Johann Zaller
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johann Zaller
Institute of Zoology
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-83318
ORCID: 0000-0001-7744-7378
6701553649: AuthorId
A-9914-2009: ResearcherId
Research Focus
agroecology, soil ecology, ecotoxicology
- 2011 Associate Professor, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2010 Habilitation in Ecology, Privatdozent, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2005 Senior research scientist, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 2004 Research Scientist, University of Vienna, Austria
- 2001 - 2004 Research scientist, University of Bonn, Germany
- 1998 - 2001 Postdoctoral Fellow; Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas, Ushuaia, Argentina
- 1998 - 2001 Postdoctoral Fellow; Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, USA
- 1998 Dissertation, Dr. phil., University of Basel, Switzerland
- 1998 Research assistant, Research Institute of biological Agriculture, Frick, Switzerland
- 1995 - 1998 Research assistant, University of Basel, Switzerland
- 1994 Diploma thesis, Mag. rer. nat., University of Innsbruck, Austria
- 1994 - 1995 Scholar of the Swiss Federation, Department of Botany, University of Basel, Switzerland
- 1988 - 1994 Studies in Biology/Botany/Ecology, Universities of Salzburg+Innsbruck, Austria
- Year: 2022 Awards: Otto Greither Sonderpreis des Salus-Medienpreises für den Pestizidatlas 2022 für journalistische Leistungen und Aufklärungsarbeit über Pestizide. Zaller hat Beiträge für den Pestizidatlas geliefert.
- Year: 2020 Awards: Best Paper Award des Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für Raja Imran Hussain (PI & Koautor Thomas Frank, Koautor Johann G. Zaller)
- Year: 2018 Awards: Preis Österr Entomol Ges (ÖEG) für Sophie Kratschmer für den Artikel "Tillage intensity or landscape features: What matters most for wild bee diversity in vineyards?" Agric Ecosyst Env; VineDivers
- Year: 2017 Awards: BOKU Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2017 "Licht der Zukunft" in der Kategorie "Austausch mit der Gesellschaft" für das Projekt Roadkill (Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler, Johann Zaller)
- Year: 2017 Awards: Top 100 in Ecology most highly accessed ecology articles in 2017 in Scientific Reports, paper by Jacob Buchholz et al. 2017 (
- Year: 2016 Awards: Bestes Poster präsentiert von Sophie Kratschmer et al. bei der 12. Hymenoptologischen Tagung in Stuttgart. Landscape diversity & management intensity effects on wild bee diversity. VineDivers
- Year: 2014 Awards: Mailin Gaupp-Berghausen (Masterarbeit, betreut von Johann Zaller), Wissenschaftlicher Förderungspreis der Wiener Umweltschutzabteilung MA 22
- Year: 2013 Awards: 3. Platz für wissenschaftliches Poster von Florian Heigl, Andrea Grabmaier & Johann Zaller im Rahmen des 5. Semester Touchdowns des BOKU Centre of Agricultural Sciences
- Year: 2013 Awards: BOKU Teaching Award 2013 - 3. Platz; zusammen mit Alexander Bruckner, Erhard Christian, Thomas Frank, Claudia Elisa Kubista und Ulrich Straka
- Year: 2013 Awards: Florian Heigl (Masterarbeit, betreut von Johann Zaller) Wissenschaftlicher Förderungspreis der Wiener Umweltschutzabteilung MA 22
- Year: 2013 Awards: SINA 2013 Award - Beste Posterpräsentation von Elisabeth Schwaiger für Beitrag "Analysis of drought stress on winter wheat using stable isotope ratio spectrometry (δ13C)", 12th Austrian Stable Isotope User Group Meeting, Nov 15-16, 2013, Graz
- Year: 2012 Awards: Erster Preis für das Poster mit der interessantesten und verständlichsten Darstellung der wesentlichen Information im Rahmen des 13. Österreichischen Klimatags, Juni 14-15, 2012
- Year: 2008 Awards: Anerkennungspreis für die nachhaltigste Geschäftsidee - Düngerproduktion mit Regenwürmern; Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit), Wien
- Year: 1993 Awards: Bundesstipendium der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft für ein einjähriges Gaststudium an der Universität Basel
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Das Citizen Science Projekt „AmphiBiom – Lebensraum für Wechselkröte und Co“
Autoren: Burgstaller, S; Siebert, J; Spießberger, M; Kornilev, Y; Ofenböck, T; Zaller, J; Graf, W; Schweiger, S; Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Landler, L
Event: 33.Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Herpetologie
Year: 2024 - GeRoKi – Genetic detection and roadkill hotspot analysis of roadkilled vertebrate species on selected road sections in Austria
Autoren: Siebert, J; Kaiser, FR; Rieder, C; Filzmoser, K; Schabernag, L; Kanda, B; Wanka, A; Haring, E; Pascher, K; Zaller, J; Dörler, D; Heigl, F
Event: 5th European Citizen Science Association Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Roadkill: regelmäßiges Monitoring vs. Zufallsmeldungen in Bezug auf landschaftliche Einflüsse
Autoren: Rieder, C; Kaiser, FR; Filzmoser, K; Kanda, B; Schabernag, L; Wanka, A; Haring, E; Pascher, K; Zaller, J; Siebert, J; Dörler, D; Heigl, F
Event: 5th European Citizen Science Association Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Die Rolle der DNA-Analyse bei der Identifizierung von Roadkills
Autoren: Kaiser, FR; Rieder, C; Filzmoser, K; Kanda, B; Schabernag, L; Wanka, E; Pascher, K; Zaller, J; Dörler, D; Siebert, J; Heigl, F
Event: 5th European Citizen Science Association Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - Implementation of a pioneer program for soil monitoring and assessment of factors influencing soil biodiversity in Austria
Autoren: Zaller, J; Mittmannsgruber, M; Gruber, E; Wiedenegger, E; Monoshyn, D; Muraoka, Y; Pascher, K; Schindler, S; Murugan, R
Event: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024
Year: 2024 - Soil biodiversity monitoring in the open landscape across Austria with a focus on earthworms and soil microorganisms: opportunities and challenges
Autoren: Monoshyn, D; Mittmannsgruber, M; Gruber, E; Wiedenegger, E; Muraoka, Y; Pascher, K; Schindler, S; Murugan, R; Zaller, JG
Event: Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS 2024
Year: 2024 - Auf Entdeckungsreise mit Regenwürmern
Autoren: Zaller, J
Event: Vortragsreihe Naturschutzbund Wien
Year: 2024 - The citizen science project “AmphiBiom”: a quest to mitigate habitat loss for the European green toad
Autoren: Burgstaller, S; Siebert, J; Krall, M; Kornilev, Y; Spießberger, M; Hamernik, D; Kremser, J; Ofenböck, T; Zaller, J; Schweiger, S; Graf, W; Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Landler, L
Event: 5th European Citizen Science Association Conference 2024
Year: 2024 - The citizen science project “AmphiBiom”: a quest to mitigate habitat loss for the European green toad
Autoren: Burgstaller, S; Siebert, J; Krall, M; Kornilev, Y; Spießberger, M; Hamernik, D; Kremser, J; Ofenböck, T; Zaller, J; Schweiger, S; Graf, W; Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Landler, L
Event: 5th European Citizen Science Association Conference 2024
Year: 2023 - Importance of harmonized data in soil macrofauna monitoring in Europe- Soil management a key indicator
Autoren: Ashfaq, S; Pérès, G; Murugan, R; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2023
Autoren: Fredrigotti, C; Zaller, JG; Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Pedrini, P; Sforzi, A; Brambilla, M
Event: 21st Italian Ornithological Congress
Year: 2023 - Assessing the effect of agricultural management practices on soil biodiversity indicators across the EU
Autoren: Aponte, C; Mocali, S; Pastorelli, R; D ́avino, L; Tondini, E; Vitali, F; Sagova-Mareckova, M; Bastida, F; Siles, JL; Moreno, JL; Trasar-Cepeda, C; Prieto-Fernández, A; van der Heijden, M; Wittwer, R; Murugan, R; Zaller, JG; Ashfaq, S; Viketoft, M; Bahram, M; Suhadolc, M; Govednik, A; Mihelic, R; Bevivino, AM; Sbarra, F; Sevi, F; Lumini, E; Faber, J; Korthals, G; Bloem, J; Postma, J; van de Voorde, T; Hedde, M; Roucaute, M; Lerner, L; Dialo, I; Peres, G
Event: EJP SOIL Annual Science Days 2023
Year: 2023 - Ecotoxicology of glyphosate: an ecologist’s perspective
Autoren: Zaller, JG
Event: Is glyphosate safe for health and the environment?
