Reinfried Mansberger
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Reinfried Mansberger
Institute of Geomatics
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-85715
ORCID: 0000-0002-1336-8045
H-7021-2019: ResearcherId
36477200100: AuthorId
Research Focus
Land Administration Systems, Photogrammetry
- 2023 Senior Researcher (BOKU University)
- 2009 - 2011 Head of the Institute, Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2001 - 2023 Head of Working Unit, Surveying and Land Administration; Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
- 1993 Doctoral degree, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna
- 1993 - 2023 Assistant Professor, Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
- 1989 - 1993 Assistant Professor, Institute of Surveying and Remote Sensing, University of Agricultural Science, Vienna
- 1987 - 1989 Research assistent, Institute of Surveying and Remote Sensing, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna
- 1983 - 1987 Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Geodesy, Technical University Graz
- 1982 Diploma, Technical University of Vienna
- Year: 2023 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award für das Lebenswerk
- Year: 2023 Awards: Ehrenbürger der LFS Hohenlehen
- Year: 2023 Awards: Ehrendoktorat der Debre Markos University - Äthiopien
- Year: 2017 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award 2017
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2019 - Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Land Use and Land Development
Autoren: Malinnikov, V; Portnov, A; Bauer, T; Paulus, C; Mansberger, R.
Event: 9th EALD Symposium "Land Use and Land Development in the field of tensions between environmental, social and economic sustainability"
Year: 2019 - Assessment of community involvement and compensation money utilization in Ethiopia: Case studies from Bahir Dar and DebreMarkosPeri-urban areas
Autoren: Agegnehu, S; Mansberger, R.
Event: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty - Catalyzing Innovation
Year: 2019 - The Austrian WHC Application "Network of Boundaries and Its Monuments"
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Waldhäusl, P
Event: Symposium Network of Boundaries and its Monuments
Year: 2019 - Protection of Agricultural Land - Case Austria
Autoren: Seher, W; Mansberger, R.
Event: International Scientivic Symposium & Conference on Central European Initiative on Agricultural Land Protection
Year: 2019 - Equal partnership in the capacity building project Eduland2: conceptual design, implementation, successes, challenges & lessons learnt
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Agegnehu, S; Navratil, G; Sibeshi, G.
Event: Land and Poverty Conference 2019: Catalyzing Innovation
Year: 2019 - Bildungsprojekte im Fachbereich Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und GIS: Herausforderungen, Chancen und Grenzen
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Bauer, T; Immitzer, M; Vuolo, F
Event: Dreiländertagung OVG, DGPF, SGPF 2019
Year: 2018 - Green skills in Higher Education and Sustainable Development Goals
Autoren: Loiskandl W, Mansberger R, Himmelbauer M
Event: Methodological workshop and meeting, Erasmus+ project SUSDEV, College of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
Year: 2018 - Curricula Evaluation, Quality assurance and Quality management at BOKU. Presentation in the frame of: Methodological workshop and meeting, Erasmus+ project SUSDEV, College of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
Autoren: Loiskandl W, Guggenberger T, Paulus C, Mansberger R, Strauss-Siebert A, Himmelbauer M
Event: Methodological workshop and meeting, Erasmus+ project SUSDEV, College of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
Year: 2017 - Knowledge Exchange for Academic Education in Land Management
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Seher, W
Event: 7th International and Interdisciplinary Symposium - Opportunities and Limits of Land Management in Spatial Development Processes
Year: 2017 - Enhancing the Role of Surveyors: Bridging the Gap between Demands for and Supply of Professional Education
Autoren: Masum, F; Groenendijk, L; Mansberger, R; Martin, A.
Event: FIG Working Week 2017
Year: 2017 - Land Administration to Decrease Poverty
Autoren: Navratil, G; Mansberger, R
Event: REAL CORP 2017
Year: 2017 - Welche Rolle spielt Digitalisierung in Ausbildung und Forschung
Autoren: Floegl, H; Gramann, M; Höflechner, P; Koch, D; Mansberger, R; Martens, B; Redlein, A; Sittler, P
Event: 2. ÖVI Ausbildungskonferenz - Immobilienwirtschaft an österreichischen Hochschulen
Year: 2017 - Photogrammetrie in der Landwirtschaft
Autoren: Mansberger, R
Event: Bildgebende Verfahren in der Bodenbeurteilung
Year: 2017 - Green concepts in Higher Education, BOKU: Module of Land Management
Autoren: Himmelbauer M, Strauss-Sieberth A, Paulus C, Mansberger R, Loiskandl W
Event: Methodological workshop, Erasmus+ project SUSDEV, Kazakh National Agrarian University
Year: 2016 - Cadastre as the Backbone for Spatial Infrastructure: Strengths/Potentials and Challenges
Autoren: Navratil, G; Ernst, J; Muggenhuber, G; Unger, E; Mansberger, R;
Event: 6th Symposium der European Academy of Land Use and Development - Infrastructure Projects and Land Management
Year: 2015 - Long-term monitoring of a large landslide by using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Autoren: Lindner, G; Schraml, K; Mannsberger, R; Hübl,J
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Aspects of Innovation and Evaluation for Curriculum Development
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Paulus, Chr.
