Monika Cserjan
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Monika Cserjan
Institut für Bioverfahrenstechnik
Standort Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-79096
- 2020 Key Researcher für Bioverfahrenstechnik und Projektleiterin, ACIB Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology
- 2016 Senior Scientist, CD-Labor zur Produktion neuartiger Biopharmazeutika in E. coli, Department für Biotechnologie, BOKU Wien
- 2010 Senior Scientist, Department für Biotechnologie, BOKU Wien
- 2010 Stellvertretende Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe Fermentationstechnologie, Department für Biotechnologie, BOKU Wien
- 2010 - 2019 Senior Scientist und Projektmanager, ACIB Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology
- 2002 - 2009 Senior Scientist, ACIB Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology
- 1998 Promotion zum Dr. der Biotechnologie, BOKU Wien
- 1998 - 2001 PostDoc, ACBT Austrian Centre of Biopharmaceutical Technology
- 1994 - 1998 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Angewandte Mikrobiologie, BOKU Wien
- 1993 Sponsion zum Dipl. Ing. der Lebensmittel und Biotechnologie, BOKU Wien
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2024 - Polyethyleneimine efficiently extracts recombinant cytoplasmatic green fluorescent protein produced in Escherichia coli with high purity
Autoren: Jurjevec, A.; Brocard, C.; Striedner, G.; Cserjan-Puschmann, M.; Hahn, R.
Veranstaltung: International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides 2023
Jahr: 2024 - Modifications of the 5’ region of the CASPONTM tag’s mRNA further enhance soluble recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Köppl, C; Buchinger, W; Striedner, G; Cserjan-Puschmann, M
Veranstaltung: European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology 2024
Jahr: 2023 - Purification of recombinantly produced Somatostatin-28 comparing hydrochloric acid and polyethylenimine as E. coli extraction aids
Autoren: Müller M; Gibisch M; Brocard C; Cserjan-Puschmann M; Hahn R
Veranstaltung: 42nd International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides 2023
Jahr: 2023 - CASPON technology – a platform process for non-platform proteins using Escherichia coli
Autoren: Köppl, C; Cserjan-Puschman, M; Lingg, N; Fischer, A; Kröß, C; Schneider, R; Jungbauer, A: Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: High Throughput Screening & Process Development – how small can we get?
Jahr: 2023 - CASPON technology – a platform process for non-platform proteins using Escherichia coli
Autoren: Köppl, C; Cserjan-Puschman, M; Lingg, N; Fischer, A; Kröß, C; Schneider, R; Jungbauer, A: Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: 11th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production 2023
Jahr: 2023 - CRISPRactivation-SMS, a message for PAM sequence independent gene up-regulation in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Marco Klanschnig, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Gerald Striedner, Reingard Grabherr
Veranstaltung: Retreat UC Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB); Division of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology (BBS)
Jahr: 2023 - Recombinant protein production in E. coli - continuous vs. batch production
Autoren: Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: 4th Global Bioprocessing, Bioanalytics and ATMP Manufacturing Congress
Jahr: 2023 - Multicomponent Adsorption as a Hindrance of Fab Fragment Purification
Autoren: Jurjevec, A; Brocard, C; Striedner, G; Cserjan-Puschman, M; Hahn, R
Veranstaltung: Bioprocessing Summit Europe 2023
Jahr: 2023 - Extracellular peptide production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Gibisch, M; Müller, M; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Hahn, R; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: ECAB/ECCE
Jahr: 2023 - Extracellular recombinant peptide production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Martin Gibisch, Matthias Müller, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Rainer Hahn, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: Himmelfahrtstagung 2023
Jahr: 2023 - Purification of recombinantly produced Somatostatin 28 comparing hydrochloric acid and polyethylenimine as E. coli extraction aids
Autoren: Müller, M; Gibisch, M; Brocard, Cecile; Cserjan-Puschmann, Monika; Hahn Rainer
Veranstaltung: 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology 2023
Jahr: 2023 - Recombinant protein production in E. coli continuous vs. batch production
Autoren: Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: 4th Global Bioprocessing, Bioanalytics and ATMP Manufacturing Congress
Jahr: 2023 - CASPON - a platform process for non-platform proteins
Autoren: Lingg, N; Elsner, D
Veranstaltung: 42nd International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides 2023
Jahr: 2023 - CASPON technology – a platform process for non-platform proteins using Escherichia coli
Autoren: Köppl, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Lingg, N; Fischer, A; Kröß, C; Schneider, R; Jungbauer, A; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: Bioprocessing Summit Europe 2023