Year: 2023 - Auswirkungen von Begrünungsmanagement und Pestizideinsatz auf Bodenerosion und natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfung im Weinbau
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Walzer, A; Redl, M; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, JG; Gruber, E; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Sandor, M; Alcalá Herrera, R; Benitez, E; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Richart Cervera, S; Strauss, P; Schwarz, N; Cheng, Y; Comsa, M; Karp, D; Paredes, D
Event: LIFE VineAdapt - Nachhaltiger Weinbau zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel Midterm-Workshop
Year: 2023 - Analyse von Igel Meldungen aus dem Citizen Science Projekt Roadkill
Autoren: van Dyck, R; Laaha, G; Zaller, J; Dörler, D; Heigl, F
Event: 8. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2023
Year: 2022 - Beginn der Amphibienwanderung in Österreich: Citizen Science Daten zeigen Indikatoren für Vorhersage
Autoren: Peer, M; Dörler, D; Zaller, JG; Scheifinger, H; Schweiger, S; Laaha, G; Neuwirth, G; Hübner, T; Heigl, F
Event: 7. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2022
Year: 2022 - Artenvielfalt und Biodiversität
Autoren: Brühl, CA; Zaller, JG
Event: Veranstaltung der Umweltschutzgruppe Vinschgau, der Waldorfschule Mals und der Sozialgenossenschaft vinterra
Year: 2022 - Pestizide in der Luft
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Infoveranstaltung Enkeltaugliches Österreich
Year: 2022 - Cover crop choice in dry agricultural regions - A trade-off between farmer and earthworm demands
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Hoos, L; März, M; Fotzinger, P; Zaller, JG; Butt KR
Event: 12th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology 2022
Year: 2022 - Hotspotanalyse überfahrener Tiere in Österreich basierend auf Citizen Science
Autoren: Diem, P; Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Zaller, J
Event: 7. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2022
Year: 2022 - Impact of earthworms on the Si availability to plants
Autoren: Monoshyn Dmytro
Event: International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture ICSA 2022
Year: 2022 - 7 Jahre Projekt Roadkill: Amphibienschutz durch Kollaboration
Autoren: Dörler, D; Peer, M; Zaller, J; Scheifinger, H; Schweiger, S; Laaha, G; Neuwirth, G; Hübner, T; Heigl, F;
Event: Forum Citizen Science 2022
Year: 2022 - Sustainable vineyard vegetation management - balancing trade-offs and synergies of biodiversity and ecosystem service provision
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Walzer, A; Redl, M; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, JG; Gruber, E; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Sandor, M; Alcalá Herrera, R; Benitez, E; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Richart, S;T Richart Cervera, S; Strauss, P; Schwarz, N; Cheng, Y; Comsa, M; Karp, D; Paredes, D
Event: Joint meeting SFE GFÖ EEF, International conference on ecological sciences 2022 - Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges
Year: 2022 - Importance of harmonised data in soil macro invertebrate monitoring in European agroecosystems
Autoren: Ashfaq, S; Pérès, G; Zaller, JG; Murugan, R
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft ÖBG 2022
Year: 2022 - Distribution of earthworms in agricultural soils across Europe: Diverse patterns and associated ecosystem functions
Autoren: Ashfaq, S; Pérès, G; Murugan, R; Zaller, JG
Event: 12th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology 2022
Year: 2022 - Biodiversity conservation and organic wine production: a glass half-full
Autoren: Beaumelle, L; Giffard, B; Winter, S; Entling, M; Benítez, E; Zaller, J; Charbonnier, Y; Kolb, S; Reiff, JM; Rusch, A
Event: Joint meeting SFE GFÖ EEF, International conference on ecological sciences 2022 - Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges
Year: 2021 - Einfluss der Weingartenbewirtschaftung auf die taxonomische und funktionelle Diversität von Pflanzen und Wildbienen in Österreich und Südafrika
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Gaigher, R; Pryke, JS; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ; Melin, A; Kehinde, T; Zaller, JG; Winter, S;
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2021
Year: 2021 - Der Boden, unsere Lebensmittel & Wir
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Bio connects. Essen bringt uns zusammen. Ein Webinar für Gemeinscha??sverpflegung und Gastronomie über den Einsatz von Biolebensmittel
Year: 2021 - Earthworms affect decomposition of the soil-borne plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in a cover crop field experiment
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Scheibreithner, C; Steinkellner, S; Zaller, JG
Event: 18. International Colloquium in Soil Zoology
Year: 2021 - Biodiversitätsrückgang. Was ist die Rolle der Pestizide?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Ökologisches Kolloquium, Universität Innsbruck
Year: 2021 - Children playground contaminated with pesticides all year round in Southern Tyrol
Autoren: Hertoge, K; Linhart, C; Panzacchi, S; Belpoggi, F; Clausing, P; Zaller, JG
Event: Round table hosted by Members of the European Parliament in Brussels entitled: No to pesticides in our playgrounds, schools and public areas
Year: 2021 - Das Summen zwischen den Reben: Wildbienen im Weingarten und wie Winzer*innen sie fördern können
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Paredes, D; Guernion, M; Guzmán, G; Popescu, D; Macavei, L; Gaigher, R; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ
Event: Bio-WinzerInnen Tagung
Year: 2021 - Pestizideffekte auf Bodenorganismen
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Biodiversitätsverlust und Pestizide. Online Veranstaltung der Umweltschutzgruppe Vinschgau un der Vereinigung der Südtiroler Biologen.
Year: 2021 - Cover crops as biostimulators for earthworm populations in arable fields
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Fuchs, M; Zaller, JG; Piepho, H-P; Butt, KR; Steinkellner, S
Event: 18. International Colloquium in Soil Zoology
Year: 2021 - Unser täglich Gift - die vielfältigen, nicht beabsichtigten Auswirkungen der Pestizide und deren Folgen
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Veranstaltungsreihe der Bio-Stiftung Schweiz und der Bodenallianz Pfaffenhofen
Year: 2021 - Chemisch-synthetische Pestizide: ein Thema für den Biolandbau?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Kolloquium am Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau
Year: 2021 - Der Einfluss von Bewirtschaftungsintensitäten und Landschaftsparametern auf die Diversität der Wildbienen und Pflanzen in Weingärten - Österreich und Südafrika im Vergleich
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Gaigher, R; Pryke, JS; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ; Melin, A; Kehinde, T; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: 87. Internationale Entomologentagung
Year: 2020 - Biodiversity decline. To what extent do pesticide contribute?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Seminar Ecology & Evolution, University of Salzburg
Year: 2020 - Nebenwirkungen von synthetischen Pestiziden. Veranstalter: Bio-Stiftung Schweiz Referent: Prof. Dr. Johann Zaller Podiumsgäste: Martin Bossard, Regina Fuhrer-Wyss Moderation: Mathias Forster
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Synthetische Pestizide - Fluch oder Segen? Veranstalter: Bio-Stiftung Schweiz. Vortrag mit anschliessender Podiumsdiskussion. Podiumsgäste: Martin Bossard (Bio Suisse), Regina Fuhrer-Wyss (Kleinbäuerinnenvereinigung), Johann Zaller (BOKU Wien). Moderation: Mathias Forster
Year: 2020 - Sustainable viticulture – management effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Herndl, T; Walzer, A; Kratschmer, S; Johann G. Zaller, J.G; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, J.M; Strauss, P
Event: 19th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development 2020
Year: 2020 - Weltweites Artensterben. Wie sind wir Menschen daran beteiligt, wie betrifft es uns?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Treffpunkt Dominikanerhaus. Reihe: Klimakrise und Gerechtigkeit - Die Welt neu denken
Year: 2020 - Unser täglich Gift - Biozide im Alltag
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Biozide und kontaminierte Sammlungen
Year: 2020 - Pesticide contamination of public places and playgrounds in South Tyrol: levels, risk factors, and advices for reduction of contamination
Autoren: Linhart, C; Niedrist, G; Riedl, A; Zaller JG; Clausing, P, Hertoge, K
Event: Online-Kongress "Visions for Transition - Wie Landwirtschaft und Städte der Zukunft die Artenvielfalt bewahren"
Year: 2019 - Pestizide -unterschätzte Gefahr für unsere Böden
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung der IG Gesunder Boden
Year: 2019 - Pesticides - our daily poison
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: International distributor meeting
Year: 2019 - Pestizide, die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Buchpräsentation 2019
Year: 2019 - Earthworms affect decomposition of soil-borne plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in a cover crop field experiment
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Steinkellner, S; Scheibreithner, C; Zaller, JG
Event: Soilman
Year: 2019 - Ackergifte: Die unsichtbare Gefahr in Apfel, Brot und Bier. Wie schädlich sind Pestizide für Mensch und Umwelt?
