Franziska Koch
Dipl.-Geogr.Univ. Dr.rer.nat. Franziska Koch
Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81608
Research Focus
Alpine Hydrology
- 2020 Senior Scientist / University Assistant, Department of Water-Atmosphere-Environment (WAU), HyWa, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria; Alpine Hydrology and Remote Sensing
- 2018 - 2020 PostDoc, Department of Water-Atmosphere-Environment (WAU), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria
- 2017 PhD defensio at the Faculty of Geosciences, LMU Munich, Germany.
- 2012 - 2018 Several short-term research stays at the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland.
- 2009 Diploma in Physical Geography with the minors Remote Sensing, Geology and Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management (TUM) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Munich, Germany.
- 2009 - 2018 Research Scientist and Lecturer, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Group, Department of Geography, LMU Munich, Germany.
- Year: 2021 Awards: French Government Scholarship for Young Researchers
- Year: 2020 Awards: SnowHydro 2020 Poster Award
- Year: 2013 Awards: DACA-13 Poster Award
- Year: 2013 Awards: ESA Integ Space Award (team: Bach, Appel, Mauser, Koch)
- Year: 2010 Awards: LMUexcellent Mentoring Programme GeoSciences Scholarship
11 Projects found.
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Schulz Karsten
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering, Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Institute of Meteorology and Climatology
funded by:
Sub Projectleader: 15.11.2024 - 14.11.2027
duration: 15.11.2024 - 14.11.2027
G-MONARCH: Gravity-MONitoring for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Koch Franziska
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Project Leader: 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2026
duration: 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2026
High-Alpine Precipitation Correction: Analysis and evaluation of quantitative and spatiotemporal approaches to INCA high mountain precipitation correction.
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Koch Franziska
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by: National: Companies
Project Leader: 01.09.2023 - 31.12.2024
duration: 01.09.2023 - 31.12.2024
Sediment dynamics Glatzbach: Geomorphology-Hydrology-Climate
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Kaitna Roland
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering, Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by: National: Companies
Project Staff: 01.07.2023 - 31.12.2023
duration: 01.07.2023 - 31.12.2023
FRench AUstrian partnership on SNOW cover remote sensing, in situ measurements and modeling
Project type: Educational Project: no external funds for university
Project management: Koch Franziska
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by:
BOKU Project Leader: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024
duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024
HYdro power: iMpact on the ELecTricity sector in Austria due to Climate Change in glaciated high alpine areas
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Koch Franziska
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Institute of Meteorology and Climatology
funded by: National: Institutions under Public Law
Project Leader: 01.12.2022 - 31.12.2025
duration: 01.12.2022 - 31.12.2025
Spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation and water balance components in the Kölnbrein catchment
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Koch Franziska
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by: National: Companies
Project Leader: 15.11.2022 - 14.04.2023
duration: 15.11.2022 - 14.04.2023
Analysis of Water Level Fluctuations and Implications on Local Livelihoods in the Great Rift Valley Lakes of Kenya | GreatLakes
Project type: Mobility- & Capacity Building-project
Project management: Herrnegger Mathew
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by: National: Companies
Project Staff: 01.08.2022 - 31.08.2024
duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.12.2024
SnowModVis - Improving the runoff forecast with focus on snow cover modeling and monitoring for optimization hydropower generation of VERBUND Trading GmbH
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Schulz Karsten
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by: National: Companies
Sub Projectleader: 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2021
duration: 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2021
Assessing the operational applicability of automated measurements of snow water equivalent with low-cost GNSS sensors along a steep elevation gradient in the Eastern Swiss Alps
Project type: Self-financed Projects
Project management: Koch Franziska
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by:
BOKU Project Leader: 01.08.2018 - 31.07.2020
duration: 01.08.2018 - 31.07.2020
PROSNOW – Provision of a prediction system allowing for management and optimization of snow in Alpine ski resorts
Project type: Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Project management: Koch Franziska
BOKU organizational units involved: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
funded by: European Commission (EC)
Project Staff: 01.09.2017 - 26.04.2020
BOKU Project Leader: 27.04.2020 - 31.08.2020
duration: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2020
Load data
Knowledge Transfer to Society
15 Publications found.
HAP-Cor – High-Alpine Precipitation Correction: Erarbeitung und Evaluierung quantitativer und raumzeitlicher Ansätze zur Korrektur der INCA Hochgebirgsniederschläge.
