Theresa Krexner
Dipl.-Ing. Theresa Krexner
Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-93137
Research Focus
Life Cycle Assessment, Agrivoltaics, Sustainability Assessment
- 2021 Doctoral programme in Agriculture; Title: "Life cycle assessment (LCA) of innovative agricultural systems with a focus on multi-output processes"
- 2017 - 2020 Master programme "Material and Energetic Exploitation of Renewable Raw Materials (NAWARO)" at the BOKU
- 2013 - 2017 Bachelor programme "Environment and Bioresources Management" at the BOKU
- Year: 2023 Awards: 3. Platz beim Posterpreis des 23. Österreichischen Klimatags mit dem Poster "Vergleichende Ökobilanz eines aufgeständerten und eines vertikal bifazialen Agri-Photovoltaik-Systems"
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Agri-Photovoltaik in Österreich im Kontext des Klimawandels (PA³C³) (Poster)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Mikovits, C; Kral, I; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Bauer, A
Event: 24. Österreichischer Klimatag 2024
Period: 02.04.2024 - 04.04.2024 | Location: Wien | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
Climate Change Centre Austria | Organizer:
CCCA - Climate Change Center Austria | Organizer:
Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA) | Organizer:
TU Wien
Year: 2024 - Comparison of Different End-of-Life Modelling Approaches for an Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Agrivoltaic Systems in Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Kral, I
Event: 34th Annual Meeting SETAC Europe 2024
Period: 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024 | Location: Sevilla | Location: Sevilla, Spanien | Organizer:
SETAC Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | Organizer:
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Year: 2024 - Vergleichende Ökobilanz von Grünstrukturen und - flächen in Wien (Poster)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Bauer, A; Obriejetan, M
Event: 24. Österreichischer Klimatag 2024
Period: 02.04.2024 - 04.04.2024 | Location: Wien | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
Climate Change Centre Austria | Organizer:
CCCA - Climate Change Center Austria | Organizer:
Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA) | Organizer:
TU Wien
Year: 2024 - From Parks to Banks: Aligning Nature-Based Urban Green Space Assessment with Erosion Protection Goals (Poster)
Autoren: Obriejetan, M; Krexner, T
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Period: 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union EGU | Organizer:
European Geoscience Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2024 - Energiewende als biodiversitätsförderndes landwirtschaftliches Wertschöpfungsmodell - Ökosystem Agriphotovoltaik (Poster)
Autoren: Krexner, T; König, M; Obriejetan, M; Fölser, M; Loder, B; Bauer, A
Event: Österreichische Fachtagung für Photovoltaik und Stromspeicherung 2024
Period: 26.11.2024 - 27.11.2024 | Location: Rennweg 16, 1030 Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
Bundesverband Photovoltaic Austria | Organizer:
Österreichische Technologieplattform Photovoltaik
Year: 2023 - Potenzialanalyse der Agri-PV in Österreich im Kontext des Klimawandels - Schwerpunkt Potential und Ökobilanz (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Bauer, A
Event: Expert*innen Tagung: Bodenschutz bei Photovoltaik Freiflächenanlagen
Period: 20.06.2023 - 21.06.2023 | Location: Graz, AUSTRIA
Year: 2023 - Potentialanalyse der Agri-Photovoltaik in Österreich im Kontext des Klimawandels (PA³C³) (Poster)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid E; Bauer, A
Event: Fachveranstaltung der Klima- und Energie-ModellregionsmanagerInnen
Period: 03.10.2023 | Location: Weiz, AUSTRIA
Year: 2023 - Part 1: Potential Analysis of Agrivoltaics in Austria in the Context of Climate Change; Part 2: Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agrivoltaic System (Vortrag)
Autoren: Bauer, A; Krexner, T; Kral, I
Event: Agrivoltaics Lecture Series des Fraunhofer ISE
Period: 02.03.2023 | Location: Online
Year: 2023 - Vergleichende Ökobilanz eines aufgeständerten und eines vertikal bifazialen Agri-Photovoltaik-Systems (Poster)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
Event: 23. Klimattag 2023 - Ressourcen im Wandel
Period: 11.04.2023 - 13.04.2023 | Location: Leoben, Austria
Year: 2023 - Potential Analysis of Agrivoltaics in Austria in the Context of Climate Change (PA³C³) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: AgriVoltaics 2023
Period: 12.04.2023 - 14.04.2023 | Location: Online
Year: 2023 - Combined simulation of electricity and crop outputs of AgriVoltaic Systems (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mikovits, C; Krexner, T; Kral, I; Bauer, A; Schauppenlehner, T; Schönhart, M; Schmid, E; Schmidt, J
Event: Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)
