Growth and reproduction of European brown bears: do life history strategies differ between Europe and North America
Bears are controversial in regard to their conservation and management. Wise management can only be built on sound biological knowledge of the species. Most of today's management of European brown bears is built on North American experiences and examples. But life-history parameters may show substantial differences between Europe and North America. Eurasian brown bear populations have generally higher population growth rates and higher mean litter sizes than North American interior populations and European bears mature earlier, separate earlier, but stay smaller than North American brown bears. Centuries of heavy hunting pressure on brown bears by man may have affected the selection of certain more r-strategic life-history traits in Europe. In this project we evaluate the influence of maternal size on a female's and her offsprings' long term reproductive success, the factors influencing paternal long term mating success, and litter survival in relation to litter size, infanticide and different reproducitive strategies. The important topic of dispersal will be evaluated concerning female dispersal in relation to life history. The project aims at providing results that break new scientific ground for large mammals as well as improve the basis for sound management and conservation decisions.
- brown bear
- Europe
- North America
- conservation biology
- life history strategy
Early primiparity in brown bears
Autoren: Zedrosser, A., Rauer, G., Kruckenhauser, L. Jahr: 2004
Journal articles
Do brown bear litter sizes reported by the public reflect litter sizes obtained by scientific methods?
Autoren: Zedrosser, A., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2005
Journal articles
The dilemma of female mate selection in the brown bear, a species with sexually selected infanticide.
Autoren: Bellemain, E., Zedrosser, A., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Correlates with body size and mass in yearling brown bears (Ursus arctos)
Autoren: Dahle, B., Zedrosser, A., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Mord, Intrigen und Sex – Über die Partnerwahl bei Braunbären.
Autoren: Zedrosser, A. Jahr: 2005
Newspaper / Magazine article
Population density and food conditions determine adult female body size in Brown bears
Autoren: Zedrosser, A., Dahle, B., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Inversely density-dependent natal dispersal in brown bears Ursus arctos.
Autoren: Støen, OG; Zedrosser, A; Saebø, S; Swenson, JE Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Socially induced delayed primiparity in brown bears Ursus arctos
Autoren: Støen, O.-G., Zedrosser, A., Wegge, P., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Abandonment as reproductive strategy in brown bears
Autoren: Zedrosser, A., Dahle, B., Vik, J.O., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2004
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Rovvilt og Samfunn (RoSa) - Det skandinaviske bjorneprosjektet. Oversikt over gjennomforte aktiviteter; Slutttsrapport til Norges forskninsrad. NINA Rapport 31
Autoren: Swenson, J.E., Arnemo, J.M., Bellemain, E., Brunberg, S., Dahle, B., Hustad, H., Katajisto, J., Kindberg, J., Nerheim, E., Solberg, K.H., Segerström, P., Stoen, O.G., Söderberg, A., Zedrosser, A. Jahr: 2005
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
The use of hunting methods for brown bear hunting in Sweden and the effect of the ban on baiting
Autoren: Swenson, J.E., Fujita, R., Zedrosser, A., Söderberg, A. Jahr: 2005
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Annual reproductive success in male brown bears
Autoren: Zedrosser, A., Bellemain, E., Taberlet, P., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2005
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Genetic estimates of annual reproductive success in male brown bears: the effects of body size, age, internal relatedness and population density.
Autoren: Zedrosser, A; Bellemain, E; Taberlet, P; Swenson, JE Jahr: 2007
Journal articles
Should I stay or should I go? Natal dispersal in the brown bear
Autoren: Zedrosser, A., Støen, O.G., Sæbø, S., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2007
Journal articles
Hunting patterns, ban on baiting and harvest demographics of Brown bears in Sweden
Autoren: Bischof, R., Fujita, R., Zedrosser, A., Söderberg, A., Swenson, J.E. Jahr: 2008
Journal articles
Project staff
Hartmut Gossow
Em.Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Hartmut Gossow
Tel: +43 1 47654-83216
Project Leader
02.03.2003 - 31.12.2006
BOKU partners
External partners
Agricultural University of Norway
Prof. Dr. Jon Swenson