Source: Koch F, Pulka T, Herrnegger M, Schulz K. HAP-Cor – High-Alpine Precipitation Correction: Erarbeitung und Evaluierung quantitativer und raumzeitlicher Ansätze zur Korrektur der INCA Hochgebirgsniederschläge. [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH. 2025 p. 76.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2025
external links and characteristics of the publication:Sedimentdynamik Glatzbach: Interaktion Geomorphologie – Hydrologie – Klima
Source: Müller S, Koch F, Kaitna R. Sedimentdynamik Glatzbach: Interaktion Geomorphologie – Hydrologie – Klima [Projektbericht]. Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Salzburg. 2024 S. 71.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2024
external links and characteristics of the publication:PrecipDefAnalyse: Raumzeitliche Analyse der Niederschlagsverhältnisse und der Wasserbilanz im Kölnbreineinzugsgebiet. Endbericht
Source: Koch F, Pulka T, Herrnegger M, Schulz K. PrecipDefAnalyse: Raumzeitliche Analyse der Niederschlagsverhältnisse und der Wasserbilanz im Kölnbreineinzugsgebiet. Endbericht [Projektbericht]. 2023 S. 43.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2023
external links and characteristics of the publication:Interim Report: FRAU SNOW - FRench AUstrian partnership on SNOW cover remote sensing, in situ measurements and modeling
Source: Koch F, Gascoin S. Interim Report: FRAU SNOW - FRench AUstrian partnership on SNOW cover remote sensing, in situ measurements and modeling [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2023.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2023
external links and characteristics of the publication:Interim Report - Activity Report: HyMELT-CC - HYdro power: iMpact on the ELecTricity sector in Austria due to Climate Change in glaciated high alpine areas
Source: Koch F, Herrnegger M, Ehrendorfer C, Lücking S, Holzmann H, Maier P, et al. Interim Report - Activity Report: HyMELT-CC - HYdro power: iMpact on the ELecTricity sector in Austria due to Climate Change in glaciated high alpine areas [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2023.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2023
external links and characteristics of the publication:HAP-Cor – High-Alpine Precipitation Correction: Erarbeitung und Evaluierung quantitativer und raumzeitlicher Ansätze zur Korrektur der INCA Hochgebirgsniederschläge. Zwischenbericht
Source: Koch F, Pulka T, Herrnegger M, Schulz K. HAP-Cor – High-Alpine Precipitation Correction: Erarbeitung und Evaluierung quantitativer und raumzeitlicher Ansätze zur Korrektur der INCA Hochgebirgsniederschläge. Zwischenbericht [Projektbericht]. 2023.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2023
external links and characteristics of the publication:SnowModVis: Analyse zur 'Verbesserung der Zuflussprognose mit Fokus auf die Schneedeckenmodellierung und das Monitoring für den Bereich Einsatzoptimierung Wasserkraft der VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH'
Source: Pulka T, Koch F, Herrnegger M, Schulz K. SnowModVis: Analyse zur ’Verbesserung der Zuflussprognose mit Fokus auf die Schneedeckenmodellierung und das Monitoring für den Bereich Einsatzoptimierung Wasserkraft der VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH’ [Projektbericht]. 2022 S. 108.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2022
external links and characteristics of the publication:PrecipDefAnalyse: Raumzeitliche Analyse der Niederschlagsverhältnisse und der Wasserbilanz im Kölnbreineinzugsgebiet. Zwischenbericht
Source: Koch F, Pulka T, Herrnegger M, Schulz K. PrecipDefAnalyse: Raumzeitliche Analyse der Niederschlagsverhältnisse und der Wasserbilanz im Kölnbreineinzugsgebiet. Zwischenbericht [Projektbericht]. 2022.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2022
external links and characteristics of the publication:SnowModVis: Verbesserung der Zuflussprognose mit Fokus auf die Schneedeckenmodellierung und das Monitoring für den Bereich Einsatzoptimierung Wasserkraft der VERBUND Trading GmbH. Zwischenbericht
Source: Pulka T, Koch F, Herrnegger M, Schulz K. SnowModVis: Verbesserung der Zuflussprognose mit Fokus auf die Schneedeckenmodellierung und das Monitoring für den Bereich Einsatzoptimierung Wasserkraft der VERBUND Trading GmbH. Zwischenbericht [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2021.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2021
external links and characteristics of the publication:Bourse du gouvernement français - Final Report on the project 'Leveraging very-high resolution stereo satellite images to evaluate an advanced snowpack model – A comparison of two alpine catchments situated in the French Pyrenees and in the Bavarian/Austrian Alps'
Source: Koch, F. Bourse du gouvernement français - Final Report on the project ’Leveraging very-high resolution stereo satellite images to evaluate an advanced snowpack model – A comparison of two alpine catchments situated in the French Pyrenees and in the Bavarian/Austrian Alps’ [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2021.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2021
external links and characteristics of the publication:Assessing the operational applicability of automated measurements of snow water equivalent with low-cost GNSS receivers along a steep elevation gradient in the Eastern Swiss Alps
Source: Schweizer J, Marty C, Koch F, Henkel P, Capelli A. Assessing the operational applicability of automated measurements of snow water equivalent with low-cost GNSS receivers along a steep elevation gradient in the Eastern Swiss Alps [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2020.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2020
external links and characteristics of the publication:SNOWSENSE - Integrated Service for Run-of f and Hydropower As ses sment and Forecast related to Snow Cover Dynamics in Remote Areas. Final Report
Source: Appel F, Bach H, Henkel P, Koch F, Hank T. SNOWSENSE - Integrated Service for Run-of f and Hydropower As ses sment and Forecast related to Snow Cover Dynamics in Remote Areas. Final Report [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2019.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2019
external links and characteristics of the publication:Report on visualization proposals for model results. Deliverable D1.5 of the PROSNOW project
Source: Report on visualization proposals for model results. Deliverable D1.5 of the PROSNOW project [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2018.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2018
external links and characteristics of the publication:ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
Source: ICPDR RBMEG with support of the LMU Munich (Mauser W, Weidinger R, Prasch M, Koch, F). ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change [Internet] [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2013 p. 44. Available from:
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2013
external links and characteristics of the publication:Final project report of the Danube Study - Climate Change Adaptation: Study to provide a common and basin-wide understanding towards the development of a Climate Change adaptation strategy in the Danube River Basin
Source: Mauser W, Prasch M, Koch F, Weidinger R. Final project report of the Danube Study - Climate Change Adaptation: Study to provide a common and basin-wide understanding towards the development of a Climate Change adaptation strategy in the Danube River Basin [Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)]. 2012 p. 174.