Jahr: 2023 - CASPON technology – a platform process for non-platform proteins using Escherichia coli
Autoren: Köppl, C; Gibisch, M; Cserjan-Puschman, M; Lingg, N; Fischer, A; Kröß, C; Schneider, R; Jungbauer, A: Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering
Jahr: 2023 - Extracellular peptide production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Gibisch, M; Müller, M; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Hahn, R; Striedner, R
Veranstaltung: 11th Recombinant Protein Production 2023
Jahr: 2023 - Platform Processes for Non-mAb Proteins
Autoren: Lingg, N; Köppl, C; Kröß, C; Schneider, R; Cserjan-Puschmann; Jungbauer, A
Veranstaltung: 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology
Jahr: 2022 - Monitoring the stability and function of non-canonical amino acid incorporated antibody fragments produced in a plasmid-based E. coli expression system
Autoren: Hana Hanaee-Ahvaz, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Christopher Tauer, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: 13th ESBES Symposium 2022 - (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development
Jahr: 2022 - mbDOE development of optimized fed-batch cultivation for the production of PET degrading enzymes in E. coli
Autoren: Fohler, L.; Striedner, G.; Cserjan, M.
Veranstaltung: 6th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe ASBE 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Adjusting membrane permeability for extracellular peptide production in growing Escherichia coli
Autoren: Martin Gibisch, Matthias Müller, Christopher Tauer, Hugo Franca, Rainer Hahn, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: Biopartioning and purification
Jahr: 2022 - Combinatorial Fusion TAG yields powerful platform process for the production of pharmaceutically relevant proteins,
Autoren: Koppl, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Lingg, N; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 2nd Microbial Engineering ECI 2022
Jahr: 2022 - CRISPRactivation-SMS, a message for PAM sequence independent gene up-regulation in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Marco Klanschnig, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Gerald Striedner, Reingard Grabherr
Veranstaltung: 5th International Conference on CRISPR Technologies
Jahr: 2022 - Bacteriophage derived expression enhancing tag yields powerful platform process for the production of recombinant fusion proteins
Autoren: Köppl, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Lingg, N; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 2nd Edition of Euro-Global Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Jahr: 2022 - CASPON technology – a platform process for non-platform proteins using Escherichia coli
Autoren: Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Köppl, C; Lingg, N; Fischer A; Kröß, C; Schneider, R; Jungbauer, A; Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: 13th ESBES Symposium 2022 - (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development
Jahr: 2022 - CRISPRactivation-SMS, a message for PAM sequence independent gene up-regulation in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Marco Klanschnig, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Gerald Striedner, Reingard Grabherr
Veranstaltung: Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers
Jahr: 2022 - Targeted evolution for continuous production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: S. Gutmann, M. Cserjan-Puschmann , M. Wagenknecht, R. Grabherr, G. Striedner
Veranstaltung: 6th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe ASBE 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Integrated processing meets scale-down
Autoren: Mayer, F; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Sam, C; Soos, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering – Future Bioprocesses for a Sustainable Industry
Jahr: 2022 - Multicomponent adsorption as hindrance of Fab purification
Autoren: Jurjevec, A; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Brocard, C; Striedner, G; Hahn, R
Veranstaltung: Biopartitioning and Purification Conference BPP 2022
Jahr: 2022 - mbDOE for development of optimized fed-batch cultivation for the production of PET degrading enzymes in E. coli
Autoren: Fohler, L.; Striedner, G.; Cserjan, M.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Microbial Engineering ECI 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Extraction and pruification of recombinantly produced disulfide bond containing peptides
Autoren: Müller, M; Gibisch, M; Brocard, C; Cserjan, M; Hahn, R
Veranstaltung: Biopartitioning and Purification Conference BPP 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Bacteriophage derived expression enhancing tag yields powerful platform process for the production of recombinant fusion proteins
Autoren: Köppl, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Lingg, N; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology ESIB & Pichia & 11th International Conference onf Fiber & Polymer Biotechnology IFPB 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Bacteriophage derived expression enhancing tag yields powerful platform process for the production of recombinant fusion proteins