Event: EUCEN Seminar
Year: 2015 - Boundaries and Boundary Marks: Substantive Cultural Heritage of Extensive Importance
Autoren: Waldhausl, P; Koenig, H; Mansberger, R.
Event: 25th International CIPA Symposium 2015
Year: 2015 - Geodata as Proper Ingredients of a New Mass Appraisal System for Real Estate Properties in Austria
Autoren: Mansberger, R;
Event: Workshop at University of Ljubljana
Year: 2015 - Long-term monitoring of a large landslide by using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Autoren: Lindner, G; Schraml, K; Mansberger, R; Hübl, J
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Aspects of Quality Assurance for a LLL-Programme
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Paulus, Chr.
Event: ICA Edu Colloquium 2015 - Educating Life Science Graduates Fit for Europe
Year: 2015 - LAND MANAGEMENT & LAND ADMINISTRATION & …The Attempt to Define the Terms
Autoren: Mattsson, H; Mansberger, R.
Event: 5th International and Interdisciplinary EALD Symposium - Land Ownership and Land Use Patterns
Year: 2015 - LLL Course on ‘Land Management in Rural Areas’ at BOKU University Vienna: The Making Of ...
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Paulus, Chr.
Event: FIG Working week 2015 From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World
Year: 2014 - Daten für den Immobilienmarkt
Autoren: Muggenhuber, G; Mansberger, R; Navratil, G; Twaroch, C; Wessely, R.
Event: Salon Real - Frauen in der österreichischen Immobilienwirtschaft
Year: 2014 - The Effect of Potential-based Land Tax on Land Utilization
Autoren: Navratil, G; Mansberger, R; Twaroch, Ch; Muggenhuber, G; Wessely, R.
Event: REAL CORP 2014
Year: 2014 - Detecting Urban Expansion and Land Tenure Security Assessment: The Case Of Bahir Dar And Debre Markos Peri-Urban Areas Of Ethiopia
Autoren: Agegnehu, S. K; Fuchs, H; Mansberger, R.
Event: World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty
Year: 2014 - Land Cadastre and Public Geo-Data as the Basis for Land Consolidation in Austria
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Ernst, J.
Event: Geodetski Dan 14 - 42nd Slovenian Surveying Day
Year: 2013 - Wertbeschreibende Geodaten - Ein ungehobener Schatz?
Autoren: R. Mansberger, G. Muggenhuber, G. Navratil, C. Twaroch, R. Wessely, A. Lisec
Event: 3rd EALD International and Interdisciplinary Symposium. New Challenges for Land Policies in Urban and Regional Development.
Year: 2013 - Sind das landesweite Netzwerk von Grenzen und die Grenzsteine ein Weltkulturerbe
Autoren: P. Waldhäusl, C. Abart, K. Hanke, M. Hiermanseder, H. König, R. Mansberger, G. Navratil, G. Schennach, C. Twaroch
Event: Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF 2013
Year: 2013 - Bodenbedeckung und Landnutzung in Österreich – Umsetzung des Projekts LISA zur Schaffung einer na-tionalen Infrastruktur für Landmonitoring
Autoren: Banko, G; Franzen, M; Ressl, C; Riedl, M; Grillmayer, R; Mansberger, R;
Event: AGIT - Symposium und EXPO Angewandte Geoinformatik
Year: 2013 - Vermessung und Geoinformation an der BOKU:Herausforderungen – Realisierung - Zukunft
Autoren: Mansberger, R;
Event: AGEO-Veranstaltung 2013 - Anforderungen, Herausforderungen und Rahmenbedingungen für eine zukunftsorientierte Geoinformationsausbildung
Year: 2013 - Geodaten für die Ländliche Neuordnung
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Bauer, T;
Event: Agrartechnische Fachtagung "Ländliche Neuordnung"
Year: 2013 - Participatory and Pro-Poor Land Administration System of the Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia: Evaluation and Lessons Learnt of the Current Status
Autoren: Belay, G.S; Fuchs, H; Mansberger, R.