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber) Year: 2012
external links and characteristics of the publication:
0 Media found.
Year: 2024 - Comparison of different lumped hydrological models in the snow-dominated, karstified Zugspitze Massif (Talk)
Autoren: Facchinetti, R; Bögl, E; Schattan, P; Knieß, J; Wetzel, KF; Schulz, K; Koch, F
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Coupled snow-hydrological modeling under current and climate change conditions in a high-alpine reservoir catchment in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Ehrendorfer, C
Event: 19th Biennial Conference of the Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins ERB 2024
Period: 17.09.2024 - 20.09.2024 | Location: Inca, 07300 Inca, Spanien | Organizer:
Bioeconomy Cluster
Year: 2024 - Coupled snow-hydrological modelling of seasonal runoff characteristics in selected Austrian high-alpine catchments (Poster)
Autoren: Ehrendorfer, C
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Cycle in high alpine catchments (Poster)
Autoren: Lücking, S; Ehrendorfer, C; Pulka, T; Holzmann, H; Maier, P; Lehner, F; Schmitt, P; Maussion, F; Formayer, H; Herrnegger, M; Koch, F
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Contribution of glacier melt to runoff under climate change using a conceptual hydrological model in selected high alpine regions in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Ehrendorfer, C
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Period: 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union | Organizer:
European Geoscience Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2024 - Spatiotemporal investigation of integral snow-gravimetric signals derived at a superconducting gravimeter combined with physically-based snowpack modelling and stereo-satellite-based snow depth maps (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Gascoin, S; Achmüller, K; Schattan, P; Wetzel, K; Rehm, T; Schulz, K; Voigt, C
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Period: 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union | Organizer:
European Geoscience Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2024 - Nutzung eines Supraleitgravimeters als neuartigen Sensor zum Monitoring der Kryo- und Hydrosphäre im hochalpinen Raum – erste Ergebnisse zur Erfassung des Schneewasseräquivalents mit einem ‚Footprint‘ im Kilometerbereich (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Achmüller, K; Gascoin, S; Schattan, P; Facchinetti, R; Bögl, E; Rempfer, C; Knieß, J; Rehm, T; Wetzel, K; Schulz, K
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Schweizer Käse trifft auf ein Eimer-Modell - die Anwendung des konzeptionellen hydrologischen Modells GR4J in der verkarsteten, hochalpinen Zugspitzregion (Poster)
Autoren: Bögl, E; Faccinetti, R; Schattan, P; Knieß, J; Wetzel, K-F; Koch, F; Schulz, K
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing based non-invasive monitoring of the snow dynamics at two locations of Zugspitze Massif (Poster)
Autoren: Schattan, P; Fersch, B; Krebs, N; Schrön, M; Facchinetti, R; Bögl, E; Rempfer, C; Knieß, J; Wetztel, KF; Voigt, C; Achmüller, A; Rehm, T; Schulz, K; Koch, F
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Erste Ergebnisse zum gravimetrischen Monitoring der Kryo- und Hydrosphäre im Projekt G-MONARCH (Poster)
Autoren: Achmüller, K; Voigt, C; Timmen, L; Rehm, T; Stolarczuk, N; Schattan, P; Facchinetti, R; Bögl, E; Rempfer, C; Knieß, J; Wetzel, K; Schulz, K; Flechtner, F; Koch, F
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Reducing propagation of uncertainty for photogrammetry derived snow height measurements in high alpine terrain (Poster)
Autoren: Rempfer, C; Knieß, J; Koch, F; Schattan, P; Wetzel, K
Event: 5. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie - Ausprägung und Wandel hydrologischer Prozesse im Hochgebirge 2024
Period: 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 | Location: Obergurgl, 6456 Sölden, Österreich | Organizer:
Deutsche Hydrologische Gesellschaft (DHG)
Year: 2024 - Application of a superconducting gravimeter in snow hydrology and first results on spatiotemporal explanation of the integral snow-gravimetric signal (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Gascoin, S; Achmüller, K; Schattan, P; Wetzel, K; Rehm, T; Schulz, K; Voigt, C
Event: 4th International Conference on Snow Hydrology 2024
Period: 30.01.2024 - 02.02.2024 | Location: Grenoble, France | Organizer:
International Glaciological Society
Year: 2024 - Increased impact of snow droughts on the carbon cycle over the Northern Hemisphere (Talk)
Autoren: Gampe, D; Sharon, E; Mehdi-Schulz, B; Fader, M; Koch, F
Event: American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2024
Period: 09.12.2024 - 13.12.2024 | Location: Washington, D.C., USA | Organizer:
American Geophysical Union
Year: 2023 - GNSS-basierte Messung des Schneewasseräquivalents und des Flüssigwassergehalts von Schnee (Talk)
Autoren: Henkel, P; Lamm, M; Koch, F
Event: AHORN - Tagung
Year: 2023 - G-MONARCH: Gravity-Monitoring for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology (Talk)
Autoren: Achmüller, K; Voigt, C; Flechtner, F; Timmen, L; Koch, F; Schulz, K; Wetzel, K.-F.
