Event documentation Wölzerbach
Project management Hübl Johannes
organizational unit Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering
duration 15.07.2011 to-
Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Program none
Funder Federal Ministries
- Boden und Landökosysteme
- Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt
- Lebensraum und Landschaft
Heavy precipitation including hail on July, 7th 2011 triggered a flash flood event at the Wölzertal. Leading to huge damages in the communities Niederwölz, Oberwölz Stadt, Oberwölz Umgebung and Winklern. The watermarks inudations areas, areas of erosion and sediment deposition are documented. On this basis a run-off simulation, a 2D hydrolic simulation has to be contucted. Additional some recommendations for landuse management, hazard zoning and local house protection should be developed.
- Event documentation
- Hazard analysis
- flood
- Hazard mapping
Project staff
Johannes Hübl
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Johannes Hübl
Tel: +43 1 47654-87111
Project Leader
15.07.2011 - 31.12.2012