Event: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty
Year: 2013 - Ist der Grenzstein etwas Besonderes?
Autoren: P. Waldhäusl, K. Hanke, M. Hiermanseder, H. König, R. Mansberger, G. Navratil, G. Schennach, C. Twaroch
Event: 17. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2013
Year: 2012 - Evaluating Humus Erosion on Rendzic Leptosols
Autoren: Hollaus, A; Katzensteiner, K; Mansberger, R.
Event: 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
Year: 2012 - Developing a Continuous Professional Education Program for Land Management Experts in Austria and Serbia
Autoren: Mansberger, R; Navratil, G; Aleksic, I; Bozic, B.
Event: Geo 2012
Year: 2012 - LISA – wie innovative Technologien die Beobachtung von räumlichen Prozessen und die Generalisierung einer Landbedeckungskarte ermöglichen
Autoren: Stemberger, W; Banko, G; Gallaun, H; Grillmayer, R; Krenn, P; Mansberger, R; Prüller, R, Steinnocher, K; Walli, A.
Event: 24. Symposium und Fachmesse Angewandte Geoinformatik AGIT 2012
Year: 2012 - The Serbian Qualification Framework and Sustainable Curriculum
Autoren: Boziz, B; Aleksic, I; Mansberger, R; Navratil, G
Event: Geo 2012
Year: 2011 - i-Cadastre - A Prospective LBS-Tool for E-Government in Land Management?
Autoren: Navratil, G.; Mansberger, R.; Muggenhuber, G.
Event: 8th Symposium on Location Based Services LBS 2011
Year: 2011 - LISA - Landinformations-System Austria: Ziele, Konzept, Realisierung
Autoren: Banko, G., Mansberger, R., Stemberger, W.
Event: Vortragsreihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation 2011
Year: 2011 - Nutzen von innovativen Technologien für eine flächendeckende, flexible Landbeobachtung Österreichs
Autoren: Prüller, R., Grillmayer, R.; Banko, G.; Mansberger, R.; Steinnocher, K.; Stemberger, W.; Walli, A.; Weichselbaum, J.
Event: Symposium für Angewandte Geoinformatik AGIT 2011
Year: 2011 - Ansätze zur Abschätzung der Erosion von Humuskarbonatböden
Autoren: Hollaus, A.R., Katzensteiner, K., Mansberger, R.
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2011 - Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens
Year: 2011 - Land Administration Systems in Austria and Serbia: Current Tasks and Potentials
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Aleksic I., Muggenhuber, G., Navratil, G., Tesla, N., Twaroch, Chr.
Event: 1st Geodetic Congress 2011
Year: 2011 - Potenziale der Landadministration - Ist der Kataster noch zeitgemäß?
Autoren: Twaroch, Ch.; Navratil, G.; Muggenhuber, G.; Mansberger, R.
Event: 16. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2011
Year: 2011 - Academic Education and Continuous Professional Development in Surveying: A Review of the Situation in Austria and Serbia
Autoren: Aleksic, I.; Mansberger, R.; Muggenhuber, G.; Navratil, G.; Ninkov, T.
Event: 24th Meeting of Serbian Surveyors 2011 - Professional Practice and Education in Geodesy and Related Fields
Year: 2011 - Land Administration Systems in Austria and Serbia: Current Tasks and Potentials
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Aleksic, I., Muggenhuber, G., Navratil, G., Tesla, N., Twaroch, Chr.
Event: 1st Geodetic Congress 2011
Year: 2011 - LISA -Landinformationssystem Austria Ziele -Konzept - Realisierung
Autoren: Banko, G.; Mansberger, R.; Stemberger, W.
Event: Vortragsreihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation 2011
Year: 2011 - Methodische Ansätze der Erosion von Humuskarbonatböden
Autoren: Hollaus, A.R., Katzensteiner, K., Mansberger, R.
Event: SicAlp Projekttreffen 2011
Year: 2011 - Development and Potentional for Improvements of the Austrian Land Administration System
Autoren: Muggenhuber, G.; Navratil, G.; Twaroch, Ch.; Mansberger, R.
Event: FIG Working Week 2011
Year: 2010 - Land Information System Austria (LISA) / Content-Concept-Realisation
Autoren: Banko, G.; Grillmayer, R., Mansberger, R.; Steinnocher, K.; Walli, A.
Event: 38th International Symposium of the European Faculty of Land Use and Development 2010 - Challenges in Rural Development
Year: 2010 - Navigation the Future of Surveying Education - Outcomes and Conclusions of the FIG 2 Workshop 2009 in Vienna
Autoren: Fairlie, K.; Mahoney, R.; Mansberger, R.; Steinkellner, G.
