Oliver Zeman
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Oliver Zeman
Institute fo Structural Engineering
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Email oliver.zeman@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-87541
- 2019 Doctor rerum naturalium technicarum, Structural Engineering with distinction
- 2015 Head of the Accredited Testing Laboratory at the Institute for Structural Engineering
- 2012 - 2014 Deputy Head of the Accredited Testing Laboratory at the Institute for Structural Engineering
- 2012 degree of master studies with distinction
- 2007 - 2012 studies of "Structural and Environmental Engineering" at BOKU Vienna
- 2006 school leaving examination with distinction
- Year: 2020 Awards: Klaus Fischer-Innovationspreis für Technik und Umwelt für die Dissertation
- Year: 2013 Awards: Klaus Fischer-Innovationspreis für Technik und Umwelt für die Diplomarbeit
- Year: 2012 Awards: Julius-Kar-Preis - Verband der Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Studien für Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Influence of different drilling methods on the behaviour of post installed fasteners (mechanical and chemical) in uncracked and cracked concrete. .
Autoren: Schwenn, M; Zeman, O
Event: Expert Group Fixings
Year: 2021 - Load Transfer Mechanism of Concrete Screws
Autoren: Stocker, F.; Zeman, O.; Schwenn, M.; Bergmeister, K.:
Event: fib International Conference on Concrete Sustainability
Year: 2020 - Influence of different drilling methods on the behaviour of post installed mechanical fasteners in uncracked and cracked concrete
Autoren: Zeman, O; Schwenn, M
Event: Expert Group Fixings
Year: 2020 - Influence of different drilling methods on the behaviour of post installed mechanical fasteners in uncracked and cracked concrete
Autoren: Zeman, O; Schwenn, M
Event: Expert Group Fixings
Year: 2019 - Influence from Different Drilling Methods on the Bearing Capacity of Anchors
Autoren: Schwenn, M.; Zeman, O.; Bergmeister, K.:
Event: ACI 2019
Year: 2019 - Innere Standfestigkeit von Steinstützkörpern aus Naturstein
Autoren: Voit, K; Neyer, A; Zeman, O
Event: 68. Geomechanik Kolloquium 2019
Year: 2016 - Structural behavior of damaged arch bridges
Autoren: Mendlig, K.; Proske, D.; Strauss, A.; Krawtschuk, A.; Zeman, O.:
Event: 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management 2016
Year: 2015 - Fastening technologies in concrete made of tunel excavation material
Autoren: Dengg, F.; Bergmeister, K.; Zeman, O.:
Event: Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering
Year: 2014 - Integrative monitoring measurements of perforated steel sheets
Autoren: Apostolidi; E.; Bergmeister, K.; Hilber, R.; Strauss, A.; Zeman, O.; Zimmermann, T.:
Event: Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering
Year: 2014 - Laboratory Tests on a Masonry Arch Bridge Under Vertical and Horizontal Loading - Optimisation of Monitoring Concepts
Autoren: Krawtschuk, A.; Zeman, O.; Schellander, J.; Zimmermann, T.; Strauss, A.:
Event: International Masonry Conference
Year: 2013 - System identification by using influence lines based on experimental testing
Autoren: Krawtschuk, A.; Zeman, O.; Zimmermann, T.; Strauss, A.:
Event: 11th International Probabilistik Workshop 2013
Year: 2013 - Masonry arch bridges under vertical and horizontal loading and numerical modelling
Autoren: Krawtschuk, A.; Zeman, O.; Zimmermann, T.; Schellander, J.; Strauss, A.:
Event: 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium
Year: 2013 - Determination of material paraeters of historical masonry arch bridges under various loading situations, experimental testing.
Autoren: Zimmermann, T.; Krawtschuk, A.; Haider, K.; Zeman, O.:
Event: 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium
Year: 2012 - Inspection and Lifetime Assessment for Arch Bridges
Autoren: Krawtschuk, A.; Strauss, A.; Wendner, R.; Zeman, O.:
Event: 15th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference 2012
Year: 2012 - Optimised monitoring concepts for historical masonry arch bridges
Autoren: Krawtschuk, A; Zeman, O; Strauss, A; Scheidl, C; Chiari, M; Proske, D
Event: 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Engineering IALCCE 2012
Year: 2012 - Development of a finite element model for masonry arch bridges incorporating stochastic material parameters
Autoren: Krawtschuk, A.; Zimmermann, T.; Haider, K.; Strauss, A.; Zeman, O.:
Event: 10th International Probabilistic Workshop 2012