Autoren: Zaller, JG; von Mackensen, M
Event: Podiumsdiskussion auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse (Fachpublikum), Moderation: Joyce Moewius (BÖLW)
Year: 2019 - Inter-row management effects on biotic and abiotic soil properties of European vineyards
Autoren: Strauss, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Nicolai, A; Popescu, P; Gomez, JA; Guzmán, G; Bauer, T; Buchholz, J; Zaller, JG
Event: Soils across Latitudes. International Soils Meeting, Soil Science Society America
Year: 2019 - Pestizide - eine unterschätzte Gefahr für die Imkerei?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Fachtagung des Österreichischen Erwerbsimkerbundes 2019
Year: 2019 - Pestizide, die unterschätzte Gefahr - nicht nur für Bienen
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Landesverein der Bienenzüchter Salzburg, Referat für ökologische Bienenhaltung
Year: 2019 - Pestizide – unser täglich Gift. Eine unterschätzte Gefahr.
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Vortrag bei Naturkundlichen Gesellschaft Mostviertel
Year: 2019 - Participatory modelling the effects of global change on biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services in viticultural landscapes across Europe
Autoren: Winter, S; Redl, M; Walzer, A; Hage-Ahmed, K; Benítez, E; Rusch, A; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Sandor, M; Popescu, D; Karp, D; Bergmann, H; Plaas, E; Schwarz, N; Zaller, J; Paredes, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Weingartenpflege oder Landschaftsstruktur - Was ist wichtiger für Wildbienen
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Kriechbaum, M; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2019
Year: 2019 - Pestizide - eine unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Vino Alpi 2019 - Bioweinfestival/Organic wine festival
Year: 2019 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: BioMartin Buchvorstellung
Year: 2019 - Pestizide - eine unterschätzte Gefahr für Insekten?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Fachgespräch der Österreichischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft (ÖEG)
Year: 2019 - Gründe für Pestizidreduktion aus der Sicht der Ökologie
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Workshop MA22
Year: 2019 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Griessner Stadl - Veranstaltungsreihe Natur-Ökologie-Landwirtschaft
Year: 2019 - Identification of factors influencing slug abundances in gardens by using a citizen science approach
Autoren: Dörler, D; Krop, M; Laaha, G; Zaller, JG
Event: 15th EEF-Congress
Year: 2019 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Fortbildung der Pädagogischen Hochschule Steiermark
Year: 2019 - Participative modelling in European viticultural landscapes – simulation of the effects of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Autoren: Winter, S; Markus Redl, M; Walzer, A; Hage-Ahmed, K; Möth, S; Benítez, E; Rusch, A; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Sandor, M; Popescu, D; Karp, D; Bergmann, H; Plaas, E; Schwarz, N; Zaller, JG; Paredes, D
Event: 74. ALVA Jahrestagung 2019 - Weinbau und Klima
Year: 2019 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Aktionsbündnis Giftfrei im Dreiländereck & Verein für Obstbau, Garten und Landschaft Sachsenhausen & NABU-Gruppe Wertheim
Year: 2019 - Gesunder Boden - Gesunde Lebensmittel
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: BioCamp 2019
Year: 2019 - Pestizide - Auswirkungen auf Artenvielfalt und Gesundheit
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Die lange Nacht der fairÄnderung
Year: 2019 - Pestizide - unser täglich Gift?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Händler-Tagung
Year: 2019 - Evaluation of soil erosion risk and identification of soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE in European vineyards with different soil management
Autoren: Biddoccu, M.; Guzmán, G.; Thielke, T.; Strauss, P.; Winter, S.; Zaller, J.G.; Capello, G.; Cavallo, E.; Gómez, J.A.
Event: FAO Global Symposium on Soil Erosion: Stop soil erosion, Save our future
Year: 2019 - Glyphosat & Co. Pestizide, die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Vortrag & Diskussion
Year: 2019 - SECBIVIT Scenarios for providing multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in viticultural landscapes
Autoren: Paredes, D; Portero, A; Benitez, E; Karp, D; Schwarz, N; Willemen, L; Yang, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Dascalu, D; Sandor, M; Popescu, D; Bergmann, H; Rascher, S; Plaas, E; Hoffmann, C; Möth, S; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: I Congreso International sobre los vinos traditionales de Andalucia
Year: 2019 - Agrobiodiversity: abandonment of mountainous grasslands and establishment of lowland grasslands
Autoren: Frank, T; Arnberger, A; Bohner, A; Brandl, M; Hussain, RI; Maas, B; Moser, D; Walcher, R; Zaller, JG
Event: 49th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), Münster, GERMANY
Year: 2019 - Healthy Alps - Alpine Landschaften unter globalem Wandel
Autoren: Frank, T, Arnberger, A, Zaller, JG, Bauer, N, Walcher, R,Karrer, J, Hussain, RI, Brandl, D, Jernej, I, Eder, R, Allex, B, Hutter, HP, Pachinger, B, Sachslehner, L, Michel, K, Bohner, A
Event: BMNT Workshop. Einladungsvortrag
Year: 2019 - Herbizide im Weinbau. Wirkung auf Reben, Bodenleben und Insekten
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: BUND Kreisgruppe Bad Dürkheim
Year: 2019 - Inter-Row Management Effects on Biotic and Abiotic Soil Properties of European Vineyards
Autoren: Strauss P, Winter S, Kratschmer S, Nicolai A, Popescu D, Gomez JA, Guzmán G, Bauer T, Buchholz J, Zaller JG
Event: Soil Science Society of America, International Soils Meeting, 129-2
Year: 2019 - Pestizidwirkungen auf Bodenfruchtbarkeit, Bodenleben und Artenvielfalt
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Workshop von Agrarbündnis Berchtesgadener Land/Traunstein & Ökomodellregion Waginger See/Rupertiwinkel
Year: 2019 - Wer bestimmt, was wir essen? Pestizide und nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Diskussionsabend
Year: 2019 - Pestizidwirkung auf Bodenfruchtbarkeit, Bodenleben und Artenvielfalt
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Workshop von Agrarbündnis Traunstein-BGL in Kooperation mit der Ökomodellregion Waginger See-Rupertiwinkel
Year: 2019 - Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und Bodenpflege
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Württembergischer Imkertag 2019
Year: 2018 - Das kommt mir spanisch vor - Datenqualitätssicherung als Voraussetzung für die Publikation in einem Fachjournal
Autoren: Dörler, D; Zaller, JG
Event: 4. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2018
Year: 2018 - Non-target effects of three glyphosate-based herbicides and their respective salts of the active ingredient on Collembola and litter decomposition
Autoren: Maderthaner, M; Weber, M; Gruber, E; Takács, E; Székács, A; Zaller, JG
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Impacts of land use intensity in mountain semi-dry meadows on earthworms, litter decomposition and plant diversity
Autoren: Jernej, I; Bohner, A; Walcher, R; Hussain, RI; Arnberger, A; Zaller, JG; Frank, T
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Pestizide im Gartenbau und das Insektensterben – Hat es sich ausgesummt?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: 9. Internationale Fachtage Ökologische Pflege 2018
Year: 2018 - Effects of earthworms and rainfall patterns on the efficacy of control measures against an invasive slug species
Autoren: Dörler, D; Scheucher, A; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Fox observations in the city of Vienna: Impact of land use and socioeconomics of citizen scientists
Autoren: Walter, T; Zink, R; Laaha, G; Heigl, F; Zaller, JG
Event: European Citizen Science Conference 2018
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Herbstsymposion SOL-Regionalgruppe Lungau
Year: 2018 - Effects of earthworms and cover crops on plant pathogenic fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Steinkellner, S; Scheibreithner, C; Zaller, JG
Event: 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences ICOAS 2018
Year: 2018 - Pestizide, die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Vortrag und Diskussion im Knappensaal (Bergamt)
Year: 2018 - Effect of tillage intensities on predator-prey interactions in vineyards from different landscapes: the case of spiders and springtails
Autoren: Pfingstmann, A; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Paredes, D; Kratschmer, S; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Impacts of land use intensity in mountain semi-dry meadows on earthworms, litter decomposition and plant diversity
Autoren: Jernej, I; Bohner, A; Walcher, R; Hussain, R; Arnberger, A; Zaller, JG; Frank, T
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr.