Event: FIG Congress 2010
Year: 2010 - Megatrends in Academic Surveying Education: The Austrian Way
Autoren: Gartner, G.; Mansberger, R.; Steinkellner, G.; Unger, E.M.
Event: Workshop on the Trends in Surveying Education and Training
Year: 2009 - Monitoring microtopographic surface change and rill erosion development using digital photogrammetry
Event: Annual Conference Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry 2009
Year: 2009 - ICT for Land Consolidation Processes
Autoren: Mansberger, R. Seher, W., Gombas, K., Katona J., Nyiri J., Podör A.
Event: Open GIS Conference 2009
Year: 2009 - Geodaten und neue Kommunikationstechnologien in der Ländlichen Neuordnung
Autoren: Seher, W., Mansberger, R.
Event: Grenzen verbinden. Fachtagung Ländliche Neuordnung 2009
Year: 2009 - Lehr- und Forschungsaktivitäten am Institut für Vermessung, Fernerkundung und Landinformation, BOKU Wien
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Event: 10. Österreichischer Geodätentag 2009
Year: 2009 - Effect of Microtopography on Spatial and Temporal Rill Initiation Using Close Range Photogrammetry at Angereb watershed, Ethiopia
Autoren: Gessesse, G.D., A. Klik, H. Fuchs, R. Mansberger, and D. Rieke-Zapp
Event: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting 2009 - Footprints in the Landscape: Sustainability through Plant and Soil Sciences
Year: 2009 - Effect of microtopography on rill incision at field scale using close range photogrammetry at Agereb watershed in Ethiopia
Autoren: Gessesse, G. D.; Klik, A.; Fuchs, H.; Mansberger, R. and Rieke-Zapp, D.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2009 - Geodaten und neue Kommunikationstechnologien in der Ländlichen Neuordnung
Autoren: Seher, W., Mansberger, R.
Event: Grenzen verbinden. Fachtagung Ländliche Neuordnung 2009
Year: 2009 - Geo-Information in Land Use and Development: Acquisition – Availability - Application
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Seher, W.
Event: 37th International Symposium of the European Faculty of Land Use and Development 2009 - The Balance between Public and Private Interests
Year: 2009 - Vergleichsstudie Gender & Landrechte
Autoren: Englert, B., Mansberger, R.
Event: Gender und Landrechte in den Ländern der Österreichischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit OEZA 2009 - Land ist ein geschlechtsneutrales Gut
Year: 2008 - Aspeklte aus der Vergleichsstudie Gender & Landrechte anhand afrikanischer Länder
Autoren: Mansberger, R.; Englert, B.
Event: Der Frauen Recht sich zu ernähren
Year: 2008 - Communication Tools in E-learning: Experiences in Academic Geomatics Education
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Bauer, T., Michalek, C-R.
Event: FIG International Workshop 2008 - Sharing Good Practices
Year: 2008 - Kommunikation als Herausforderung in E-Learning: Erfahrungen bei praxisorientierten Lehrveranstaltungen
Autoren: Bauer, T., Mansberger, R., Michalek C-R.
Event: 4. GIS-Ausbildungstagung 2008
Year: 2008 - Kommunikation als Herausforderung in E-Learning: Erfahrungen bei praxisorientierten Lehrveranstaltungen
Autoren: Bauer, T., Mansberger, R. und Michalek, C.-R.
Event: 4. GIS-Ausbildungstagung 2008
Year: 2007 - Landrechte in den Staaten Osteuropas: Herausforderungen für die Gesellschaft und für die Administration
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Event: RaLI Forschungsworkshop 2007
Year: 2007 - Closer Institutional Cooperation as a Response to Informal Activities in Land Administration
Autoren: Mansberger, R.; Muggenhuber, G.
Event: Joint Workshop of FIG Commission 3, UNECE-WPLA 2007 - Information Settlements - Land Markets needs related to Good Land Administration & Planning
Year: 2007 - Bodenmanagement in Österreich
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Event: Fachtreffen mit mongolischen Experten zum Thema Bodenpolitik
Year: 2007 - How to Enhance the Interest for Surveying Studies
Autoren: Mansberger, R.; Steinkellner, G.
Event: Scientia Est Potentia - Knowledge Is Power FIG Commission 2 - Symposium
Year: 2007 - eLearning am IVFL
Autoren: Mansberger, R.; Bauer, T.