Autoren: Köppl, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Lingg, N; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: Microbial Engineering II
Jahr: 2022 - Scale-down of high cell density Fab production in E.coli
Autoren: Mayer, F; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Sam, C; Soos, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 7th BioProScale Symposium 2022
Jahr: 2021 - Scale-down of high cell density Fab production in E.coli
Autoren: Mayer, F; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Sam, C; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 13th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences ESBES 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Production of premium SARS-CoV2 Antigens -An ultrafast process development approach
Autoren: Striedner, G; Lingg, Nico; Cserjan, Monika;
Veranstaltung: Bioprocessing Summit Boston 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Incorporation of noncanonical amino acids into hard-to-express antibody fragments: expression and characterization
Autoren: Hana Hanaee-Ahvaz, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Christopher Tauer, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: ECCE-ECAB 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Scale-down of high cell density Fab production in E.coli
Autoren: Mayer, F; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Sam, C; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 6th BioProScale Symposium 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Effects of Fab expression in E. coli on up- and downstream processing relevant parameters
Autoren: Mathias Fink; Monika Cserjan; Daniela Reinisch; Cécile Brocard; Rainer Hahn; Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: 13th ECCE and 6th ECAB
Jahr: 2021 - Production of Premium Quality SARS-CoV2 Antigens – An Ultra-fast Process Development Approach
Autoren: Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: Bioprocessing Summit Europe 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Fed-batch like microtiter cultivations as high-throughput screening tool for E. coli production process development
Autoren: Fink, M; Cserjan, M; Reinisch, D; Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: 6th BioProScale Symposium 2021
Jahr: 2020 - Aberrant ribosome stalling upon recombinant protein production: E. coli host strains activate different quality control systems
Autoren: Sophie Vazulka, Mathias Fink, Martin Wagenknecht, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: Microbial Stress 2020
Jahr: 2019 - Production of antibody fragments with plasmid-based and genome integrated T7 E. coli expression systems - evaluation of systems performance in microtiter fed-batch like cultivations
Autoren: Vazulka, S; Fink, M; Jarmer, J; Cserjan, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 257th National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2019
Jahr: 2019 - 3-D Chromatography For Fab Fragment Purification
Autoren: Kubek, M; Fink, M; Schimek, C; Brocard, C; Striedner, G; Cserjan, M; Hahn, R
Veranstaltung: 32st PREP Symposium 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Innovation without growth - Growth-decoupled recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Patrick Stargardt, Lukas Feuchtenhofer, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Juergen Mairhofer, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: RPP 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Bioprocess control: Deeper insights into LacI autoregulation and how to exploit it
Autoren: Schuller, A; Cserjan, M; Jarmer, J; Wagenknecht, M; Reinisch, D; Grabherr, R; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 257th National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Production of antibody fragments in plasmid-based and genome-integrated T7-based E. coli expression systems in microbioreactor cultivations
Autoren: Vazulka S., Fink M., Jarmer J., Cserjan M., Striedner G.
Veranstaltung: 257th National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Bioprocess control: Deeper insights into LacI autoregulation and how to exploit it
Autoren: Schuller, A; Cserjan, M; Jarmer, J; Wagenknecht, M; Reinisch, D; Grabherr, R; Striedner; G
Veranstaltung: RPP10 - 10th International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production
Jahr: 2019 - Aptitude of a micro-bioreactor as high throughput screening platform for Escherichia coli cultivation process development
Autoren: Mathias Fink , Monika Cserjan, Johanna Jarmer, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: ECCE12 & ECAB5 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Bioprocess control: Deeper insights into LacI autoregulation and how to exploit it
Autoren: Schuller, A; Cserjan, M; Jarmer, J; Wagenknecht, M; Reinisch, D; Grabherr, R; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 257th National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2019
Jahr: 2018 - Production of antibody-fragments with plasmid-based and genome-integrated T7 E.coli expression systems - evaluation of systems performance in microtiter fed-batch-like cultivations.
