Romy-Sophie Katz
Romy-Sophie Katz
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2018 - Substrate Specificity and Solution Structure of Truncated Human Peroxidasin 1
Autoren: Sevcnikar, B; Paumann-Page, M; Katz, R-S; Soudi, M; Furtmüller, PG; Obinger, C
Event: Tenth International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-10)
Year: 2017 - Pre-steady-state kinetics reveal the substrate specifity and mechanism of halide oxidation of turncated human peroxidasin
Autoren: Paumann-Page, M; Katz, R.-S; Bellei, M; Schwartz, I; Edenhofer, E; Sevcnikar, B; Soudi, M; Hofbauer, S; Battistuzzi, G; Furtmüller, P.G; and Obinger, C;
Event: 10th International Human Peroxidase Meeting - Breckenridge 2017
Year: 2017 - Substrate specificity and SAXS-derived structural data of human peroxidasin 1
Autoren: Sevcnikar, B; Paumann-Page, M; Tscheliessnig, R; Katz, R.-S; Soudi, M; Furtmüller P.G; and Obinger, C;
Event: 10th International Human Peroxidase Meeting - Breckenridge 2017
Year: 2015 - Multidomain human peroxidasin 1
Autoren: Paumann-Page, M; Soudi, M; Katz, R.-S; Furtmüller, P.G; Obinger, C
Event: 9th International Human Peroxidase Meeting 2015
Year: 2015 - Biochemical characterization and structural aspects of recombinant human peroxidasin 1 and truncated variants
Autoren: Katz, R.-S; Paumann-Page, M; Soudi, M; Furtmüller, P.G; Obinger, C.
Event: 9th International Human Peroxidase Meeting 2015