Event: Arbeitskreis Geodäsie/Geophysik - Herbsttagung
Year: 2023 - Utilization of snow depth patterns to derive spatially distributed precipitation correction factors for operational hydrological modelling (Talk)
Autoren: Pulka, T; Ehrendorfer, C; Koch, F; Herrnegger, M; Schulz, K
Event: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2023 - Evaluation of precipitation corrections to improve reservoir inflow predictions by a conceptual hydrological model in the Malta Valley, Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Pulka, T; Herrnegger, M; Ehrendorfer, C; Lücking, S; Schulz, K; Koch, F
Event: HydroCarpath
Period: 09.11.2023 | Location: TU Wien
Year: 2023 - Modelling and evaluation of the snow and ice melt in the Großglockner Region (Poster)
Autoren: Lücking, S; Koch, F; Formayer, H;
Event: HydroCarpath 2023
Period: 09.11.2023 | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA
Year: 2023 - Update on cryo-hydro-gravimetric measurements and other activities at Mt. Zugspitze, Germany (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Achmüller, K; Wetzel; K, Schulz, K
Event: INARCH 2023 Workshop
Period: 09.10.2023 - 11.10.2023 | Location: Stanley, Idaho, USA, online participation
Year: 2023 - First application of a superconducting gravimeter in the field of snow-hydrology at Mt. Zugspitze, Germany/Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Achmüller, K; Gascoin, G; Wetzel, K-F; Schattan, P; Schulz, K
Event: WAU Science Day 2023
Period: 18.12.2023 | Location: Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien | Location: Universität für Bodenkultur
Year: 2023 - Utilization of snow depth patterns to derive spatially distributed precipitation correction factors for operational hydrological modelling (Talk)
Autoren: Pulka, T; Herrnegger, M; Koch, F; Schulz, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna | Location: Wien, AT | Location: Austria Center Vienna | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Austria Center Wien | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2023 - Seasonal evaluation of morphological indexes in quantifying snow cover patterns in the Zugspitze area (Talk)
Autoren: Ferrarin, L; Koch, F; Schulz, K; Bocchiola, D
Event: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2023 - Observing cryospheric and hydrological processes and storages at high-alpine catchment scales by a superconducting gravimeter at the top of Mt. Zugspitze (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Schulz, K; Achmüller, K; Gascoin, S; Rehm, T; Wetzel, K
Event: 6th VAO Symposium 2023
Year: 2023 - Alpine Hydrologie (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F
Event: International Mountain Day - Women Move Mountains
Period: 11.12.2023 | Location: Schloss Elmau, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Year: 2023 - Coupled snow-hydrological modelling for two high alpine Austrian catchments (Talk)
Autoren: Ehrendorfer, C; Koch, F; Lücking, S; Pulka, T; Holzmann, H; Maier, P; Lehner, F; Formayer, H; Herrnegger, M
Event: HydroCarpath 2023
Period: 09.11.2023 | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA
Year: 2022 - Introduction of a superconducting gravimeter for the integral quantification of snow-hydrological processes in high-alpine catchments (Talk)
Autoren: Voigt, C; Koch, F;, Schulz, K; Wetzel, K; Flechtner, F
Event: 3rd International Conference on Snow Hydrology
Period: 01.02.2022 - 03.02.2022 | Location: Online, Unknown
Year: 2022 - Influence of snow on the integrative signal of a superconducting gravimeter in complex high-alpine terrain (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Wetzel, K-F; Schulz, K
Event: IGS International Symposium on Snow 2022
Period: 25.09.2022 - 30.09.2022 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2022 - Applying morphological indexes to describe snow-cover patterns in a high Alpine area (Talk)
Autoren: Ferrarin, L; Koch, F; Schulz, K; Bocchiola D
Event: IGS International Symposium on Snow 2022
Period: 25.09.2022 - 30.09.2022 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2022 - Influence of snow on the integrative signal of a super-conducting gravimeter in complex high-alpine terrain (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Wetzel, K; Schulz, K
Event: WAU Science Day 2022
Period: 19.12.2022 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2022 - Erfassung des Verbesserungspotentials operationeller Zuflussprognosen für Wasserkraftspeicherseen in hochalpinen Kopfeinzugsgebieten mit Fokus auf die Schneedeckenmodellierung (Talk)
Autoren: Pulka T., Koch F., Herrnegger M., Avanzi F., Gabellani S., Schulz K.