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Österreichischer Naturschutzbund, Landesgruppe Wien
Year: 2018 - Pestizide, die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion im Kulturhaus mit Dr. Michael Oberhuber, Versuchszentrum Laimburg, Südtirol
Year: 2018 - Effects of two decades of organic and mineral fertilization on earthworms and standardized litter decomposition
Autoren: Spiegel, H; Mosleitner, T; Sandén, T; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Ökologische Auswirkungen der Flächenstilllegung von gemähten Halbtrockenrasen: Fallstudien in drei Bergregionen in den Ostalpen
Autoren: Bohner, A; Karrer, J; Walcher, R; Brandl, D; Michel, K; Arnberger, A; Frank, T; Zaller, JG
Event: 18. Österreichische Botanik-Tagung & 24. Internationale Tagung der Sektion für Biodiversität und Evolutionsbiologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 2018
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, JG
Event: Buchhandlung Kuppitsch
Year: 2018 - Protected areas’ landscapes as resources for human health and well-being – case studies from Austria
Event: 6th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Year: 2018 - Inter-row management effects on biotic and abiotic soil properties of European vineyards
Autoren: Strauss, P; Gomez, J; Gúzman, G; Nicolai, A; Cluzeau, D; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Bunea, C; Popescu, D; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, J G
Event: Soil And Water Security: Challenges for the next 30 years! ESSC International Conference
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr.
Autoren: Zaller, JG
Event: Unternehmen Mitte Basel
Year: 2018 - Do earthworms feed on the plant pathogenic fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum?
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Steinkellner, S; Scheibreithner, C; Zaller, JG
Event: 1st International Earthworm Congress
Year: 2018 - Pestizide im Spannungsfeld Ökologie, Politik und Gesundheit
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für Biologie und Umweltkunde an AHS
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Rückenwind für pestizidfreie Gemeinden im Südwesten. Positionen und Prozesse
Year: 2018 - Earthworms in agroecosystems: habitat requirement, biology, ecosystem services
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: EFnet staff training
Year: 2018 - The perception of viticultural landscapes as a method of promoting and supporting local economic activities trough multifunctional landscapes
Autoren: Hoble, A; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Cluzeau, D; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Winter, S; Zaller, J; Guzmán, G
Event: The International Conference of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture
Year: 2018 - Extensive soil management and high floral resource availability promote wild bees in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Macavei, L; Schwantzer, M; Guzmán, G; Guernion, G; Nicolai, A; Albin, F; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Burel, F; Zaller, J; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Non-target effects of pesticides on terrestrial ecosystems
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: EU-Parliament, Expert Hearing on Pesticides
Year: 2018 - Effects of herbicides on the activity and reproduction of earthworms: pure active ingredient glyphosate vs. commercial glyphosate-based formulations
Autoren: Weber, M; Maderthaner, M; Gruber, E; Takács, E; Székács, A; Zaller, JG
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - How abandonment of mountainous meadows influence bumblebees, true bugs and grasshoppers: studies from the Austrian and Swiss Alps
Autoren: Walcher, R; Hussain, RI; Karrer, J; Brandl, D; Sachslehner, L; Bohner, A; Jernej, I; Zaller, JG; Arnberger, A; Frank, T
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Determination of soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE and evaluation of erosion risk in vineyards at five vine growing regions across Europe with different soil management intensities
Autoren: Jose Alfonso Gomez, JA; Biddoccu, M; Guzmán, G; Strauss, P; Nicolai, A; Popescou, D; Bunea, C; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Cavallo, E
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Tägliches Gift? Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Landwirtschaftliches Kolloquium der WALA Heilmittel GmbH
Year: 2018 - Vegetation management intensity alters functional traits and plant community composition in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Hall, R. M; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Kratschmer, S; Jung, V; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Guernion, M; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Gómez, J. A; Popescu, D; Hoble, A; Comsa, M; Bunea, C; Zaller, J. G; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Influence of abandonment and monitoring methods on syrphid composition in mountainous meadows of Austrian and Swiss Alps
Autoren: Hussain, RI; Walcher, R; Brandl, D; Jernej, I; Arnberger, A; Zaller, JG; Frank, T
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr.
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: NMS Sankt Michael im Lungau
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr.
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Bioweinbau Schreiner
Year: 2018 - Effects of earthworms and cover crops on plant pathogenic fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Steinkellner, S; Scheibreithner, C; Zaller, JG (2018): . In:
Event: 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences ICOAS 2018
Year: 2018 - Response of wild bee diversity and functional traits to vineyard management and landscape diversity across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Macavei, L; Guzmán, G; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Zaller, J; Winter, S
Event: 8th congress of Apidology EurBee 8 2018
Year: 2018 - Weed communities show differential response to management intensity and landscape diversity in European vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Cabezas, JM; Gómez, J; Jung, V; Fertil, A; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Hoble, A; Comsa, M; Zaller, JG
Event: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium
Year: 2018 - Unser täglich Gift. Pestizide - die unterschätzte Gefahr
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Bildungszentrum St. Benedikt
Year: 2018 - Effect of tillage intensities on predator-prey interactions of spiders and springtails in vineyards from different landscapes
Autoren: Pfingstmann, A; Buchholz, J; Paredes, D; Querner, P; Kratschmer, S; Winter S; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Zaller, JG
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Pesticides - what do we really know about their non-target effects?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Ecology Seminar, University of Göttingen
Year: 2018 - Vineyard vegetation management intensity affects root paramters in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Appel, V; Labuda, T; Probus, S; Penke, N; Steinkellner, S; Himmelbauer, M; Loiskandl, W; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Jung, V; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Comsa, M; Zaller, J. G; Kriechbaum, M; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Herbicides in vineyards reduce root mycorrhization, alter soil microorganism and nutrients in various parts of the grapevine plant
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Cantelmo, C; Dos Santos, G; Muther, S; Gruber, E; Pallua, P; Mandl, K; Friedrich, B; Hofstetter, I; Schmuckenschlager, B; Faber, F
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Herbicide effects within the vineyard ecosystem on soil biota and nutrient composition
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.; Cantelmo, C.; DosSantos, G.; Muther, S.; Gruber, E.; Pallua, P.; Mandl, K.; Friedrich, B.; Hofstetter, I.; Eder, R.; Faber, F.
Event: 41st World Congress on Vine and Wine 2018
Year: 2018 - Effects of earthworms and rainfall patterns on the efficacy of control measures against an invasive slug species
Autoren: Dörler, D; Scheucher, A; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2017 - Effects of management intensity and landscape on plant diversity, species composition and functional traits in European vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Lora, A; Sánchez-Cuesta; R; Guzmán, G; Cabezas, J; Paredes, D; Jung, V; Gomez, J; Fertil, A; Chollet, S; Schneider, A; Comsa, M; Kratschmer, S; Guernion, M; Hoble, A; Entrenas, J; Zaller, J.
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - Monitoring der Bakterienflora des Weingartens unter dem Einfluss von Herbiziden anhand von Next Generation Sequencing
Autoren: Mandl, K; Cantelmo, C; Gruber, E; Faber, F; Friedrich, B; Zaller, JG
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2017 - Zukunft Obstbau, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen
Year: 2017 - Regenwurmabundanz unter verschiedenen Zwischenfrüchten in Groß-Enzersdorf
Autoren: Scheibreithner, C; Steinkellner, S; Euteneuer, P; Zaller, JG
Event: Zwischenfruchtsymposium der Versuchswirtschaft Groß-Enzersdorf 2017
Year: 2017 - Restorative effects of managed and unmanaged Alpine meadows
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Allex, B., Hutter, H.-P., Bauer, N., Hofmann, M., Zaller, J.G., Frank, T.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Landscape and Human Health 2017 - Forests, Parks and Green Care
Year: 2017 - Field versus landscape scale: What determines wild bee diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2017
Year: 2017 - Ecosystem services driven by the diversity of soil biota – understanding and management in agriculture – The Biodiversa SoilMan-Project
Autoren: Potthoff, M; Pérès, G; Taylor, A; Schrader, S; Landa, B; Nicolai, A; Sandor, M; Öptik, M; Guzmán, G; Bergmann, H; Cluzeau, D; Banse, M; Bengtsson, J; Guernion, M; Zaller, JG; Roslin, T; Scheu, S; Gómez, JA
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Zwischenfrüchte und Regenwürmer
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Euteneuer, P
Event: Zwischenfruchtsymposium der Versuchswirtschaft Groß-Enzersdorf 2017
Year: 2017 - Earthworm abundance under four differnt cover crops
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Kral, I; Kulhánek, M; Manojlović, M; Neugschwandtner, R; Eiringer, G; Šeremešić, S; Scheibreithner, C; Steinkellner, S; Zaller, JG
Event: 8th CASEE Conference Sustainable development in Europe 2017 – cooperation between science and practice - What’s the position of Central and South Eastern Europe?
Year: 2017 - A proposal for soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE in vineyards with different soil management across Europe
Autoren: Gómez, JA; Biddoccu, M; Guzman, G; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Cavallo, E
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - How does vineyard management intensity affect inter-row plant diversity and associated root parameters
Autoren: Winter, S; Labuda, T; Probus, S; Penke, N; Himmelbauer, M; Loiskandl, W; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Popescu, D; Comsa, M;Claudiu-Ioan Bunea, C-I; Zaller, JG; Kriechbaum, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Effects of inter row management intensity on soil physical properties in European vineyards
Autoren: Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Kumpan, M; Guzmán, G; Gómez, JA; Stiper, K; Popescu, D; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Can vineyard biodiversity be beneficial for viticulture and tourism?
