Kim Ressar
Dipl.-Ing. Kim Ressar B.Sc.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2017 Bachelor's degree Psychology, University of Vienna
- 2012 - 2020 Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning, BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- Year: 2018 Awards: Posterpreis bei der 16. Österreichischen Photovoltaik-Tagung in Krems für das Poster "Agrophotovoltaik: Ein Pilotprojekt in Wien"
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - Consequences of popularity - Improving policy for sustainable use of the Vienna Woods followng increasing conflicts caused by users
Autoren: Wanner, A; Ressar, K
Event: EcoCity World Summit 2022
Year: 2021 - Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
Autoren: Mitrofanenko, T; Muhar, A; Ressar, K; Offermans, A; Wahl, D; Ness, B; Bernert, P; Dalla Fontana, M; de Araújo Moreira, F; Marques Di Giulio, G; Malheiros, T.F.
Event: 26th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REALCORP 2021 - Cities 2050: Creating Habitats for the 3rd Millennium. Smart – Sustainable – Climate Neutral
Year: 2021 - PA3C3 - Potential analysis of agrivoltaics in Austria in the context of climate change
Autoren: Kral, I; Krexner, T; Mikovits, C; Ressar, K; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: AgriVoltaics 2021
Year: 2020 - Agrophotovoltaik in Österreich: Potentiale, sozio-ökonomische Aspekte und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen
Autoren: Schauppenlehner, T., Ressar, K., Reischl, M., Mitrofanenko, T., Muhar, A.
Event: 52. Ich tu's Energy Lunch
Year: 2018 - A CitizenScience Approach to build a knowledgebase on earth constructions in the Weinviertel region
Autoren: Schauppenlehner, T., Eder, R., Ressar, K., Feiglstorfer, H., Meingast, R., Ottner, F.
Event: Terra Education III
Year: 2018 - Kulturlandschaft im Wandel: Traditionelles Landschaftsbild, Nutzungsansprüche, Herausforderungen
Autoren: Schauppenlehner, T., Eder, R. Ressar, K.
Event: Symposium Kulturlandschaftz Kellergassen Weinviertel
Year: 2018 - Earth Construction in the Weinviertel - A Citizen Science approach
Autoren: Ressar, K; Schauppenlehner, T; Eder, R
Event: OeAD - Citizen Science ExpertInnenpanel; Projektvorstellung
Year: 2018 - Urban Living Lab: Agrophotovoltaik - Ein Pilotprojekt in Wien
Autoren: Ressar, K. Schauppenlehner, T., Muhar, A. Trummer, N., Mitrofanenko, T., Dallinger, A.
Event: 16. Österreichische Photovoltaik Tagung 2018