Application potential of brick recycling material in agriculture
In the course of climate change, the framework conditions for agricultural production will change significantly. The ability of the soil to absorb water quickly and efficiently on the one hand and to store as much water as possible in a plant-available form on the other are prerequisites for maintaining agricultural production potential, even under changing climate conditions. The ClimZIEGEL project deals with the application of recycled brick sand in agriculture as a climate change adaptation measure. Under aspects of a circular economy, the ClimZIEGEL project is investigating how valuable soil and water resources can be protected and effectively used by introducing recycled brick sand into the agricultural production cycle. In the first phase, micro- and mesoscale laboratory and field tests will be carried out on the water storage capacity of soil-brick mixtures and their interaction with plants. The results will subsequently (phase 2) be used for the planning and implementation of a field trial on a macro scale. Plant condition and growth will be observed dynamically over an annual cycle and will be the basis for regional modelling with regard to soil water balance, microclimatic effects, erosion control and life cycle assessment. The project results are summarised in the form of an integral assessment and recommendations for action for Lower Austria are derived from it.
- agricultural meteorology
- viniculture
- circular economy
- soil and water Bioengineering
- brick recycling
- soil water balance
Project staff
Johann Peter Rauch
Assoc. Prof. Priv.Doz.DI Dr.nat.techn. Johann Peter Rauch
Tel: +43 1 47654-87404
Project Leader
15.10.2022 - 31.12.2024
Stephan Hörbinger
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Stephan Hörbinger
Tel: +43 1 47654-87415
Project Staff
15.10.2022 - 31.12.2024
BOKU partners
External partners
HENGL Mineral GmbH
Federal College and Institute for Viticulture and Pomology Klosterneuburg