Autoren: Fink,M; Vazulka, S; Jarmer, J; Cserjan, M; Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: European Congress on Biotechnology ECB 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Genome integrated expression systems - versatile tools to answer fundamentals in recombinant protein production with E. coli
Autoren: Schuller, A; Cserjan, M; Jarmer, J; Wagenknecht, M; Reinisch, D; Grabherr, R; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting & Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Production of antibody fragments in plasmid-based and genome-integrated T7-based E. coli expression systems in microbioreactor cultivations
Autoren: Vazulka S., Fink M., Jarmer J., Cserjan M., Striedner G.
Veranstaltung: Applied Microbiology
Jahr: 2018 - Production of antibody fragments with plasmid-based and genome integrated T7 E.coli expression systems - evaluation of systems performance in microtiter fed-batch like cultivations.
Autoren: Mathias Fink, Sophie Vazulka, Johanna Jarmer, Monika Cserjan, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: European Summit on Biochemical Engineering Sciences ESBES 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Production of antibody fragments with plasmid-based and genome integrated T7 E.coli expression systems - evaluation of systems performance in microtiter fed-batch like cultivations
Autoren: Cserjan, M; Fink, M; Vazulka, S; Egger, E; Tauer, C; Jarmer, J; Striedner, G;
Veranstaltung: European Biotechnology Congress 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Growth-decoupled recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli as a platform for lipid rafts
Autoren: Patrick Stargardt, Lukas Feuchtenhofer, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Juergen Mairhofer, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: Rafts4Biotech 1st Symposium on Lipid Membrane Eukaryotic & Prokaryotic Biology Symposium
Jahr: 2018 - Genome integrated expression systems - versatile tools to answer fundamentals in recombinant protein production with E. coli.
Autoren: Schuller, A; Cserjan, M; Grabherr, R; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 12th Symposium of the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES2018)
Jahr: 2017 - Process engineering aspects for growth-decoupled recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Juergen Mairhofer, Patrick Stargardt, Lukas Feuchtenhofer, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: European Congress of Applied Biotechnology ECAB 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Evaluation of a host RNAP specific promoter for recombinant production of antibody fragments in E. coli
Autoren: Schuller, A; Cserjan, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 9th International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP9 2017
Jahr: 2015 - High throughput mini-biorector system for efficient development of recombinant protein production processes in E. coli
Autoren: M. Cserjan, C. Török and G. Striedner,
Veranstaltung: 8th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP8 2015
Jahr: 2013 - Online Prediction of Biomass and Product Yield for Recombinant Protein Production in Escherichia Coli Expression Systems
Autoren: Melcher, M; Scharl, T; Spangl, B; Luchner, M; Cserjan, M; Striedner, G; Leisch, F
Veranstaltung: ACIB Science Days 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Up-scaling from a micro- to a lanscale bioreactor by applying the fed-batch mode at both scales
Autoren: Török, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: Bioprocess Minaturisation
Jahr: 2013 - Evaluation of three industrial Escherichia coli strains in fed-batch cultivations during high-level protein production
Autoren: Marisch, K; Bayer, K; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Luchner, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 9th European Conference Chemical Engineering & 2nd European Conference in Applied Biotechnology ECAB 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Enzymatically driven glucose release for fed batch like cultivation of Escherichia coli in microtiterplates
Autoren: Török, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 7th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP7 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Small Changes, big difference - How a synthetic T7 transcriptional termination signal can improve bioprocess performance.
Autoren: Mairhofer, J; Wittwer, A; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 2nd Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe
Jahr: 2013 - Fedbatch-like cultivation in microtitre plates using the Biolector technology: Evaluation of reproducibility and transferability of results to larger scales
Autoren: Török, C; Cserjan, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: Cell Line Development and Engineering 2013
Jahr: 2012 - HTP mini-bioreactor system: screening platform for industrial recombinant protein production processes in E. coli
Autoren: M. Cserjan, , C. Török, M. Luchner, J. Mairhofer, G. Striedner
Veranstaltung: 9th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering ScienceESBES and 32nd International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides ISPPP 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Recombinant protein production with E. coli – Host and process design already be done or still under progress?
Autoren: Luchner, M; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Maierhofer, J; Bayer, K; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: BioProduction 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Recombinant protein production with E. coli – Host and process design already be done or still under progress?
Autoren: Luchner, M; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Maierhofer, J; Bayer, K; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 15th International Biotechnology Symposium IBS 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Extracellular peptide production in Escherichia coli
Autoren: Martin Gibisch, Matthias Müller, Christopher Tauer, Rainer Hahn, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: Bioprocessing Summit Europe 2023
Jahr: 2012 - Recombinant protein production with E. coli: implementation of an inducer feed control loop based on realtime predicted biomass
Autoren: F. Strobl, M. Luchner, M. Cserjan, K. Bayer and G. Striedner
Veranstaltung: Advances in Process Analytics and Control Technology APACT 12 2012
Jahr: 2012 - On-line prediction of soluble and insoluble recombinant protein and further key variables as quality criteria in E. coli bioprocesses
Autoren: Luchner, M; Cserjan, M; Strobl, F; Bayer, K; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 9th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering ScienceESBES and 32nd International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides ISPPP 2012
Jahr: 2012 - High throughput cultivation of Escherichia coli in host strains 2nd BioProScale Symposium "Inhomogeneities in large-scale bioprocesses: System biology and process dynamics", 14.3.2012 - 16.3.2012, Berlin, Germany
Autoren: C. Török, M. Cserjan-Puschmann, G. Striedner
Veranstaltung: 2nd BioProScale Symposium 2012 - Inhomogeneities in large-scale bioprocesses: System biology and process dynamics
Jahr: 2012 - High throughput cultivation of Escherichia coli in host strains
Autoren: C. Török, M. Cserjan-Puschmann, G. Striedner
Veranstaltung: International Conferences on Microreaction Technology-IMRET12 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Small scale fed batch cultivation of Escherichia coli: Carbon limited growth in microtiter plates
Autoren: Török, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Striedner, G
Veranstaltung: 3rd Annual Miniaturisation Event 2012 – Micro Scale Bioprocess Development
Jahr: 2012 - Impact of Different Induction Levels on Inclusion Body (IB) Formation Kinetics in recombinant E. coli Fed Batch Cultivations
Autoren: F. Strobl, M. Cserjan, M. Luchner, K. Marisch, K. Bayer and G. Striedner
Veranstaltung: 2nd BioProScale Symposium 2012 - Inhomogeneities in large-scale bioprocesses: System biology and process dynamics
Jahr: 2012 - Recombinant gene expression in Escherichia coli - Implementation of an inducer feed control loop based on on-line predicted cell dry mass
Autoren: M. Luchner, M. Cserjan, F. Strobl, K. Bayer and G. Striedner
Veranstaltung: PepCon 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Recombinant protein production with E. coli host and process design already be done or still under progress?
Autoren: G. Striedner, M. Luchner, M. CserjanJ. Mairhofer, K. Bayer
Veranstaltung: 9th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering ScienceESBES and 32nd International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides ISPPP 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Marker‐free plasmids for gene therapeutic applications – A synthetic biology approach to prevent the usage of antibiotics.
Autoren: Mairhofer J., Cserjan-Puschmann M., Striedner G., Grabherr R.:
Veranstaltung: Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe 2012
Jahr: 2011 - "Fed-batch" like cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli in microtiter plates
Autoren: Török C., Cserjan M., Striedner G.
Veranstaltung: 3rd ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Model based inducer feed control for repressor titration in recombinant protein expression of E. coli
Autoren: Markus Luchner, Monika Cserjan, Florian Strobl, Karl Bayer and Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: 6th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP6 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Impact of different induction levels on Inclusion Body (IB) formation kinetics in recombinant E. coli fed batch cultivations
Autoren: Cserjan M., Strobl F., Luchner M., Marisch K., Bayer K. and Striedner G.
Veranstaltung: 1st European Congress on Applied Biotechnology ECAP 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Host cell response to recombinant gene expression in E. coli based expression systems
Autoren: Striedner G., Bayer K., Cserjan M., Mairhofer J., Scharl T., Marisch K., Luchner M.: , International Workshop on Biological Products and Bioprocesses, Varadero, Cuba, 26.06.2011 - 30.06.2011
Veranstaltung: International Workshop on Biological Products and Bioprocesses 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Integrated approach for the advanced characterization and improvement of T7-based Escherichia coli expression systems for recombinant protein production
Autoren: Mairhofer J., Cserjan-Puschmann M., Smolar E., Grabherr R, Bayer K., Striedner G.
Veranstaltung: 5th International Meeting on Synthetic Biology 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Impact of induction strategies on recombinant E.-coli bioprocesses
Autoren: Strobl F., Cserjan M., Luchner M., Marisch K., Striedner G.
Veranstaltung: 6th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production RPP6 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Recombinant gene expression in E. coli - Implementation of an inducer feed control loop based on on-line prediction of cell dry mass
Autoren: Markus Luchner, Monika Cserjan, Michael Riepler, Florian Strobl, Karl Bayer and Gerald Striedner
Veranstaltung: 1st European Congress on Applied Biotechnology ECAP 2011
Jahr: 2010 - An integrated systems approachfor recombinant microbial bioprocess development
Autoren: Cserjan, Monika
Veranstaltung: 3rd Annual Protein and Peptide Conference PepCon 2010
Jahr: 2010 - Tuning and control of recombinant gene expression for optimal exploitation of cellular capacities
Autoren: G. Striedner, M. Luchner , M. Cserjan, and K.Bayer
Veranstaltung: FORSYS / JCB - International Workshop: Systems Biology for Industry: Dynamics and Regulation of the Metabolic Balance in Escherichia coli
Jahr: 2010 - Plasmid-free T7-based Escherichia Coli Expression Systems-a Robust and Efficient Alternative for Recombinant Protein Production
Autoren: G. Striedner, I. Pfaffenzeller, M. Luchner , M. Cserjan, R. Grabherr and K.Bayer
Veranstaltung: 3rd Annual Protein and Peptide Conference PepCon 2010
Jahr: 2010 - Application of multiple in- and on-line sensor devices combined with MVDA for advanced bioprocess monitoring as a supporting tool for the FDA´s PAT initiative
Autoren: Markus Luchner, Monika Cserjan, Gerald Striedner , Florian Strobl and Karl Bayer
Veranstaltung: 2nd ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2010
Jahr: 2009 - Application of transcriptome and proteome analysis for comparative evaluation of industrial E. coli production strains
Autoren: Karoline Marisch, Norbert Auer, Monika Cserjan, Markus Luchner, Ebrahim Razzazi-Fazeli, Theresa Scharl, Florian Strobl, Gerald Striedner and Karl Bayer
Veranstaltung: International Conference on Systems Biology 2009
Jahr: 2006 - Characterisation of microheterogeneity of fusion proteins expressed in Escherichia coli by means of 2-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry
Autoren: Karin Ahrer, Clemens Achmüller, Sabine Greinstetter, Monika Cserjan-Puschmann, Bernhard Auer, and Alois Jungbauer
Veranstaltung: 26th International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides ISPPP 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Characterization of fusion proteins expressed in Escherichia coli applicable for production of biopharmaceuticals
Autoren: Ahrer, K., Achmüller, C., Greinstetter. S., Cserjan-Puschmann, M., Jungbauer, A.
Veranstaltung: 3rd Annual Meeting of Characterization and Comparability of Complex Biological Products 2006
Jahr: 2005 - Investigation of inclusion body formation kinetics by FTIR-spectroscopy
Autoren: Margreiter, G., Schwanninger, M., Cserjan, M., Obinger, Ch., Bayer, K.
Veranstaltung: 3rd Oulu Summer School in Bioprocess Engineering and NeoBio Seminar OSSiBE3-NeoBio 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Characterization of inclusion bodies by proteomic tools
Autoren: Ahrer, K., Kaar, W., Hahn, R., Greinstetter, S., Clementschitsch, F., Cserjan-Puschmann, M., Jungbauer, A.
Veranstaltung: 25th International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides ISPPP 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Modulation of Inclusion Body (IB) Formation Kinetics by Different Induction Regimes in E. coli Fed Batch Cultivations
Autoren: Cserjan-Puschmann, M., Clementschitsch, F., Striedner, G., Pötschacher, F., Kern, J., Bayer, K.
Veranstaltung: 3rd Oulu Summer School in Bioprocess Engineering and NeoBio Seminar OSSiBE3-NeoBio 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Characterization of inclusion bodies by proteomic tools
Autoren: Ahrer, K., Kaar, W., Hahn, R., Greinstetter, S., Clementschitsch, F., Cserjan-Puschmann, M., Jungbauer, A.
Veranstaltung: 25th International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides ISPPP 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Recombinant protein production and metabolic load in E.coli
Autoren: Striedner G., Cserjan M., Clementschitsch F., Pötschacher F., Dürrschmid K., Reischer H., Bayer K.
Veranstaltung: 3rd Oulu Summer School in Bioprocess Engineering and NeoBio Seminar OSSiBE3-NeoBio 2005
Jahr: 2004 - Metabolic and Engineering Integration Approach for the Optimisation of Recombinant Microbial Fermentation Processes
Autoren: Striedner G., Clementschitsch F., Cserjan M., Dürrschmid K., Reischer H., Bayer K.
Veranstaltung: 1st Workshop on Enzyme Technology and Biocatalysis, 2004
Jahr: 2003 - Tuning the transcription rate of recombinant protein in strong Escherichia coli expression systems through repressor titration
Autoren: Striedner G., Cserjan M., Pötschacher F., Bayer K.
Veranstaltung: 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists 2003
Jahr: 2003 - Metabolic and engineering integration approach for the optimisation of recombinant microbial fermentation processes
Autoren: Cserjan-Puschmann, M., Striedner, G., Clementschitsch, F. , Dürrschmid, K. , Kern, J., Pötschacher, F. , Reischer, H., Bayer, K.
Veranstaltung: 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists 2003
Jahr: 2002 - Tuning the transcription rate of recombinant protein in strong Eschericha coli expression systems through repressor titration
Autoren: Striedner G., Cserjan M., Pötschacher F., Bayer K.
Veranstaltung: 2nd International conference on Recombinant protein production 2002 - A comparative view on host physiology
Jahr: 2001 - Alterations of host cell protein pattern during recombinant protein production
Autoren: K. Dürrschmid, G. Marzban, E. Dürrschmid, F. Clementschitsch, M. Cserjan-Puschmann
Veranstaltung: Chiptechnologien: Vom Genom zum Proteom
Jahr: 2001 - Alterations of host cell protein pattern during recombinant protein production; Abstract book p. 37
Autoren: K. Dürrschmid, G. Marzban, E. Dürrschmid, F. Clementschitsch, M. Cserjan-Puschmann
Veranstaltung: 18. Agilent Forum Analytik 2001
Jahr: 1997 - Produktion humaner Proteine in Bakterien
Autoren: Cserjan-Puschmann, M.
Veranstaltung: Symposium: Angewandte Genetik in den Bodenkulturwissenschaften (ÖGBT)
Jahr: 1997 - Development of advanced nucleotide analysis for monitoring the metabolic load of recombinant E. coli.
Autoren: Cserjan-Puschmann, M.
Veranstaltung: Minisymposium: Novel aspects of recombinant fermentation processes (ÖGBT)
Jahr: 1996 - Analyse von Nukleotiden zur Kontrolle rekombinanter Fermentationsprozesse.
Autoren: Puschmann, M., Kramer, W., Dürrschmid, E., Bayer, K.
Veranstaltung: 13. Forum Analytik 1996
Jahr: 1992 - Development of somatic embryos of Prunus autumno rosa
Autoren: da Câmara Machado, A., Puschmann, M., Hanzer, V., Weiss, H., Regner, F., Steinkellner, H., Seifert, G. J., Kanzler, P., Katinger, H., Laimer da Câmara Machado, M..
Veranstaltung: Cost 87 meeting: regeneration from suspension culture
Jahr: 201 - High throughput screening and advanced bioprocess monitoring – tools for efficient process development and comprehensive system understanding
Autoren: Török, C; Cserjan-Puschmann, M; Striedner, G; Luchner, M; Gutmann, R; Bayer, K
Veranstaltung: SIMB Meeting
Recombinant protein production with procaryotic and eucaryotic cells.
Autoren: Striedner, G., Cserjan-Puschmann, M., Grabherr, R., Clementschtitsch, F, Nilsson, E., Bayer, K.