Development of the Methane Energy Value Model as a tool to optimise methane yield from energy crops
- Boden und Landökosysteme
- Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt
- Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und neue Technologien
This project serves to promote biogas production from energy crops. The energy crops: sunflowers, meadow grass, wheat, triticale, rye and maize were investigated. All energy crops were harvested in the course of the vegetation period at four to six different times. At each harvest, yield measurements were carried out, as well as biomass sampled for silaging and the subsequent ingredient analyses. Following, laboratory investigations for the determination of the specific methane yield were carried. The methane hectare yield and the optimal harvest times were determined. Of all the energy crop species investigated in this project, maize showed the highest biomass yields and methane yields per hectare (up to 31 t DM ha-1 and up to 12,657 Nm3 CH4 ha-1). Sunflowers achieved approximately 30% of the methane hectare yield obtained by maize, cereals or intensively farmed meadow grass on average 26.5%. Variations of 6 to 38% in methane hectare yield appeared within the examined energy crop species depending on the variety, the place of cultivation, the management intensity or the harvest time. For an economic biogas production, the right choice of variety and the optimal harvest time has a great relevance. The effect of pretreatment measures (acidifying, heat treatment, microwave irradiation and addition of clay minerals) on the specific methane yield of energy crops was examined. Heat, microwaves and acid pretreatment aimed to induce a predigestion of the crude fiber fraction. This effect was only observed with meadow grass and sunflowers, not however for cereals. The addition of clay minerals increased the specific methane yield of all energy crops. The influence of the protein:energy ratio of mixtures of energy crops on the specific methane yield and on the biogas quality was examined with mixtures of protein-rich clover grass silage and energy-rich maize silage. A higher portion of maize silage in the mixture resulted in a higher specific methane yield. The higher the protein content and/or the portion of clover grass silage in the fermenting mixture, the lower the methane content in the produced biogas and the higher the hydrogen sulfide and ammonia content. Guidelines for (a) optimized biogas production from energy crops, (b) efficient fertilization with fermentation residues of fermented energy crops as well as (c) different uses of biogas are given. In order to achieve long-term success, the cultivation of energy crops must be organized using sustainable crop rotation principles. The results of this project show that the potentials of biogas from energy crops are larger than have been assumed so far. The present, new calculations of integrated biogas production systems show an annual total potential of 4.8 MIO t ROE or 4.8 billion m3 methane. That means if the potentials of biogas production would be used, in Austria more than 16 MIO t CO2 emissions could be saved per year. This equals exactly the current requirements of reduction in Austria to reach the Kyoto target.
- biogas production
- climate protection
- greenhouse gas emissions
Biogaserträge von Energiepflanzen und Wirtschaftsdüngern – Laborversuchsergebnisse
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Reinhold, G., Oechsner, H., Schwab, M., Weiland, P., Linke, B. Jahr: 2004
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Methane production from maize, grassland and animal manures through anaerobic digestion.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B. Jahr: 2004
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Biogas production from maize and clover grass estimated with the methane energy value system.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Zollitsch, W., Pötsch, E. Jahr: 2004
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Landwirtschaftliche Biogasanlagen, 4. überarbeitete Auflage
Autoren: Amon, T., Cadilek, M., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Schoberleitner, W., Swoboda, M. Jahr: 2004
Chapter in collected volumes
Qualität und Verwendung des Gärrestes.
Autoren: Amon, T., Döhler, H. Jahr: 2004
Chapter in collected volumes
Forum Biogas Austria: Network from natural resources to application.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Hopfner-Sixt, K. Jahr: 2004
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Biogaserzeugung aus Mais – Gibt es Sortenunterschiede?
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Buga, S., Mayer, K., Zollitsch, W., Pötsch, E. Jahr: 2004
Newspaper / Magazine article
Biogaserzeugung aus Mais
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Buga, S., Mayer, K., Zollitsch, W., Pötsch, E. Jahr: 2004
Newspaper / Magazine article
Biogas aus Kleegras-, Feldfutter- und Dauerwiesenmischungen.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Buga, S., Mayer, K., Zollitsch, W., Pötsch, E. Jahr: 2004
Newspaper / Magazine article
Influence of nutrient composition on methane production from animal manures and co-digestion with maize and glycerine.
Autoren: Kryvoruchko V., Amon T., Amon B., Boxberger J., Gruber L., Schreiner M., Zolitsch W. Jahr: 2004
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Methane production from cereals, grass and sun flowers: effect of harvesting time, and pre-treatment on the methane yield.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Amon, B. Jahr: 2005
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Estimation of biogas production from maize and clover grass by the new methane energy value system.
