applications of Cleanroom Technology in the Food Chain
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Henzinger, M; Jäger, H
Event: 4th International ISEKI Food Conference 2016
Year: 2016 - Innovative technology options for resource efficient and high quality fruit and vegetable processing
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Fruit and Vegetable Processing 2016
Year: 2016 - Non-thermal technologies in food industry
Autoren: Jäger, H.
Event: 3rd School on Pulsed Electrical Field (PEF) Processing of Food
Year: 2016 - Aspekte der Lebensmittelsicherheit beim Einsatz neuer Technologien in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 3. LVA-TÜV AUSTRIA-HLogS Lebensmittelsicherheitstag
Year: 2016 - Scalable and flexible technologies for targeted food processing
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 4th International ISEKI Food Conference 2016
Year: 2016 - Pulsed electric fields (PEF) - Verfahrensprinzip und Anwendungskonzepte in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: Wädenswiler Lebensmitteltagung 2016 - Lebensmittelsicherheit und –qualität durch nicht-thermische Verfahren
Year: 2016 - Insekten als Proteinquelle der Zukunft
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: IIR Forum Ernährung
Year: 2016 - Insekten und ihre Inhaltsstoffe aus Sicht aktueller Ernährungstrends
Autoren: Jäger, H; Purschke, B.
Event: AGES Akademie - Insekten als Proteinquelle der Zukunft?
Year: 2016 - Homologous and heterologous stress exposure on Listeria monocytogenes induce partial tolerance to pulsed-light
Autoren: Zunabovic, M; Heinrich, V; Petschnig, A; Müller, H; Lassenberger, A; Reimhult, E; Jäger, H; Kneifel, W;
Event: 30th EFFoST International Conference 2016 - Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems
Year: 2016 - Fractionation concepts for edible insects - Extraction and characterisation of valuable fractions of mealworm larvae and migratory locust
Autoren: Purschke, B; Stegmann, T; Tanzmeister, H; Schreiner, M; Jäger, H
Event: 30th EFFoST International Conference 2016 - Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems
Year: 2016 - Prozess-Produkt-Wechselwirkungen bei der Lebensmittelverarbeitung mittels neuer Technologien
Autoren: Jäger, H; Schlüter, O; Sevenich, R
Event: GÖCH Lebensmittelchemikertage 2016 - Aspekte der Lebensmittelqualität
Year: 2016 - Optimization of Electrophoretic Methods for the Characterization of Proteins isolated from Locusta migratoria and Tenebrio molitor
Autoren: Schmidt, A; Purschke, B; Tanzmeister, H; Meinlschmidt, Jäger, H; Mayer, HK
Event: INSECTA 2016
Year: 2016 - Alternative Proteinquellen und deren Prozessierung zur Verbesserung von Qualität und Sicherheit
Autoren: Jäger, H; Meinlschmidt, P; Purschke, B
Event: 2. Lebensmittelsicherheitssymposium
Year: 2016 - Postharvest processing concepts for edible insects – wet and dry fractionation approaches for protein recovery from mealworm larvae
Autoren: Purschke, B; Mendez Sanchez, Y; Brüggen, H; Jäger, H;
Event: Insecta 2016 - International Symposium on Insects as Feed, Food and Non-Food
Year: 2016 - Zukünftige Trends der Lebensmittelverarbeitung – Technologische Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 1. Dialog Forum zur Ernährung der Zukunft 2016
Year: 2016 - Concepts to reduce waste in the processing of plant based products
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: Food Waste Recovery Workshop
Year: 2016 - Combined Heating and Homogenization of Dispersions by Application of a Novel Direct Steam Injection Nozzle Design
Autoren: Schottroff, F; Windinger, C; Maklad, J; Jäger, H
Event: 30th EFFoST International Conference 2016 - Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems
Year: 2015 - Quantification and Impact of pH-Changes during PEF Treatment
Autoren: Jäger, H; Meneses, N
Event: 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies 2015
Year: 2015 - PEF process integration in complex food applications
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies 2015
Year: 2015 - Application of high isostatic pressure and pulsed electric fields in food process engineering
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: BOKU Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik 2015
