Molecular characterisation and identification of endophytic and parasitic fungi from grape vine.
Molecular methods of DNA sequence analysis were used to investigate two points: first to identify fungal isolates from grapevine and second to determine the phylogenetic positions of these microorganisms. Using partial sequences of the 18S rRNA gene and the 26S rRNA gene yeast isolates have been identified unambigously, with filoamentous fungi on the other hand, lack of sequences in the GenBank leads sometimes to unclear results. The phylogenetic tree based on complete 18S rDNA sequences of the division Ascomycota comprises three distinct classes, the Hemiascomycetes, the Protomycetes and the Euascomycetes. Similarly the phylogenetic tree of the division Basidiomycota is tripartite and includes the Urediniomycetes, the Ustilaginomycetes and the Hymenomycetes. The phylogenetic tree clusters all endophytic filamentous fungi from grapevine isolated so far in different orders of the Euascomycetes. All endophytic yeast isolates belong either to the Urediniomycetes (Rhodotorula glutinis, Sporobolomyces spec. nov.) or to the Hymenomycetes (Cystofilobasidium macerans, syn. Cryptococcus macerans). The phylogenetic trees of the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota give an overview about presently accepted natural orders of the higher fungi. In contrast to endophytes of grasses the fungi colonizing grapevine wood show a very remarkable biodiversity of phylogenetically different species.
- yeast
- mycel fungi
- phylogeny
- Ascomycota
- Basidomycota
Project staff
Hansjörg Prillinger
Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.rer.nat. Hansjörg Prillinger
Project Leader
01.01.1996 - 15.12.1998
BOKU partners
External partners
HBLVA und BA für Wein- und Obstbau