Michael Hofstätter
Mag.rer.nat. Michael Hofstätter
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
classifications according to Statistics Austria
- 2005 - 2006 Operational meteorologists at the Meteomedia Group Vienna
- 2003 - 2005 Vienna International Airport
- 2003 - 2008 Master of Science in Atmospheric Physics
- 1997 - 2003 customer service representative at "Erste Bank AG - Schubertring"
- 1996 - 1997 forest official in the "Nationalpark Donau-Auen"
- 1995 - 1996 militäry service - staff paramedic
0 Projects found.
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2019 - reclip:convex – Research for Climate Protection: Valueadding Convection-Permitting Climate Simulations Austria
Autoren: Anders, I; Truhetz, H; Bevacqua, E; Züger, J; Loibl, W; Leidinger, D; Formayer, H; Wind, M; Hofstätter, M; Haslinger, K; Awan, N
Event: 20. Österreichischer Klimatag 2019 - Facetten der Österreichischen Klimaforschung
Year: 2008 - Beschneibarkeit und Schneesicherheit in einem sich ändernden Klima
Autoren: Hofstätter, M.,
Event: 10. Österreichischer Klimatag 2008 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2007 - Analysis and High-Resolution Modelling in the Alps (Precipitation, Snow Cover, Air Quality)
Autoren: Seibert, Petra
Event: GCRN_EM Networking Meeting
Year: 2007 - "A subdaily model to intestigate the time for artificial snowmaking"
Autoren: Hofstätter, M.
Event: 29th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology ICAM 2007