Autoren: Hervé, M; Kratschmer, S; Gregorich, C; Winter, S; Montembault, D; Zaller, JG; Guernion, M; Jung, V; Schuette, R; Paredes, D; Guzman, G; Gomez, J; Hoble, A; Popescu, D; Burel, F; Cluzeau, D; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Nicolai, A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Two methods to assess grasshoppers in grassland habitats: a comparison of the frequently used acoustic-visual method and a novel soundscape approach.
Autoren: Walcher, R; Sachslehner, L; Hussain, R.I; Jernej, I; Arnberger, A; Zaller, J.G; Frank, T
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - Soil management effect on soil quality indicators in vineyards of the Appellation of Origin “Montilla-Moriles” in southern Spain
Autoren: Guzmán, G; Cabezas, JM; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Gómez, JA
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Wild bee diversity and functional traits are affected by inter-row management intensityin vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Macavei, L; Zaller JG; Winter, S
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - How does vineyard management intensity affect inter-row plant diversity and associated root parameters?
Autoren: Winter, S; Labuda, T; Probus, S; Penke, N; Himmelbauer, M; Loiskandl, W; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Popescu, D; Comsa, M; Bunea, C-I; Zaller, JG; Kriechbaum, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Underlying factors of slug distribution in Austrian gardens - can citizen science help?
Autoren: Dörler, D; Kropf, M; Laaha, G; Zaller, JG
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - Response of soil biota to vineyard interrow soil cultivation can be altered by the surrounding landscape
Autoren: Zaller, JG Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Paredes, D; Kratschmer, S; Schwantzer, M; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Burel, F; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Nicolai, A; Cluzeau, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Einfluss von Herbiziden auf die Aufnahme von Mineralnährstoffen im Weinbau
Autoren: Friedrich, B; Faber, F; Zaller, JG; Gruber, E; Hofsteter, I; Linder, K; Bauer, F; Mandl, K
Event: Internationaler Arbeitskreis für Bodenbewirtschaftung und Qualitätsmanagement im Weinbau
Year: 2017 - Monitoring of soil bacteria with NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) in the vineyard under the influence of herbicides
Autoren: Mandl, K; Cantelmo, C; Friedrich, B; Gruber, E; Faber, F; Zaller, JG
Event: 14th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology BAGECO 14 2017 - Talking with Neighbours
Year: 2017 - Roadkill Data Collection using Citizen Science in Austria – First Results
Autoren: Heigl, F; Steiner, W; Stretz, C; Horvath, K; Suppan, F; Bauer, T; Laaha, G; Zaller, JG
Event: 10th Annual Meeting of the Specialist Group on Macroecology of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria & Switzerland (GfÖ) 2017
Year: 2017 - Wirkungen von Herbiziden auf das Bodenleben: erste Ergebnisse aus dem Freilandversuch 2016
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Neunte Klosterneuburger Hefetagung
Year: 2017 - Earthworm abundance under four different cover crops
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Scheibreithner, C; Steinkellner, S; Zaller, JG
Event: International Conference "Organic Agriculture for Agrobiodiversity Preservation"
Year: 2017 - Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of soil cover management in Austrian vineyards - how does it affect soil loss modelling?
Autoren: Strauss, P; Thielke, T; Bauer, T; Zaller, JG; Kratschmer, S; Winter, S
Event: World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change 2017
Year: 2016 - How does vineyard management intensity affect ecosystem services and disservices – insights from a meta-analysis
Autoren: Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Paredes, D; Gómez, JA; Guzmán, G; Landa, B; Nicolai, A; Burel, F; Cluzeau, D; Popescu, D; Bunea, C-I; Potthoff, M; Guernion, M; Batáry, P
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Soil cultivation in vineyards alters interactions between soil biota and soil physical and hydrological properties
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Potthoff, M; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Cluzeau, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Pestizideffekte auf Bodenorganismen: Konsequenzen für das Agroökosystem
Autoren: Zaller, JG
Event: Institutskolloquium Universität Koblenz-Landau
Year: 2016 - Effects of management intensity on plant biodiversity and related ecosystem services in Austrian, French, Romanian and Spanish vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Cabezas, J.M; Gómez, J.A; Paredes, D; Jung, V; Fertil, A; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Comsa, M; Zaller, J.G
Event: 6th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group: Weeds And Biodiversity 2016
Year: 2016 - Healthy Alps - Alpine landscapes under global change: Impacts of land-use change on regulating ecosystem services, biodiversity, human health and well-being
Autoren: Frank, T; Arnberger, A; Zaller, JG; Bauer, N; Walcher, R; Karrer, J; Eder, R; Ebenberger, M; Hofmann, M; Hutter, HP; Sachslehner, L; Michel, K, Bohner, A
Event: ESS Projektworkshop 2016
Year: 2016 - Pestizide auf Ökoflächen?
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: 54. Fortbildungsseminar der Sächsischen Interessengemeinschaft Ökologischer Landbau e.V. (SIGÖL)
Year: 2016 - Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and temperature on the development of common toads
Autoren: Baier, F; Gruber, E; Spangl, B; Zaller, JG
Event: CAS 11. Touchdown Agrarwissenschaften 2016
Year: 2016 - Ecosystem services and soil biodiversity in French vineyards
Autoren: Nicolai, A; Guernion, M; Cluzeau, D; Gómez, J; Guzmán, G; Strauss, P; Popescu, D; Hoble, A; Bunea, C; Potthoff, M; Bergman, H; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting 2016
Year: 2016 - Surface active and soil Collembola influenced by habitat and landscape parameters in Austrian vineyards
Autoren: Querner, P; Buchholz, J; Zaller, JG; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Strauss, P
Event: XVII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology
Year: 2016 - Auswirkungen der Umbruchsintensitäten der Zwischenstockbereiche auf bodenphysikalische Eigenschaften im Weinbau
Autoren: Stiper, K; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2016 - Eiweißpflanzen - Strategien und Chancen für Landwirtschaft und Industrie
Year: 2016 - Does management intensity in inter rows effect soil physical properties in Austrian and Romanian vineyards?
Autoren: Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Stiper, K; Klipa, V; Popescu, D; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Roadkill Data Collection using Citizen Science in Austria
Autoren: Heigl, F; Steiner, W; Stretz, C; Horvath, K; Suppan, F; Bauer, T; Laaha, G; Zaller, JG
Event: International Conference IENE 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of inter-row management intensity on wild bee, plant and soil biota diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Strauß, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Die Spanische Wegschnecke (Arion vulgaris): In aller Munde - doch wenig erforscht
Autoren: Dörler, D; Scheucher, A; Dorn, V; Zaller, J.G.
Event: Einladungsvortrag Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Year: 2016 - Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide on the development of Common toads (Bufo bufo L.; Amphibia) at different temperatures
Autoren: Baier, F; Gruber, E; Spangl, B; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of vineyard interrow soil cultivation and soil properties on soil biota appear to be altered by the surrounding landscape
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Kratschmer, S; Schwantzer, M; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Paredes, D; Burel, F; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Scimia, J; Cluzeau, D
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Factors influencing data quality in citizen science roadkill projects
Autoren: Heigl, F; Zaller, JG
Event: 2nd Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016 - Citizen Science-Quo vadis!
Year: 2016 - Effects of wheat seed dressings with neonicotinoid insecticides and fungicides on soil organisms
Autoren: Zaller, JG; König, N; Tiefenbacher, A; Muraoka, Y; Ratzenböck, A; Baier, F; Bonkowski, M; Koller, R
Event: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting 2016
Year: 2016 - Management intensity or landscape diversity? What matters most for wild bee diversity in wine-growing areas?
