Analysis of Pan-European Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
- Ressourcen und gesellschaftliche Dynamik
The study will analyse the state of the art of criteria and indicator (C&I) use in the context of the Forest Europe process. It shall provide a historical overview of the different developments of the pan-European C&I for SFM at European, national and other sectors level; explore and give insights into the factors affecting the effectiveness of C&I for SFM at national and European level; review C&I with respect to conceptual validity, data availability , linkages to other indicators, and actual and potential challenges in implementation; reveal a sound discussion on general C&I structure and its logical framework; and provide options for the future development of C&I.
- Criteria & indicators
- Sustainable forest management
- Europe
State of Europe's Forests 2020
Autoren: Köhl, M; Linser, S; Prins, K Jahr: 2020
Expertengutachten (extern. Auftraggeber)
Indicator 2: Institutional frameworks
Autoren: Linser, S; Prins, K Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Indicator 4: Financial and economic instruments
Autoren: Prins, K; Linser, S. Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Indicator C.6: Policies, institutions and instruments to maintain other socioeconomic functions and conditions
Autoren: Linser, S Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Indicator C.5: Policies, institutions and instruments to maintain and appropriately enhance the protective functions in forest management
Autoren: Linser, S Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Indicator C.4: Policies, institutions and instruments to maintain, conserve and appropriately enhance the biological diversity in forest ecosystems
Autoren: Linser, S Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Indicator C.3: Policies, institutions and instruments to maintain and encourage the productive functions of forests
Autoren: Linser, S Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Indicator C.2: Policies, institutions and instruments to maintain forest ecosystem health and vitality
Autoren: Linser, S Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Indicator C.1: Policies, institutions and instruments to maintain and appropriately enhance forest resources and their contribution to global carbon cycles
Autoren: Linser, S Jahr: 2020
Chapter in collected volumes
Project staff
Bernhard Wolfslehner
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Wolfslehner
Tel: +43 1 47654-73216
Project Leader
01.02.2012 - 31.12.2013
Helga Pülzl
Mag. Dr. Helga Pülzl
Tel: +43 1 47654-73221
Project Staff
01.02.2012 - 31.12.2013
BOKU partners
External partners
European Forest Institute