Event: 4. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie 2022 - Hydrologische Prozesse im Hochgebirge im Wandel der Zeit
Period: 23.03.2022 - 25.03.2022 | Location: Obergurgl, Austria | Organizer:
German Hydrological Society (DHG)
Year: 2022 - Impact of snow hydrologic model complexity on snow-melt-driven runoff generation for operational reservoir inflow predictions in a high-alpine catchment (Talk)
Autoren: Pulka, T; Koch; F, Herrnegger, M; Avanzi, F; Gabellani, S; Schulz, K
Event: 3rd International Conference on Snow Hydrology
Period: 01.02.2022 - 03.02.2022 | Location: Online, Unknown
Year: 2022 - Determination of Snow Parameters with Dual-Frequency Multi-GNSS (Talk)
Autoren: Henkel, P; Koch, F; Lamm, Markus; Weiss, J
Event: 3rd International Conference on Snow Hydrology
Period: 01.02.2022 - 03.02.2022 | Location: Online, Unknown
Year: 2022 - Influence of snow on the integrative signal of a superconducting gravimeter installed on top of Mount Zugspitze, Germany (Northern Calcareous Alps) (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Voigt, C; Gascoin, S; Wetzel, K-F; Schulz, K
Event: INARCH Workshop 2022
Period: 18.10.2022 - 20.10.2022 | Location: Baños de Panticosa, Spain
Year: 2022 - Watching mountain snowpacks from space: recent advances in snow depth mapping from satellite photogrammetry (Talk)
Autoren: Deschamps-Berger, C; Gascoin, S; Dumont, M; Berthier, E; Luks, B; López-Moreno, J-I; Lafaysse, M; Shaw, T; Brun, F; Koch, F; Gallet, J-C; Revuelto, J; Haddjeri, A
Event: International Mountain Conference IMC 2022
Period: 11.09.2022 - 15.09.2022 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria | Organizer:
University of Innsbruck
Year: 2022 - Introduction of a Superconducting Gravimeter as Novel Hydrological Sensor for the Alpine Research Catchment Zugspitze (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Schulz, K; Voigt, C; Flechtner, F; Wetzel, K-F
Event: 4. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie 2022 - Hydrologische Prozesse im Hochgebirge im Wandel der Zeit
Period: 23.03.2022 - 25.03.2022 | Location: Obergurgl, Austria | Organizer:
German Hydrological Society (DHG)
Year: 2021 - Using low-cost GNSS for the derivation of snow cover properties (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Capelli, A; Marty, C; Lamm, M; Bach, H; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: Online Seminar on: Geo-monitoring with low-cost, mass-market, and consumer-grade sensors (Devaraju, B; Odolinski, R; Koch, F; Tripathi, S; Paffenholz, J-A; Kersten, T)
Period: 17.06.2021 - 18.06.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Insights and experiences from assessing the added value of PROSNOW, a prediction system to support snow management in Alpine ski resorts (Talk)
Autoren: Köberl, J; François, H; Carmagnola, C; Ebner, P.; Günther, D; Hanzer, F; Koch, F; Morin, S; Damm, A; Prettenthaler, F
Event: EMS Annual Meeting 2021
Period: 03.09.2021 - 10.09.2021 | Location: Online | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - GPS-based determination of snow water equivalent and snow liquid water content using low-cost sensors (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Capelli, A; Schmid, L; Marty, C; Lamm, M; Bach, H; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: Internal seminar at Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO)
Period: 15.10.2021 | Location: Toulouse, France
Year: 2021 - Insights and experiences from assessing the added value of PROSNOW®, a climate service to support the optimization of snow management in Alpine ski resorts (Talk)
Autoren: Köberl, J; François, H; Carmagnola, C; Ebner, P.; Günther, D; Hanzer, F; Koch, F; Damm, A; Morin, S
Event: 21. Österreichischer Klimatag 2021 - Clash of Cultures? Klimaforschung trifft Industrie
Period: 12.04.2021 - 13.04.2021 | Location: Online | Location: Leoben, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2021 - Snow Parameter Estimation with Multi-Frequency and Multi-Constellation Global Navigation Satellite System Signals (Talk)
Autoren: Henkel, P; Weiss, J; Koch F
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Period: 13.12.2021 - 17.12.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Workshop: „Auswertung von Satellitendaten zum Thema Gletscherrückgang“ (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Pulka, T; Stolz, R
Event: PerspektivForum Zukunftsfragen „Klimawandel im alpinen Raum“ der Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V.
Period: 22.09.2021 - 24.09.2021 | Location: Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Year: 2021 - Impulsvortrag: "Schneemonitoring im hochalpinen Raum mit GPS" (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F
Event: PerspektivForum Zukunftsfragen „Klimawandel im alpinen Raum“ der Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V.
Period: 22.09.2021 - 24.09.2021 | Location: Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Year: 2021 - Updates on the status of field activities and operations at the high-alpine research catchment Zugspitze, Germany (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Schulz, K
Event: INARCH Workshop 2021
Period: 18.10.2021 - 20.10.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Assessment of GNSS-based snow water equivalent derivation for operational use under different snowpack conditions (Poster)
Autoren: Capelli, A; Koch, F; Henkel, P; Lamm, M; Marty, C; Schweizer, J
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Period: 01.12.2020 - 17.12.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Assessment of operational monitoring of snow water equivalent measurements with low-cost GNSS sensors (Talk)
Autoren: Capelli, A; Koch, F; Henkel, P; Lamm, M; Marty, C; Schweizer, J
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Period: 04.05.2020 - 08.05.2020 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2020 - Determination of Snow Water Equivalent with only one Global Navigation Satellite System receiver and a Virtual Reference Station (Talk)
Autoren: Henkel, P; Lamm, M; Koch, F
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Period: 04.05.2020 - 08.05.2020 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2020 - Snow management with physically based snowpack models for Alpine ski resorts: the PROSNOW project (Talk)
Autoren: Carmagnola, C; Bruyère, S; Ebner, P; Lehning, M; Hanzer, F; Koch, F; François, H; Marin, C; Marson, P; Monti, F; Premier, V; Notarnicola, C; Strasser, U; Bernhardt, M; Viel, C; Zebisch, M; Dubois, G; Morin, S
Event: International Conference on Snow Hydrology - Challenges in Mountain Areas
Period: 28.01.2020 - 31.01.2020 | Location: Bolzano, Italy
Year: 2020 - Novel GNSS-based in-situ monitoring of snow cover properties for potential polar applications (Poster)
Autoren: Appel, F.; Koch, F; Henkel, P.
