Ewald Rametsteiner
Ewald Rametsteiner
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
: 2009 - Governing Innovation: National Research Agendas of the Forest-Based Technology Platform in ‘CHANGE IN GOVERNANCE AS COLLECTIVE LEARNING PROCESS: Management, Politics and Ethics in Forestry
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Tykkä, S., Weiss, G.
: Change In Governance as Collective Learning Process 2009 - Management, Politics And Ethics In Forestry
: 2009 - Governing Innovation: National Research Agendas of the Forest-Based Technology Sector Platform in FTPC2009 From Research to Business
Autoren: Tykkä, S., Weiss, G., Rametsteiner, E., Bergseng, E., Kleinschmit, A.
: FTP-Conference 2009 - From Research to Business
: 2008 - Sustainability indicator development - science or political negotiation?
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Pülzl, H., Alkan-Olsson, J., Frederiksen, P.
: International Conference Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes 2008
: 2008 - Indicator development as "boundary spanning" between scientists and policy-makers
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Rametsteiner, E.
: Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change IHDP Conference 2008
: 2008 - Quantifying impacts of governance on deforestation
Autoren: Umeya, C., Rametsteiner, E., Kraxner, F.
: FORTROP II international conference 2008 - Tropical Forestry Change in a Changing World
: 2008 - Governance concepts and their application in forest policy initiatives from international to local levels
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: International Symposium Small Scale Forest Use and Management 2008 - Global Policies versus Local Knowledge
: 2007 - Economics of Avoiding Deforestation
Autoren: Obersteiner, M., Kindermann, G., Rametsteiner, E., Sohngen, B.
: Conference on climate change mitigation measures in the agroforestry sector and biodiversity futures 2007
: 2006 - Trends, Causes, Countermeasures and National Implementation. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Skutsch, M.
: Workshop Joanneum REDD 2006
: 2006 - Forest-related Innovation and Investment Policies and Rural Development Strategies - Key Issues.
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Bauer, A.
: MCPFE EFI Workshop and Seminar on Policies Fostering Investments and Innovations in Support of Rural Development Taking into Account Forest Owners Perspective on Enhancing Economic Viability Throug Cooperation and Innovation
: 2006 - Forest-related Innovation and Investment Policies and Rural Development Strategies - Key Issues.
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Bauer, A.
: MCPFE EFI Workshop and Seminar on Policies Fostering Investments and Innovations in Support of Rural Development Taking into Account Forest Owners Perspective on Enhancing Economic Viability Throug Cooperation and Innovation
: 2006 - Policy Integration and Co-ordination: Theoretical, Methodical and Conceptual Aspects
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: 1st COST Action E51 Joint MC and WG Meeting 2006
: 2006 - Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: Consultation Workshop for the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI)
: 2006 - Trends, Causes, Countermeasures and National Implementation. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Skutsch, M.
: Workshop Joanneum REDD 2006
: 2005 - Working Group Report: Innovation & trade
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: UNECE/FAO/MCPFE Workshop Forests - Common Benefits, shared responsibilities, multiple policies
: 2005 - Forest-based economic development for local communities in the face of global chances (Keynote presentat)
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: 22nd IUFRO World Congress 2005 - Forests in the Balance: Linking Tradition and Technology
: 2005 - "How policies affect markets"
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: UNECE/FAO Capacity building Workshop
: 2005 - Privatwaldforschung in Österreich: Überblick und ausgewählte Studien
Autoren: Weiss Gerhard, Hogl Karl, Rametsteiner Ewald, Sekot Walter
: ETH Kolloquium 2005 - Privatwaldeigentümer: Wer sind sie und was erwarten sie von der Politik?
: 2005 - Social and environmental needs and demands from forest landuse
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: CEI - Central European Initiatives - Slovak Presidency 2005, Expert consultiation
: 2005 - Presentation at METLA et.al
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: Int. Seminar
: 2005 - Innovation in Forestry, Determinants, fostering and hindering factors
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: ERASMUS-19 iisalmi 2005
: 2005 - How to improve the European Innovation System in forestryInnovative and sustainable use of forest
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: European Forest-based Sector Research Forum 2005 - resources
: 2005 - Forest economic development in the face of global changes
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: 22nd IUFRO World Congress 2005 - Forests in the Balance: Linking Tradition and Technology
: 2005 - Consumer Attitudes
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: UNECE Forest communicator Network Meeting
: 2005 - Innovation Activities of Small-scale Forest Holdings in Central Europe: Frame Conditions, Attitudes and Policy Implications
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E., Bauer, A.
: International Symposium IUFRO. Research Group 3.08.00 Small-scale Forestry 2005 - Small-scale Forestry in a Changing Environment
: 2005 - ICT and international governance (session presentat.)
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: 22nd IUFRO World Congress 2005 - Forests in the Balance: Linking Tradition and Technology
: 2004 - The role of forestry funding programmes in supporting innovations in Central European countries
Autoren: Weiss, G., Rametsteiner, E., Bauer, A.
: International Conference Evaluating Forestry Incentive and Assistance Programmes in Europe 2004 - challenges to improve policy effectiveness
: 2004 - A methodical tool for the evaluation of the implementation of international commitments on national and sub-national levels
Autoren: Pülzl, H. (vorgetragen von Rametsteiner, E.)
: International Symposíum "The Evaluation of Forest Policies and Programmes"
: 2004 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Forestry in Central Europe
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E. Weiß, G. Bauer, A.
: 2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
: 2004 - The role of forestry funding programmes in supporting innovations in Central European countries
Autoren: Bauer, A. Weiß, G.; Rametsteiner, E.
: International Conference Evaluating Forestry Incentive and Assistance Programmes in Europe 2004 - challenges to improve policy effectiveness
: 2004 - Terms and Definitions related to Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: Progress, Issues and the Way Ahead
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
: Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
: 2004 - The Role of Research for the MCPFE
Autoren: Mayer, P., Rametsteiner, E.
: Forest Research Crossing Borders
: 2003 - Innovation and entrepreneurship in forestry and marketing of forest services
Autoren: Rametsteiner E.
: 5th International Forest Policy Forum 2003
: 2003 - What do European's Think about Forests and Sustainable Forest Management?
Autoren: Rametsteiner E., Kraxner F.
: 4th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe MCPFE 2003
: 2003 - Sectoral Issues of Integrating Environmental Policy and Innovation Policy
Autoren: Kubeczko K., Rametsteiner E.
: Integration of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy
: 2003 - Innovation und Unternehmertum in der Forstwirtschaft in Zentraleuropa: Arbeiten und vorläufige Ergebnisse des EFI RPC Innoforce
Autoren: Rametsteiner E.
: 35. ForstpolitikwissenschafterInnen-Treffen 2003
: 2003 - Forest Certification: Current Status, Experiences, Impacts
Autoren: Rametsteiner E.
: 5th International Forest Policy Forum 2003
: 2003 - Key issues for the future development of international initiatives on forest-related C&I for sustainable development
Autoren: Rametsteiner E., Wijewardana D.
: International Conference on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management 2003
Die Evaluierung der Umsetzung der IPF- und IFF-Aktionsvorschläge durch Österreich und die Europäische Gemeinschaft Erfahrungen mit dem methodischen Zugang
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Rametsteiner, E.
A Look at the Forest Sector from a Consumer/Customer Perspective.
Autoren: Rametsteiner, E.
Evaluating the implementation of the IPF and IFF Proposals for ACtion & How to approach it
Autoren: Pülzl, H., Rametsteiner E.