Period: 24.09.2023 - 29.09.2023 | Location: Dubrovnik, Kroatien
Year: 2022 - Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agri-Photovoltaic System (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Gronauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Kral, I
Event: CASEE Conference 2022
Period: 22.06.2022 - 24.06.2022 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2022 - Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agri-Photovoltaic System (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Gronauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Kral, I
Event: AgriVoltaics 2022
Period: 15.06.2022 - 17.06.2022 | Location: Piacenza, Italy
Year: 2022 - Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Precision Agriculture Technologies – A Case Study of Crop Production in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Medel-Jiménez, F; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A; Krexner, T; Kral, I;
Event: EcoBalance 2022
Period: 30.10.2022 - 02.11.2022 | Location: Fukuoka, Japan
Year: 2022 - Energy production simulation of Agrivolatic Systems (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mikovits, Christian; Krexner, Theresa; Kral, Iris; Bauer, Alexander; Schauppenlehner, Thomas; Schönhart, Martin; Schmid, Erwin; Schmidt, Johannes
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Period: 23.05.2022 - 27.05.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Agrivoltaics - Definition, State of the Art and Opportunities for the Future of Agriculture (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Bauer, A
Event: Österreichische Energieagentur - Austrian Energy Agency
Period: 28.06.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - DiLaAg - digitalisation and innovation laboratory in agricultural sciences (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pichlbauer, B; Chapa-Gonzalez, J M; Purcell, W; Mallinger, K; Koppensteiner, L;Kitzler, F; Pejakovic, V; Medel-Jimenez, F J; Krexner, T; Iwersen, M; Neubauer, T; Neugschwandtner, R; Bauer, A; Kral, I; Motsch, V; Korth, F; Drillich, M; Rauber, A; Tjoa, A M; Kaul, H-P; Gronauer, A
Event: 10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming 2022
Period: 29.08.2022 - 01.09.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agri-Photovoltaic System (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
Event: SETAC Europe 25th LCA Symposium
Period: 12.10.2022 - 14.10.2022 | Location: Online, Unknown
Year: 2021 - Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Nano-cellulose and Biogas Production from Elephant Manure (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Weiland, K; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
Event: 16th SDEWES Conference 2021
Period: 10.10.2021 - 15.10.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - PA3C3 - Potential analysis of agrivoltaics in Austria in the context of climate change (Poster)
Autoren: Kral, I; Krexner, T; Mikovits, C; Ressar, K; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: AgriVoltaics 2021
Period: 14.06.2021 - 16.06.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Environmental life cycle assessment of variable rate nitrogen application using a ground-based optical crop sensor (Poster)
Autoren: Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Neugschwandtner, R; Krexner, T; Kral, I
Event: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2021
Period: 05.09.2021 - 08.09.2021 | Location: Stuttgart, Germany | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Life cycle assessment of biogas and nano-cellulose production from manure: A solution proposal to upcycle shite (Vortrag)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Gronauer, A; Kral, I; Bauer, A
Event: 19. BOKU CAS Semestertouchdown 2021
Period: 15.01.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Life Cycle Assessment of an agrivoltaic test facility in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kral, I; Dreyer, M; Krexner, T; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Event: AgriVoltaics 2021
Period: 14.06.2021 - 16.06.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Life Cycle Assessment of Fertilization - Precision Soil Modeling Combined with Precision Agriculture (Vortrag)
Autoren: Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Neugschwandtner, R; Krexner, T; Kral, I;
Event: 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry
Period: 03.11.2021 - 05.11.2021 | Location: Bolzano, Italy
Year: 2021 - Environmental life cycle assessment of variable rate nitrogen application using a ground-based optical crop sensor (Poster)
Autoren: Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Neugschwandtner, R; Krexner, T; Kral, I
Event: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2021
Period: 05.09.2021 - 08.09.2021 | Location: Stuttgart, Germany | Location: Online