Event: European Polar Science Week 2020
Period: 26.10.2020 - 30.10.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - GNSS-based monitoring of snow water equivalent and snow liquid water content in different regions and altitudes and potential (snow) hydrological applications (Poster)
Autoren: Koch, F; Appel, F; Henkel, P; Capelli, A; Marty, C; Lamm, M; Bach, H; Bernhardt, M; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: International Conference on Snow Hydrology - Challenges in Mountain Areas
Period: 28.01.2020 - 31.01.2020 | Location: Bolzano, Italy
Year: 2019 - Snow water equivalent assessment with low-cost GNSS sensors along a steep elevation gradient (Talk)
Autoren: Capelli, A; Koch, F; Henkel, P; Lamm, M; Marty, C; Schweizer, J
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2019 - ‘SnowSense’: Snow Water Equivalent from Operational GNSS In-Situ Stations in Combination with EO and Modelling as Service for Hydrological Applications (Talk)
Autoren: Appel, F; Koch, F; Henkel, P; Rösel, A; Bach, H; Mauser, W
Event: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019
Period: 13.05.2019 - 17.05.2019 | Location: Milan, Italy
Year: 2019 - Simulating snow conditions in ski resorts with the physically based snowpack models AMUNDSEN, Crocus, and SNOWPACK/Alpine3D (Talk)
Autoren: Hanzer, F; Carmagnola, C; Ebner, P; Koch, F; Monti, F; Bavay, M; Bernhardt, M; Lafaysse, M; Lehning, M; Strasser, U; François, H; Morin, S
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2019 - Evaluation of snowpack models for snow management in alpine ski resorts by exploiting Sentinel-2 imagery (Talk)
Autoren: Marin, C; Callegari, M; Carmagnola, C; Ebner, P; Hanzer, F; Koch, F; Lehning, M; Monti, F; Premier, V; Notarnicola, C; Strasser, U; Zebisch, M; Dubois, G; Morin, S
Event: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019
Period: 13.05.2019 - 17.05.2019 | Location: Milan, Italy
Year: 2019 - Predicting SWE, LWC and onset of melt of the snowpack using a combined approach of GNSS in-situ stations, earth observation and hydrological modelling (Talk)
Autoren: Appel, F; Koch, F; Henkel, P
Event: 87th Annual Western Snow Conference
Period: 15.04.2019 - 18.04.2019 | Location: Reno, NV, USA
Year: 2019 - Quest for the best method to monitor snow water equivalent (Poster)
Autoren: Marty, C; Lächler, F; Koch, F; Steiner, L
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2019 - Klimawandel und Wasserverfügbarkeit für die Wasserkraft (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Herrnegger, M
Event: Renexpo Interhydro - 5. Internationale Konferenz: Wasserkraft und Energiespeicher: Wasserkraft im zukünftigen Energiesystem zwischen Nachhaltigkeit, Versorgungssicherehit und Innovation
Period: 28.11.2019 - 29.11.2019 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2019 - On GPS-based determination of snow cover properties (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Schmid, L; Capelli, L; Bach, H; Bernhardt, M; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Period: 09.12.2019 - 13.12.2019 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2019 - PROSNOW: a new prediction system for the management and optimization of snow in Alpine ski resorts (Talk)
Autoren: Bernhardt, M; Koch, F; Hanzer, F; Carmagnola, C; Ebner, P; Monti, F; Bavay, M; Lafaysse, M; Strasser, U; François, H; Lehning, M; Schulz, K; Morin, S
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Period: 09.12.2019 - 13.12.2019 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2019 - GPS-based measurements of snow cover properties for snow-hydrological, risk and snow quality applications (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Appel, F; Henkel, P; Schmid, L; Rösel, A; Klug, P; Bach, H; Lamm, M; Bernhardt, M; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2018 - Combination of In Situ GNSS Snow Water Equivalent Measurements with EO and Hydrological Modelling – Results of ESA IAP Demo Project SnowSense (Poster)
Autoren: Appel, F; Koch, F; Klug, P; Henkel, P; Lamm, M; Bach, H; Mauser, W
Event: EO4Alps 2018
Period: 27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2018 - Snow Water Equivalent from operational GNSS In-Situ Stations as service for hydrological applications – ESA IAP SnowSense Demo (Talk)
Autoren: Appel, F; Koch, F; Klug, P; Henkel, P; Lamm, M; Prasch, M; Bach, H; Mauser, W
Event: SnowHydro 2018 - International Conference on Snow Hydrology
Period: 12.02.2018 - 15.02.2018 | Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Year: 2018 - Snow monitoring with a novel GNSS approach at a high-alpine station (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Bach, H; Prasch, M; Schmid, L; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: SnowHydro 2018 - International Conference on Snow Hydrology
Period: 12.02.2018 - 15.02.2018 | Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Year: 2018 - Estimation of Snow Parameters with GPS and Galileo (Talk)
Autoren: Lamm, M., Koch, F., Appel, F., Henkel, P.
Event: 2018 International Symposium ELMAR
Period: 16.09.2018 - 19.09.2018 | Location: Zadar, Croatia
Year: 2018 - GNSS remote sensing of snow cover properties in a high-alpine terrain (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Schmid, L; Bach, H; Bernhardt, M; Schulz, K; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: HydroCarpath 2018 - Catchment and river processes in regional hydrology: field experiments and modelling in Carpathians basins
Period: 12.11.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2018 - Snow Water Equivalent from operational GNSS In-Situ Stations as service for hydrological applications ESA IAP Demo in Eastern Canada (Talk)
Autoren: Appel, F., Koch, F., Henkel, P.