Autoren: T. Amon, V. Kryvoruchko, B. Amon, W. Zollitsch, E. Pötsch, K. Mayer Jahr: 2004
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Methane production from maize, grassland, animal manures, and glycerine through anaerobic digestion
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Pötsch, E. Jahr: 2005
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Biogaserzeugung aus Grünlandbiomasse im Alpenraum
Autoren: Amon, T; Kryvoruchko, V; Amon, B; Bodiroza, V; Zollitsch, W; Boxberger, J Jahr: 2005
Journal articles
Energietechnik – alternative Energien
Autoren: Boxberger, J., Amon T., Moitzi, G. Jahr: 2006
Chapter in collected volumes
Analyse von Leistungsfähigkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Entwicklungsperspektiven landwirtschaftlicher Biogasanlagen
Autoren: Hopfner-Sixt Katharina Jahr: 2005
Doctoral Thesis
Forum Biogas Network from Natural Resources to Application
Autoren: Amon, T., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V. Jahr: 2005
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Strategien zur nachhaltigen Biogaserzeugung aus Energiepflanzen durch standortangepasste Fruchtfolgesysteme, Sortenwahl und optimale Ernte
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Bodiroza, V., Zollitsch, W., Boxberger, J., Pötsch, E. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Biogaserzeugung aus Energiemais
Autoren: Amon, T; Kryvoruchko, V; Amon, B; Bodiroza, V; Zollitsch, W; Boxberger, J Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Biogas production from energy maize
Autoren: Amon, T; Kryvoruchko, V; Amon, B; Bodiroza, V; Zollitsch, W; Boxberger, J Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Climate protection through renewable energy from biogas production
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Vergleich der Wirkung von „Ipus-Met-Max A/O“ und „Ipus-Met-Max A/5“ auf das Gärverhalten, den Methanertrag und die Biogasqualität bei der Vergärung von Maissilage und Schweinegülle
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Amon, B. Jahr: 2005
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Biogas: ein möglicher Weg aus der Energiekrise
Autoren: Amon T., Hopfner-Sixt, K. Jahr: 2006
Newspaper / Magazine article
Methane production from cereals, sun flower and maize: Optimisation of the methane yield per hectare through time of harvesting, variety and pre-treatment
Autoren: Amon, T., Pötsch, E., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Zollitsch, W. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Monitoring of energy crop digestion in Austria.
Autoren: Hopfner-Sixt, K., Amon, T., Milovanovic, D., Amon, B. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Biogaserzeugung ausagrarischen Rohstoffen
Autoren: Hopfner-Sixt, K; Amon, T; Bodiroza, V; Kryvoruchko, V; Milovanovic, D; Zollitsch, W; Boxberger, J Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Biogas production from agricultural resources: characteristic values for material and energetic evaluation
Autoren: Hopfner-Sixt, K; Amon, T; Bodiroza, V; Kryvoruchko, V; Milovanovic, D; Zollitsch, W; Boxberger, J Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Energiepflanzen: Erntezeitpunkt bestimmt Gasausbeute
Autoren: Amon T., Hopfner-Sixt K., Kryvoruchko V., Amon B., Bodiroza V., Ramusch M., Hrbek R, Friedel J., Zollitsch W., Mayr K. Jahr: 2006
Chapter in collected volumes
Das Methanbildungsvermögen und die Biogasqualität bei der Vergärung von Energiepflanzen
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Amon, B. Jahr: 2006
Newspaper / Magazine article
Biogas production from maize and dairy cattle manure – influence of nutrient composition on methane yield
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Zollitsch, W., Mayer, K., Gruber, L. Jahr: 2007
Journal articles
European Biogas Initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants (EU-Agro Biogas).
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Machmüller, A., Hopfner-Sixt K., Kryvoruchko V., Bodiroza, V. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Ammoniakemissionen aus frei gelüfteten Ställen und Wirtschaftsdüngerlagerstätten für Rinder
Autoren: Amon, B., Fröhlich, M. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Leistungsvergleich verschiedener Biogasanlagensysteme
Autoren: Hopfner-Sixt, K. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Strategien zur nachhaltigen Erzeugung, Bereitstellung und Nutzung agrarischer Biomasse für die Biogaserzeugung
Autoren: Amon, T. Jahr: 2006
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Ertrag mit System
Autoren: Friedel, J.K., Hrbek, R., Eder, M. Jahr: 2007
Newspaper / Magazine article
Biogas as a renewable energy source within sustainable biofuels based biorefinery concepts
Autoren: Bauer, A., Leonhartsberger, Ch., Lyson, D., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Amon, B., Amon, T. Jahr: 2008
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Project staff
Barbara Amon
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Barbara Amon
Project Staff
01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006
Bernhard Freyer
Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Bernhard Freyer
Project Staff
01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006
Jürgen Kurt Friedel
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Jürgen Kurt Friedel
Tel: +43 1 47654-93317
Project Staff
01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006
Martina Fröhlich
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Päd. Martina Fröhlich
Tel: +43 1 47654-31221
Project Staff
01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006
Johann Sölkner
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Johann Sölkner
Tel: +43 1 47654-93201, 93231
Project Staff
01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006
Helmut Wagentristl
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Helmut Wagentristl
Tel: +43 1 47654-95501, 95511
Project Staff
01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006
Werner Zollitsch
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Werner Zollitsch
Tel: +43 1 47654-93211, 99101, 99111
Project Staff
01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006
BOKU partners
External partners
Dr. Erich Pötsch
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety
DI Erwin Pfundtner
IPUS, Service for Industry, Production and Environmental Technology, Ltd.
Dr. Gernot Scheiflinger
RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG
DI. Erwin Arocker
Monsanto Agrar Germany Ltd.
Jenbacher Energy Systems
Dr. Günther Herdin
Limagrain-Nickerson Ltd
Pioneer Seeds Ltd.
Dr. Felix Rudolph
Nawaros Bioenergy and Raw Material Production Ltd_x000D_
Dr. Thomas Kraßnitzer
Schmack Biogas AG
Dr. Doris Schmack