Year: 2015 - Microbial fermentation of plant raw materials affected by PEF pre-treatment
Autoren: Fauster, T; Jäger, H
Event: 29th EFFoST International Conference 2015 - Food Science Research and Innovation
Year: 2015 - Technological approaches to reduce waste in dairy processing
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: EUBIS Dairy Waste Valorisation Workshop
Year: 2015 - Pulsed electric field application in food processing - Equipment design and matrix properties
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: International Scientific Workshop and Postgraduate Course 2015 - Electroporation based Technologies and Treatments EBTT
Year: 2015 - Lebensmitteltechnologie für das Zeitalter Industrie 4.0
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: VÖLB Herbstsymposium 2015
Year: 2015 - Food Structure Design und Haltbarmachung mittels neuer Technologiekonzepte
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 4. Innovationentagung - Management, Marktforschung und Technologie für innovative Lebensmittel
Year: 2015 - Prozesskonzepte zur Gewinnung wertgebender Fraktionen aus Insekten und deren Charakterisierung im Hinblick auf die Verwendung in Lebensmitteln
Autoren: Purschke,B; Stegmann, T; Tanzmeister, H; Jäger, H;
Event: 1. Nationales Symposium zu Insekten als Nahrungs- & Futtermittel
Year: 2015 - Spray drying and fluidized bed granulation in food processing for the generation of functional particle systems
Autoren: Schmid, M; Haas, K; Petrasch, A; Jäger, H
Event: BOKU Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik 2015
Year: 2015 - Consumer acceptance of emerging technologies
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 5th MoniQA International Conference 2015 - Food and Health - Risks and Benefits
Year: 2015 - Neue Verarbeitungsverfahren – Strom, Schall, Druck & Co
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: BMG Symposium 2015 - Neue Verfahren und Techniken bei der Lebensmittelherstellung und Lebensmittelversorgung
Year: 2015 - Soja- und Getreidemilch – Hightech oder Natur?
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: ÖGE Symposium Milch und Alternativen 2015
Year: 2015 - Microbial Inactivation by Novel Food Technologies – Overcoming Challenges for the Implementation in the Food Industry of the Future
Autoren: Zunabovic, M; Heinrich, V; Scheberl, A; Lassenberger, A; Reimhult, E; Jäger, H; Kneifel, W;
Event: EFSA 2015 - Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together
Year: 2015 - Insekten in der Lebensmittelindustrie: Schädlich im Vorrat – vielversprechend in der Humanernährung
Autoren: Purschke, B; Schmidtgrabmer, W; Stegmann, T; Tanzmeister, H; Jäger, H;
Event: 18. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Vorratsschutz der Deutschen Phytomedizinischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG)
Year: 2015 - Neue Verarbeitungsverfahren für die Lebensmittelindustrie
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: ÖGE Jahrestagung 2015
Year: 2015 - Innovative Haltbarkeitsverfahren von Fleischwaren am Beispiel Hochdruckbehandlung - Keimzahlreduktion vs. wirtschaftliche Aspekte
Autoren: Zunabovic, M; Jäger, H;
Event: Technologietag Fleisch - Fleischwarenerzeugung im Trend der Zeit
Year: 2015 - Pulsed electric field application in food processing - Equipment design and matrix properties
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: International Scientific Workshop and Postgraduate Course 2015 - Electroporation based Technologies and Treatments EBTT
Year: 2015 - Process combinations - Multi-target approaches in food processing and preservation
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12)
Year: 2014 - Potential applications of pulsed electric fields (PEF) for processing and analysis of foods
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: Joint conference PROMISE and BacFoodNet - Persistent lifestyle of food-borne pathogens and its consequence
Year: 2014 - Potential of emerging technologies in food processing
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: 13th International Symposium Prospects for 3rd Millenium Agriculture 2014
Year: 2014 - Structural effects of PEF - Appliaction as pre-treatment in food drying
Autoren: Jäger, H
Event: MIPRO 2014 - 37th International Meeting - COST TD1104 Special Session