Event: 75th Eastern Snow Conference
Period: 05.06.2018 - 08.06.2018 | Location: College Park, MD, USA
Year: 2018 - The challenge of automatic SWE measurements in high altitudes (Poster)
Autoren: Marty, C; Fierz, C; Geiger, A; Koch, F; Mauser, W; Steiner, L
Event: POLAR2018
Period: 19.06.2018 - 23.06.2018 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2018 - GNSS Remote Sensing of Snow Properties at High-Alpine Stations and Potential Applications (Poster)
Autoren: Koch, F; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Bach, H; Bernhardt, M; Schmid, L; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: EO4Alps 2018
Period: 27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2017 - Integration of Space Technologies for Snow Monitoring – GNSS, EO and SatCom – First Results of ESA IAP SnowSense Demo Project (Talk)
Autoren: Appel, F; Koch, F; Henkel, P; Klug, P; Lamm, M; Prasch, M; Bach, H; Mauser, W
Event: 8th EARSeL Workshop SIG Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow 2017
Period: 07.02.2017 - 09.02.2017 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2017 - An impact assessment of climate change in the Danube River Basin - Analyzing research projeccts to determine adaption strategies (Talk)
Autoren: Stolz, R; Prasch, M; Koch, F; Weber, M; Mauser, W
Event: Danube Conference 2017
Period: 26.09.2017 - 28.09.2017 | Location: Golden Sands, Bulgaria
Year: 2017 - Kontinuierliches Monitoring von Schneedeckenparametern und Bodenfeuchte mit GPS L1‐Band (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Prasch, M; Appel, F; and Mauser, W
Event: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie
Period: 30.09.2017 - 05.10.2017 | Location: Tübingen, Germany
Year: 2017 - Integration of GNSS, EO and SatCom for snow monitoring in Canada. First results of ESA IAP SnowSense Demo Project (Poster)
Autoren: Appel, F; Koch, F; Henkel, P; Klug, P; Prasch, M; Lamm, M; Bach, H; Mauser, W
Event: Earth Observation Summit
Period: 20.06.2017 - 22.06.2017 | Location: Montreal, QC, Canada
Year: 2017 - Schneedeckenparameter und Bodenfeuchte abgeleitet aus GPS Signalen (Poster)
Autoren: Koch, F; Prasch, M; Henkel, P; Appel, F; Schmid, L; Bach, H; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: 2. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie 2017
Period: 15.11.2017 - 17.11.2017 | Location: Obergurgl, Austria
Year: 2016 - A new method for continuous and non‐invasive soil moisture measurements based on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Schlenz, F; Prasch, M; Mauser, W
Event: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016
Period: 09.05.2016 - 13.05.2016 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2016 - Regional snow parameter monitoring in remote areas – integration of space assets within the ESA IAP SnowSense Demo Project (Talk)
Autoren: Appel, F; Klug, P; Koch, F; Prasch, M; Henkel P; Migdall S; Bach H; Mauser W
Event: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016
Period: 09.05.2016 - 13.05.2016 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2015 - Continuous and nondestructive snow information for remote areas based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Schmid, L; Prasch, M; Heilig, A; Eisen, O; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015
Period: 22.06.2015 - 02.07.2015 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2015 - Combining low‐cost GPS receivers with upGPR to derive continuously liquid water content, snow height and snow water equivalent in Alpine snow covers, invited presentation (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Schmid, L; Prasch, M; Heilig, A; Eisen, O; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Period: 12.04.2015 - 17.04.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2015 - Measurement of snow properties using upward-looking GPR applying (1) a combination with GPS technology and (2) full-waveform inversion (Talk)
Autoren: Schmid, L; Koch, F; Heilig, A; Prasch, M; Eisen, O; Mauser, W; Maurer, H; Schweizer, J
Event: 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015
Period: 22.06.2015 - 02.07.2015 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2014 - Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Resources and Adaptation Measures in the Danube River Basin - the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (Talk)
Autoren: Prasch, M; Weidinger, R; Koch, F; Mauser, W; Mair, R; Beyer, K
Event: Danube Conference 2014
Period: 22.09.2014 - 24.09.2014 | Location: Deggendorf, Germany
Year: 2014 - SnowSense. Using satellite navigation, communication and remote sensing for timely access to high‐quality and reliable information on snow (Talk)
Autoren: Appel, F., Bach, H., Koch, F., Prasch, M.; Mauser, W
Event: 7th EARSeL Workshop SIG Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow 2014
Period: 03.02.2014 - 06.02.2014 | Location: Bern, Switzerland
Year: 2014 - Liquid water content of a snowpack derived from low‐cost GPS receivers. Experimental setup and measurements at the test site Weissfluhjoch (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Prasch, M; Schmid, L; Ruesch, M; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: Liquid water in snow ? Measurement techniques and modeling approaches
Period: 02.04.2014 - 04.04.2014 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2014 - Measuring the hydrological snow storage in alpine catchments with a new‐low‐cost technology (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Prasch, M; Schmid, L; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: Danube Conference 2014
Period: 22.09.2014 - 24.09.2014 | Location: Deggendorf, Germany
Year: 2013 - NAVSTAR‐GPS for continuous snow measurements (Poster)
Autoren: Koch, F; Prasch, M; Ruesch, M; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W
Event: Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 2013
Period: 08.07.2013 - 12.07.2013 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2013 - Observing snow storage with GPS receivers (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Prasch, M; Schweizer, J; Mauser, W.