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Entrenas, J.A; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller J.G; Winter, S,
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of landscape diversity and management intensity on wild bee diversity in wine-growing areas
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guzmán G; Entrenas, J.A; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller, J.G; Winter, S
Event: 12. Hymenopterologischen-Tagung in Stuttgart
Year: 2016 - Data Quality in Citizen Science Projects considering Roadkills
Autoren: Heigl, F; Dörler, D; Zaller, JG;
Event: 1st International ECSA Conference 2016: Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy
Year: 2016 - Impacts of land-use change on the diversity of bumblebees, bugs and grasshoppers in semi-dry alpine meadows
Autoren: Walcher, R; Brandl, D; Karrer, J; Zaller, J; Arnberger, A; Frank, T
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Healthy Alps - Alpine landscapes under global Change: Impacts of land-use change on regulating ecosystem Services, biodiversity, human health and well-being
Autoren: Frank, T; Arnberger, A; Zaller, JG; Bauer, N; Walcher, R; Karrer, J; Eder, R; Ebenberger, M; Hofmann, M; Hutter, HP; Sachslehner, L; Michel, K, Bohner, A
Event: ESS Projektworkshop 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of inter-row management intensity on wild bee, plant and soil biota diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Zaller, J.G; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Winter, S
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - BOKUArion - Ein Citizen Science Projekt zur Spanischen Wegschnecke in Österreich
Autoren: Dörler, D; Kropf, M; Zaller, JG;
Event: Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2016
Year: 2016 - Impact of pesticides on interactions between above- and belowground organisms
Autoren: Zaller, JG
Event: Colloquium on Ecology & Evolution, Freie Universität Berlin
Year: 2016 - Distribution of the invasive slug Arion vulgaris in Austrian gardens: first results of a citizen science project (BOKUArion)
Autoren: Dörler, D; Kropf, M; Zaller, JG
Event: 1st International ECSA Conference 2016: Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy
Year: 2016 - Zunehmende Trockenheit und Starkregenereignisse im Pannonischen Raum: Welche Auswirkungen auf Agrarökosysteme sind zu erwarten?
Autoren: Michel, M; Zaller, JG; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A; Haas, E; Kitzler, B
Event: 17. Österreichischer Klimatag 2016 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2016 - Citizen Science in der universitären Lehre
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Dörler, D; Gruber, E; Heigl, F; Muraoka; Y
Event: Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and temperature on the development of Common toads (Bufo bufo L.; Amphibia)
Autoren: Baier, F; Gruber, E; Spangl, B; Zaller, JG
Event: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting 2016
Year: 2016 - BOKUArion - Ein Citizen Science Projekt zur Spanischen Wegschnecke in Österreich
Autoren: Dörler, D; Kropf, M; Zaller, JG
Event: Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2016
Year: 2015 - Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on soil biota
Autoren: Zaller, JG
Event: International conference on GMOs and pesticide assessment
Year: 2015 - Ecosystem services driven by soil biota - Relevance and management in land use
Autoren: Potthoff, M; Peres, G; Zaller, JG; Pullemann, M; Taylor, A
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Do plant exudates and/or plant-induced environmental gradients in the soil affect earthworm activity?
Autoren: Ziss E, Novak J, Schmidt O, Michel K, Watzinger A, Spangl B, Zaller JG
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Year: 2015 - Was ist Citizen Science?
Autoren: Heigl, F; Dauth, B; Zaller, JG
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - NaturVerrückt: Phänologie in der Schule
Autoren: Weiser, U; Hübner, T; Wanninger, K; Wuttej, D; Dauth, B; Heigl, F; Zaller, JG; Käfer, S; Koch, E; Scheifinger, H
Event: 6. MeteorologInnentag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie ÖGM 2015
Year: 2015 - Biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Zaller, J G; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Querner, P; Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Gómez, J A; Landa, B; Lora, Á; Guzmán, G; Paredes, D; Popescu, D; Comsa, M; Bunea, C.-I; Hoble, A; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Plaas, E; Schütte, R; Cluzeau, D; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Guernion, M; Jung, V
Event: 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium “Weed management in changing environments"
Year: 2015 - Citizen Science Project Roadkill: Connecting science, people and habitat fragmentation using European hare as a model organism
Autoren: Heigl F, Stretz C, Steiner W, Bauer T, Suppan F, Zaller JG
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Year: 2015 - Are earthworms antagonists for Sclerotina sclerotiorum?
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Steinkellner, S; Zaller, J.G; Pauer, S; Reisinger, J; Sailer, J; Strickner, L
Event: 6th CASEE Conference 2015 - Latest Trends in Bioeconomy in Danube region
Year: 2015 - Österreich forscht
Autoren: Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Dauth, B; Zaller, JG
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - BiodivERsA project VineDivers: Analysing interlinkages between soil biota and biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Querner, P; Kriechbaum, M; Pachinger, B; Gómez, JA; Campos, M; Landa, B; Popescu, D; Comsa, M; Iliescu, M; Tomoiaga, L; Bunea, C-I; Hoble, A; Marghitas, L; Rusu, T; Lora, A; Guzmán, G; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Cluzeau, D; Burel, F; Jung, V
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Bedarfsanalyse eines Citizen Science Projekts von der Idee bis zur Evaluierung
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Heigl, F; Dörler, D
Event: Dialogforum Forschungsförderung für Citizen Science
Year: 2015 - Introduction of the Austrian Citizen Science Platform and Project Roadkill
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Dauth, B
Event: Green Week 2015
Year: 2015 - Project Roadkill: Linking European Hare vehicle collisions with landscape-structure using datasets from citizen scientists and professionals
Autoren: Stretz, C; Heigl, F; Steiner, W; Bauer, T; Suppan, F; Zaller, J.G.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Project Roadkill - towards more safety for people and animals
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Dauth, B
Event: Green Week 2015: Nature and Biodiversity
Year: 2015 - BOKUArion: Ein Citizen Science Projekt über die bekannteste Schadschnecke Europas
Autoren: Dörler, D; Zaller JG
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - Biodiversity and Citizen Science: project Roadkill
Autoren: Heigl, F; Dörler, D; Zaller, JG
Event: European Union Lunchtime Conference
Year: 2015 - Interlinkages between biodiversity, ecosystem services and socio-economics in vineyards (BiodivERsA project VineDivers)
Autoren: Zaller JG, Winter S, Strauss P, Bauer T, Querner P, Buchholz J, Kriechbaum M, Pachinger B, Kratschmer S, Gómez J, Campos M, Landa B, Paredes D, Popescu D, Comsa M, Iliescu ML, Tomoiaga LL, Bunea C-I, Hoble A, Marghitas LA, Rusu T, Lora A, Guzmán G, Bergmann H, Potthoff M, Schütte R, Cluzeau D, Burel F, Nicolai A, Guernion M, Jung V
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Year: 2015 - Citizen Science Projekt Roadkill
Autoren: Heigl, F; Dauth, B; Zaller, JG
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - Einfluss der Pflanzenschutzmittel auf das Bodenleben
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Wintertagung der Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule Mistelbach 2015
Year: 2015 - BOKUArion: A citizen science project on the distribution of the invasive slug Arion vulgaris in Austria
Autoren: Dörler, D; Kropf, M; Zaller, JG
Event: GFÖ Annual Meeting 2015
Year: 2015 - Roadkill beim Europäischen Feldhasen in den Agrarlandschaften Österreichs: Citizen Science vs. Expertendaten
Autoren: Heigl, F; Stretz, C; Steiner, W; Bauer, T, Suppan, F; Zaller, JG
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - Can climate warming alter side-effects of herbicides on the development of Common toads (Bufo bufo L.; Amphibia: Anura)?
Autoren: Baier F, Gruber E, Zaller JG
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Year: 2015 - Citizen science project "StadtWildTiere" Vienna: Red fox observability and influence factors of human-fox encounters
Autoren: Walter T, Zink R, Heigl F, Zaller JG
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Year: 2015 - Untersuchungen zu Interaktionen zwischen Lumbricus terrestris und Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Interactions between Lumbricus terrestris and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Autoren: Euteneuer P, Jost B, Pauer S, Reisinger J, Sailer J, Strickner L, Zaller J, Steinkellner S
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2015 - Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion
Year: 2015 - Die Zukunft von Citizen Science in Österreich
Autoren: Dörler, D; Heigl, F; Dauth, B; Zaller, J
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - Klimawandel und Herbizide - Einflüsse auf die Entwicklung der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L., Amphibia)
Autoren: Jedinger, M; Gruber, E; Zaller, J G
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Project Roadkill: Communicating nature & biodiversity - from awareness raising to citizen engagement
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Heigl, F; Dörler, D, Dauth, B
Event: Green Week - European Commission
Year: 2014 - Climate change induced rainfall patterns affect wheat productivity and agroecosystem functioning dependent on soil types
Autoren: Tabi Tataw, J; Baier, F; Krottenthaler, F; Pachler, B; Schwaiger, E; Whylidal, S; Formayer, H; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Year: 2014 - Measurement of water use efficiency on winter wheat using stable isotopes (δ13C)
Autoren: Schwaiger, E; Wyhlidal, S; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A; Zaller, JG
Event: ELLS Scientific Students Conference 2014
Year: 2014 - Climate change induced rainfall patterns affect wheat productivity and agroecosystem functioning dependent on soil types
Autoren: Tabi Tataw, J; Baier, F; Krottenthaler, F; Pachler, B; Schwaiger, E; Whylidal, S; Formayer, H; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A; Zaller, JG
Event: 15. Österreichischer Klimatag 2014 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2014 - Herbicide roundup affects earthworm activity, reproduction and associated ecosystem functions
Autoren: Gaupp-Berghausen, M; Hofer, M; Rewald, B; Zaller, J.G.
Event: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie
Year: 2014 - Farmers as Citizen Scientists: Nature Conservation in Biodiversity Hotspots across Austria
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Heigl, F
Event: Citizen Cyberscience Summit
Year: 2014 - Roadkill of European Hare in agricultural landscapes in Austria: citizen science vs. professional data
Autoren: Heigl, F; Steiner, W; Suppan, F; Bauer, T; Zaller, J.G:
Event: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie
Year: 2014 - Analysis of drought stress on winter wheat using stable isotope ratio spectrometry (δ13C)
Autoren: Schwaiger, E; Wyhlidal, S; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A; Zaller, JG
Event: 6. Touchdown of the Center for Agricultural Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Year: 2014 - Effect of pesticide cocktails of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides on non- target soil organisms and ecosystem functioning
Autoren: van Hoesel, W; Lagerlöf, J; Koller, R; König, N; Tiefenbacher, A; Zaller, J.G.
Event: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie
Year: 2014 - Climate Change induced effects on water balance, productivity, biodiversity and ecosystem functions of arable soils in Austria
Autoren: Berthold, H; Bachmann, G; Bruckner, A; Hadacek, F; Hösch, J, Kitzler, B; Michel, K; Murer, E; Wissuwa, J; Zaller, JG; Baumgarten, A
Event: 20th World Congress on Soil Science
Year: 2014 - BOKUArion: A citizen science project on the most famous pest slug in Europe
Autoren: Dörler, D; Zaller, J.G.
Event: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie
Year: 2014 - Insekten, Spinnen und der Klimawandel
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Fragen des Alltags - Antworten der Wissenschaft, Vortragsreihe der Hauptbücherei am Gürtel in Wien 2014
Year: 2014 - Project Roadkill: analysis of the effects of roads on animals and how to reduce them
Autoren: Heigl, F; Zaller, JG
Event: Citizen Cyberscience Summit
Year: 2014 - Climate change induced precipitation patterns can affect epigeic arthropods in model agroecosystems with different soil types
Autoren: Kargl, L; Berthold, H; Formayer, H; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A; Zaller, J.G.
Event: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie
Year: 2013 - Auswirkungen zukünftiger Niederschlagsmuster auf Raubmilben in charakteristischen Böden des Pannonischen Raumes
Autoren: Wissuwa J, Berthold H, Bruckner A, Zaller JG, Hösch J, Baumgarten A
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Year: 2013 - Future rainfall patterns reduce arthropod abundance in model arable agroecosystems with different soil types
Autoren: Simmer L, Zaller JG, Tabi Tataw J, Formayer H, Berthold H, Hösch J, Baumgarten A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2013 - Interactions between a herbicide, earthworms and mycorrhiza in a Trifolium repens model ecosystem
Autoren: Heigl, F; Grabmaier, A; Zaller, JG
Event: 1. Medizinischer Diplomarbeits-Kongress MeDiKo 2013
Year: 2013 - Future rainfall patterns reduce arthropod abundance in model arable agroecosystems with different soil types
Autoren: Simmer, L; Zaller, J.G.; Tabi Tataw, J.; Formayer, H.; Hösch, J.; Baumgarten, A.
Event: 15. Gumpensteiner Lysimetertagung 2013 - Lysimeterforschung als Bestandteil der Entscheidungsfindung
Year: 2013 - Effects of future rainfall patterns on density and diversity of predatory mites (Gamasida) in characteristic agricultural soils of the Pannonian area
Autoren: Wissuwa J, Berthold H, Bruckner A, Zaller JG, Hösch J, Baumgarten A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2013 - Future rainfall patterns will reduce arthropod abundance in model arable agroecosystems with different soil types
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Simmer, L; Tabi Tataw, J; Formayer, H; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A
Event: 43rd Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2013
Year: 2013 - Analysis of drought stress on winter wheat using stable isotope ratio spectrometry (δ13C)
Autoren: Schwaiger, E; Wyhlidal1, S; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A; Zaller, JG
Event: 12th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2013
Year: 2013 - Einfluss der Düngung, Bodenbearbeitung und Fruchtfolge auf das Bodenleben
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Heffterhofer Umweltgespräche 2013
Year: 2013 - Interactions between a herbicide, earthworms and mycorrhiza in a Trifolium repens model ecosystem
Autoren: Heigl, F; Grabmaier, A; Zaller, JG
Event: 5. Touchdown des BOKU Center für Agricultural Sciences CAS 2013
Year: 2013 - Auswirkung einer veränderten Nieder schlagsverteilung auf die Flüsse klimarelevanter Gase aus Schwarzerden
Autoren: Michel K, Kitzler B, Berthold H, Hösch J, Baumgarten A, Bachmann G, Bruckner A, Hadacek F, Murer E, Zaller JG
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Year: 2013 - Einfluss von Düngung, Bodenbearbeitung und Fruchtfolgen auf das Bodenleben
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Heffterhofer Umweltgespräche 2013
Year: 2013 - Citizen science project: farmers monitor plants and animals across Austria
Autoren: Heigl, F; Zaller JG
Event: 43rd Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2013
Year: 2013 - Consequences of climate change on ecosystem functions, water balance, productivity and biodiversity of agricultural soils in the Pannonian area – first results (LYSTRAT)state)
Autoren: Berthold H, Bachmann G, Bruckner A, Hadacek F, Hösch J, Kitzler B, Michel K, Murer E, Querner P, Wissuwa J, Zaller JG, Baumgarten A
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Year: 2013 - BOKUroadkill: a citizen science project on the impacts of roads on fauna
Autoren: Dauth, B; Heigl, F; Zaller, JG
Event: 43rd Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2013
Year: 2012 - Necessity of set-aside land for farmland biodiversity
Autoren: Frank, T., Drapela, T., Hascehk, c., Knittl, B., Moser, D., Schulze, C. & Zaller, J.G.
Event: 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology ECCB 2012
Year: 2012 - Consequences of climate change on ecosystem functions, water balance, productivity and biodiversity of agricultural soils in the Pannonian area
Autoren: Berthold, H; Baumgarten, A; Hadacek, F; Bachmann, G; Bruckner, A; Wissuwa, J; Zaller, J.G.;Murer, E; Hösch, J; Kitzler, B.; Michel, K.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S
Event: 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012
Year: 2012 - Interactions between a herbicide, earthworms and mycorrhiza in a Trifolium repens model ecosystem
Autoren: Heigl, F; Grabmaier, A; Zaller JG
Event: 42nd Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2012
Year: 2012 - Response of arable agroecosystems to future rainfall patterns depends on the soil types
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Schwarz, T; Hall, R; Ziss, E; von Hohberg und Buchwald, C; Tabi Tataw, J; Formayer, H; Berthold, H; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A
Event: 13. Österreichischer Klimatag 2012 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2012 - Consequences of climate change on ecosystem functions, water balance, productivity and biodiversity of agricultural soils in the Pannonian area
Autoren: Berthold, H; Bachmann, G; Bruckner, A; Hadacek F; Hösch J; Kitzler, B; Michel, K; Murer, E; Wissuwa, J; Zaller, J.G.; Baumgarten, A
Event: International Colloquium on Soil Zoology ICSZ 2012
Year: 2012 - Interactions between earthworms, mycorrhizal fungi, plants and aphids revealed by stable isotope labelling of earthworms
Autoren: Grabmaier, A; Heigl, F; Wanek, W; Frank, T; Zaller, JG
Event: 42nd Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2012
Year: 2012 - Soil types will alter the response of arable agroecosystems to future rainfall patterns
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Schwarz, T; Hall, R; Ziss, E; von Hohberg und Buchwald, C; Tabi Tataw, J; Hösch, J; Baumgarten, A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Year: 2012 - Grünlandfauna im Extensiv- und Intensivgrünland
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: 17. Alpenländisches Expertenforum Raumberg-Gumpenstein 2012
Year: 2011 - Set-aside land and EU agro-policy - quo vadis biodiversity?
Autoren: Frank T., Drapela T., Haschek C., Knittl B., Lukasch B., Moser D., Querner P., Schulze C. & Zaller J.G.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2011
Year: 2011 - Aktuelle Herausforderungen für Nationalparks: Globaler Wandel
Autoren: Zaller J.G.
Event: Zertifikatskurs zur Ausbildung der Austria Nationalparks Rangers 2011
Year: 2011 - Insect pests and predators in oilseed rape relative to landscape and site factors
Autoren: Frank T., Drapela T., Moser D., Haschek C., Zaller J.G.
