Journal articles
Project Roadkill: Linking European Hare vehicle collisions with landscape-structure using datasets from citizen scientists and professionals
Stretz C, Heigl F, Steiner W, Bauer T, Suppan F, Zaller J. Project Roadkill: Linking European Hare vehicle collisions with landscape-structure using datasets from citizen scientists and professionals. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 2015;17:EGU201-EGU201.
BOKU Autors
Wolfgang Steiner
Mag. Wolfgang Steiner
Franz Suppan
Mag. Franz Suppan
Thomas Bauer
Ing. Thomas Bauer MSc.
Thomas Bauer
Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Bauer
Johann Zaller
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johann Zaller
Florian Heigl
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Florian Heigl Bakk.techn.
Carina Stretz
Carina Stretz