Event: Workshop "eLearning im universitären Einsatz" Projekt edugi
Year: 2007 - Neue Dimensionen in der Vermessung
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Event: Tagung Ländliche Neuordnung 2007 - Effiziente Bodenordnung für zukünftige Landentwicklung
Year: 2006 - Interinstitutional Cooperation in Land Administration - European Experience
Autoren: Mansberger, Reinfried
Event: P.E.A.R.L. Seminar and Final Workshop (Programme of European Assistance to the Reform in Land Administration in Sri Lanka)
Year: 2006 - Flop or Top - Experiences with E-Learning in Academic Education
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Bauer, T., Heine, E.
Event: FIG Workshop on eGovernance, Knowledge Management and eLearning
Year: 2006 - Zeit für Veränderung: e-Learning als Hilfsmittel für effizientere Lehre
Autoren: Bauer, T., Mansberger, R.
Event: 3. Internationale Moodle-Konferenz in Österreich
Year: 2006 - Koordinatensysteme, Bezugsflächen und Projektionen
Autoren: Mansberger, R.; Suppan, F.
Event: Workshop ARC 2006 - Verkehrswege
Year: 2006 - Impacts of the Bologna Process and of New Public Management on the Academic Surveying Education in Austria
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Schuh, H., Steinkellner, G.
Event: 23rd International FIG Congress 2006
Year: 2005 - Decision Making Processes: Spatial Information Management for Bridging the Gap between Stakeholders
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Event: 3rd Conference on Documentation and Electronic Archiving 2005
Year: 2004 - Vermessung und Landmanagement
Autoren: Mansberger, Reinfried
Event: Vortrag bei der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation
Year: 2004 - Spatial Information for Risk Management
Autoren: Mansberger, R.; Muggenhuber, G.
Event: 3rd FIG Regional Conference "Surveying the Future - Contributions to Economic, Environmental and Social Development"
Year: 2004 - Vermessung und Bodenordnung - Symbiose mit Zukunft?
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Event: Vereinsvortrag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation
Year: 2004 - Geo-Data Infrastructure for Land Management in Austria
Autoren: Mansberger, R.; Muggenhuber, G.
Event: FIG Working Week 2004 - The Olympic Spirit in Surveying
Year: 2004 - Geoinformation für Bodenordnungsmaßnahmen in Österreich
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Abart, G., Patschka, F.
Event: 5. Symposium Ukraine - Österreich: Landwirtschaft in Wissenschaft und Praxis
Year: 2003 - Landinformation für die Agrarpolitik
Autoren: Mansberger, R
Event: Agrarpolitik
Year: 2003 - Landadministration und Dateninfrastruktur - Nationale Problemstellungen und europäische Entwicklungen
Autoren: Heine, E., Mansberger, R., Ernst, J.
Event: 12. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 2003
Year: 2003 - Geoinformation in Support of Decentralisation and Community Empowerment
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Event: Third Meeting of the Committee on Development Information (CODI).
Year: 2003 - Land Policy, Urban-Rural Differentiation in Development and Land Administration in Ethiopia
Autoren: Abebe, S.H., Mansberger, R.
Event: 2nd FIG Regional Conference on Urban-Rural Interrelationship for Sustainable Environment 2003
Year: 2003 - Impact of Decentralisation and Citizen Empowerment to Spatial Information Management
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Muggenhuber, G.
Event: 2nd FIG Regional Conference on Urban-Rural Interrelationship for Sustainable Environment 2003
Year: 2002 - Strategies to improve the Workflow of Geodata Acquisition
Autoren: Mansberger, R., Muggenhuber, G.
Event: International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems (GIS2002)
Year: 2002 - Cadastre - Aspects and Procedures in Austria and the United Kingdom.
Autoren: Dixon-Gough, R.W., Heine, E., Mansberger, R.
Event: 1st Congress on Cadastre in the European Union
Year: 2002 - Assessment and Analysis of Property and Land Use Changes in the Cross Border Region Austria-Hungary.
Autoren: Heine, E., Mansberger, R., Agfalvi, M., Markus, B., Nyiri, J.
Event: XXII FIG International Congress
Year: 2001 - Spatial Data for Risk Management in alpine region
Autoren: Fuchs, H., Mansberger, R.
Event: Space & time Conference
EU-Harmonisation in Land Administration.
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Land Register, Land Reform and Land Development - a short overview to one of the four main subjects area of the 2nd International Conference on Land Management in London.
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
Der Landmanager und Landinformationssysteme als Garant für die konfliktfreie Nutzung des Ländlichen Raumes.
Autoren: Mansberger, R.
GIS in der Waldwirtschaft.
Autoren: Banko, G; Mansberger, R.