Event: IOBC-Working Group Meeting 2011 - Integrated Control in Oilseed Rape Crops
Year: 2011 - Consequences of climate change on ecosystem functions, water balance, productivity and biodiversity of agricultural soils in the Pannonian area
Autoren: Berthold H., Baumgarten A., Hadacek F., Bachmann G., Bruckner A., Wissuwa J., Zaller J., Murer E., Hösch H., Kitzler B., Michel K.
Event: 14. Gumpensteiner Lysimetertagung 2011 - Klimafolgenforschung und Wasserwirtschaft
Year: 2011 - Consequences of climate change on ecosystem functions, water balance, productivity and biodiversity of agricultural soils in the Pannonian area
Autoren: Berthold H, Baumgarten A, Hadacek F, Bachmann G, Bruckner A, Wissuwa J, Zaller J, Murer E, Hösch J, Kitzler B, Michel K
Event: 12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2010 - Predatory arthropods in agroecosystems relative to habitat age and landscape context. Keynote talk.
Autoren: Frank T., Zaller J.G., Moser D., Barone M., Künzle I., Mosimann C. & Drapela T.
Event: 9th European Congress of Entomology 2010
Year: 2010 - Predatory arthropods in agroecosystems relative to habitat age and landscape context
Autoren: Frank T., Zaller J.G., Moser D., Barone M., Künzle I., Mosimann C., Drapela T.
Event: 9th European Congress of Entomology 2010
Year: 2009 - Landscape impact on interrelations between pest insects, natural enemies and alternative prey in oilseed rape
Event: 39th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2009
Year: 2009 - Solar UV-B and warming affect decomposition and earthworms in a fen ecosystem in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Caldwell, M.M., Flint, S.D., Ballaré, C.L., Scopel, A.L., Sala, O.E.
Event: 39th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2009
Year: 2009 - Do earthworms affect the utilization of nutrients and the mycorrhizal colonization of grassland plants?
Autoren: Wechselberger K., Zaller J.G., van der Heijden M.G.A., Wanek W., Drapela T., Gorfer M., Frank T.
Event: 7th ISRR Symposium Root Research and Applications RootRAP 2009
Year: 2009 - Do earthworms affect the mycorrhizal colonisation of grassland plants?
Autoren: Wechselberger, K., Zaller, J.G., Wanek, W., Drapela, T., Gorfer, M., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Frank, T.
Event: 39th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2009
Year: 2008 - Earthworms, mycorrhizae and the structure and diversity of grassland communities: the effect of earthworm activity
Autoren: Heiner, B., Zaller, J.G., Schmidt, O., Drapela, T., Putz, B., Frank, T.
Event: EURECO-GFOE 2008 - Biodiversity in Ecosystem Context
Year: 2008 - Predators of insect pests in oilseed rape specifically affected by landscape factors
Autoren: Drapela, T., Zaller, J.G., Moser, D., Frank, T.
Event: EURECO-GFOE 2008 - Biodiversity in Ecosystem Context
Year: 2008 - Earthworms, mycorrhizae and the structure and diversity of grassland communities: the role of AMF
Autoren: Putz, B., Zaller, J.G., van der Heijden, M., Wanek, W., Heiner, B., Drapela, T., Frank, T.
Event: EURECO-GFOE 2008 - Biodiversity in Ecosystem Context
Year: 2008 - Weeds and their Control under Global Change
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: Invited talk 2008
Year: 2008 - Biodiversity of animals in cultural landscapes relative to landscape composition
Autoren: Frank T., Drapela T., Haschek C., Moser D., Schulze C. & Zaller J.G.
Event: International Symposium 2008 - Preservation of Biocultural Diversity - a Global Issue
Year: 2007 - Impact of field and landscape parameters on herbivorous insects in oilseed rape
Autoren: Frank, T., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2007 - Scale-dependent impact of landscape characteristics on spider diversity in winter oilseed rape fields
Autoren: Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J. G., Frank, T.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2007 - Scale-dependent impact of landscape characteristics on spider diversity in winter oilseed rape fields
Autoren: Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G., Frank, T.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2007 - Einfluss von Feld- und Landschaftsfaktoren auf Rapsherbivore
Autoren: Frank, T., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2006 - Impact of landscape matrix on spider diversity in oilseed rape fields at different spatial scales
Autoren: Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G., Frank T.
Event: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2006
Year: 2006 - Spider assemblages in oilseed rape fields: impact of landscape context at different spatial scales
Autoren: Drapela, T., Zaller, J.G., Moser, D., Frank, T.
Event: International Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in Oilseed Rape 2006
Year: 2006 - Species-specific responses of oilseed rape pests to different elements of landscape complexity
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Url, C., Frank, T.
Event: International Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in Oilseed Rape 2006
Year: 2006 - Pollen beetles and landscape complexity: pest abundance, parasitisation and damage on oilseed rape
Autoren: Url, C., Zaller, J.G., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Frank, T.
Event: International Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in Oilseed Rape 2006
Year: 2006 - Perception of field and landscape parameters by three insect pest species in oilseed rape
Autoren: Frank, T., Moser, D., Url, C., Drapela, T., Zaller, J.G.
Event: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2006
Year: 2006 - Effects of landscape composition on epigeal Collembola communities.
Autoren: Querner, P., Bruckner A., Frank, T., Drapela, T., Zaller, J., Moser, D.
Event: VIIth International Seminar on Apterygota
Year: 2006 - Ein Regenwurm-Bioreaktor zur Veredelung biogener Reststoffe
Autoren: Zaller J.G.
Event: UNIUN Präsentation der prämierten Geschäftsmodelle
Year: 2006 - Effects of landscape composition on epigeal Collembola communities.
Autoren: Querner, P., Bruckner, A., Frank, T., Drapela, T., Zaller, J., Moser, D.
Event: VIIth International Seminar on Apterygota
Year: 2006 - Effects of field and landscape parameters on pollen beetles in oilseed rape
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Url, C., Moser, D., Drapela, T., Frank, T.
Event: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2006
Year: 2006 - Vermicompost in seedling potting media can affect germination, biomass allocation, yields and fruit quality of three tomato varieties
Autoren: Zaller, J.G.
Event: 8th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology 2006
Year: 2006 - Vertical seed transport by earthworms: implications for the diversity of plant communities
Autoren: Zaller, J.G. Saxler, N.
Event: 8th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology 2006
Year: 2004 - Green manuring on compacted field margins alters earthworm activity, root dynamics and crop growth under subsequently cultivated barley
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Köpke, U.
Event: EUROSOIL 2004
Year: 2004 - Effects of compost and vermicompost on the growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and on the suppression of plant disease caused by Phythophthora infestans
Autoren: Arnold, J., Tato, A., Domínguez, J., Zaller, J.G.
Event: 14th International Colloquium on Soil Zoology and Ecology 2004
Year: 2004 - Efecto de la aplicación de compost y vermicompost en el crecimiento de la planta de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) y en la supresión de la infección causada por Phytophthora infestans
Autoren: Tato, A., Arnold, J., Lazcano, C., Gómez, M., Zaller, J.G., Domínguez, J., Mato, S.
Event: I Conferencia Internationcional sobre Ecobiología del suelo y e compost
Year: 2004 - Livestock concentration areas increase soil phosphorus on a Florida cattle ranch
Autoren: Bohlen, P., Kokemor, J., Gathumbi, S.M., Zaller, J.G.
Event: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting 2004 - Science to Secure Food and the Environment
Year: 2003 - Cotton-basil intercropping: effects on pest infestation, yield and economical parameters in a biodynamically managed field in Fayoum, Egypt
Autoren: Schader, C., Zaller, J.G., Köpke, U.
Event: Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Rural Development
Year: 2000 - The response of Nothofagus tree species to UV-B radiation resulting from ozone depletion, in the forests of Tierra del Fuego
Autoren: Robson, T.M., Caldwell, M.M., Zaller, J.G., Ballaré, C.L., Sala, O.E., Scopel, A.L. (2000) The response of Nothofagus tree species to UV-B radiation resulting from ozone depletion, in the forests of Tierra del Fuego. SPARC meeting, Mar del Plata, Argentina
Event: SPARC 2nd General Assembly SPARC 2000
Year: 1999 - Efficacy of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita as a biocontrol agent for three species of pest slugs occurring in Switzerland
Autoren: Speiser, B., Zaller, J.G.
Event: IBCB Meeting 1999
Year: 1997 - Earthworms affect plant species' responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 in a native grassland
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Arnone, J.A. III
Event: 1997 Conference
Year: 1995 - Influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 on earthworm cast production in a calcareous grassland in Switzerland
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Arnone, J.A. III
Event: Annual Winter Meeting
Year: 1995 - Fine root dynamics in species-rich calcareous meadows of the Swiss Jura under elevated atmospheric CO2
Autoren: Arnone, J.A. III, Zaller, J.G.
Event: Ecological Society of America 1995 Annual Meeting