Journal articles
biospheremetrics v1.0.2: an R package to calculate two complementary terrestrial biosphere integrity indicators - human colonization of the biosphere (BioCol) and risk of ecosystem destabilization (EcoRisk)
Stenzel F, Braun J, Breier J, Erb K, Gerten D, Heinke J, et al. biospheremetrics v1.0.2: an R package to calculate two complementary terrestrial biosphere integrity indicators - human colonization of the biosphere (BioCol) and risk of ecosystem destabilization (EcoRisk). Geoscientific Model Development. 2024;17(8):3235-58. doi:
BOKU Autoren
Karlheinz Erb
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Erb
Sarah Matej
Mag. Sarah Matej