Lukas Wagner
Lukas Wagner Bakk.techn.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
classifications according to Statistics Austria
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2021 - Climte Games in the City of Vienna
Autoren: Elomina, J., Giurca, A., Hofbauer, H., Nash, S., Toth, K., Wagner, L., Pülzl, H.
Event: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie
Year: 2021 - Climate Games in the City of Vienna
Autoren: Elomina, J.; Giurca, A.; Hofbauer, H.; Nash, S.; Toth, K.; Wagner, L.; Pülzl, H.
Event: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie