HealthFootprint - Carbon footprint of the Austrian health sector
Despite the economic importance of health care systems and evidence of their significant environmental impacts, the health sector has rarely been addressed in climate change mitigation studies. Responding to this research gap the project calculates for the first time the carbon footprint of the Austrian health sector. Overall and detailed results are discussed with stakeholders to identify mitigation options in preparation for a carbon reduction strategy of the Austrian health sector in the future.
HealthFootprint. Carbon Footprint des österreichischen Gesundheitssektors.
Autoren: Weisz, U., Jaccard, I., Pichler, P., Haas, W., Nowak, P., Bachner, F., Lepuschütz, L., Matej, S., Windsperger, a:, Windsperger, B., Weisz, H. Jahr: 2018
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Carbon emission trends and sustainability options in Austrian health care
Autoren: Weisz, U; Pichler, PP; Jaccard, IS; Haas, W; Matej, S; Bachner, F; Nowak, P; Weisz, H Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
The health-care sector"s role in climate stabilisation.
Autoren: Weisz, H; Pichler, PP; Weisz, U; Jaccard, I; Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
Project staff
Ulli Weisz
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Ulli Weisz
Project Leader
01.04.2017 - 31.03.2019