Event: Mountains under Watch - Observing Climate Change Effects in the Alps
Period: 20.02.2013 - 23.02.2013 | Location: Bard, Italy
Year: 2012 - Danube Climate Adaptation Study - Overview Results: Part 1: Impact of climate change on the water sector in the Danube River Basin. Part: 2 Adaptation activities and possible adaptation measures (Talk)
Autoren: Prasch, M; Koch, F; Weidinger, R; Mauser, W
Event: Danube Climate Adaptation Workshop 2012
Period: 29.03.2012 - 30.03.2012 | Location: Munich, Germany
Year: 2011 - The Influence of Snow‐ and Icemelt on Hydropower in the Upper Danube Watershed under Future Climate Conditions (Poster)
Autoren: Koch, F; Bach, H; Prasch, M; Weber, M; Braun, L; Mauser, W.
Event: 15th Alpine Glaciology Meeting 2011
Period: 11.02.2011 - 12.02.2011 | Location: Munich, Germany | Location: Munich, Germany
Year: 2010 - Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Wasserkraft im Einzugsgebiet der Oberen Donau (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Bach, H; Mauser, W
Event: Workshop AG Hydrologische Modellierung
Period: 27.05.2010 - 28.05.2010 | Location: Dresden, Germany
Year: 2010 - Climate Change effects on hydropower plants in the Upper Danube watershed (Talk)
Autoren: Koch, F; Bach, H; Reiter, A; Mauser, W.
Event: HydroPredict 2010
Period: 20.09.2010 - 23.09.2010 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Supervised Theses
8 Publications found.
The high alpine Glatzbach catchment Investigation of trends and interdependencies of meteorological and (snow-)hydrological parameters with sediment loads
Quelle: Müller, Simone. The high alpine Glatzbach catchment Investigation of trends and interdependencies of meteorological and (snow-)hydrological parameters with sediment loads [Internet] [Master / Diploma Thesis]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2024. Available from:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2024
Eigenschaften der Publikation:The impact of snow droughts on extremes in the global carbon cycle
Quelle: Eyal Natan S. The impact of snow droughts on extremes in the global carbon cycle [Internet] [Master / Diploma Thesis]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2024. Available from:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2024
Eigenschaften der Publikation:Schneehydrologische Modellierung eines hochalpinen Einzugsgebietes im Maltatal
Quelle: Mandl L. Schneehydrologische Modellierung eines hochalpinen Einzugsgebietes im Maltatal [Internet] [Diplomarbeit / Masterarbeit]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2023. Verfügbar unter:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2023
Eigenschaften der Publikation:Modelling and evaluation of the snow and ice melt in the Großglockner Region
Quelle: Lücking S. Modelling and evaluation of the snow and ice melt in the Großglockner Region [Internet] [Master / Diploma Thesis]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2023. Available from:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2023
Eigenschaften der Publikation:Analysis of snow-cover patterns in a high alpine catchment
Quelle: Ferrarin L. Analysis of snow-cover patterns in a high alpine catchment [Internet]. [Milan, Italy]: Politecnico Milano; 2022. Available from:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2022
Eigenschaften der Publikation:Vergleich eines physikalisch-basierten Modells und eines "Day-Degree" Ansatzes hinsichtlich der Schneeschmelze in einem hochalpinen Untersuchungsgebiet an der Kölnbreinsperre im Maltatal
Quelle: Ebner, Armin Alexander. Vergleich eines physikalisch-basierten Modells und eines "Day-Degree" Ansatzes hinsichtlich der Schneeschmelze in einem hochalpinen Untersuchungsgebiet an der Kölnbreinsperre im Maltatal [Internet] [Diplomarbeit / Masterarbeit]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2021. Verfügbar unter:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2021
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2021
Eigenschaften der Publikation:Raumzeitliche Analyse von Laserscanaufnahmen und einer physikalisch-basierten Schneedeckenmodellierung im hochalpinen Einzugsgebiet Zugspitze
Quelle: Thaler P. Raumzeitliche Analyse von Laserscanaufnahmen und einer physikalisch-basierten Schneedeckenmodellierung im hochalpinen Einzugsgebiet Zugspitze [Internet] [Diplomarbeit / Masterarbeit]. [Austria]: BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien; 2021. Verfügbar unter:
Master / Diploma Thesis Jahr: 2021
Eigenschaften der Publikation:
Community Services
Functions for scientific journals and panels / societies
Editor function in scientific journals
- 2024 -
Hydrological Processes,
Associate Editor
- 2022 -
Editorial Board Member
- 2024 -
Reviewer in (peer-reviewed) scientific journals
- 2023 -
Geoscientific Model Development,
- 2022 -
Journal of Hydrology,
- 2022 -
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung,
- 2022 -
Earth System Science Data,
- 2019 -
Remote Sensing of Environment,
- 2019 -
Water Resources Research,
- 2018 -
Applied Energy,
- 2018 -
Cold Regions Science and Technology,
- 2017 -
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
- 2017 -
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering,
- 2017 -
Journal of Geodesy,
- 2017 -
- 2017 -
- 2016 -
Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
- 2023 -
Functions in (non)scientific committees, societies or corporate bodies
- 2022 -
Austrian Association for Snow and Avalanches,
- 2022 -
Austrian Association for Hydrology,
advisory board member
- 2018 -
INARCH (International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology) COPE (Common Observing Period Experiment),
advisory board member
- 2017 -
German Hydrological Society (DHG),
- 2015 -
European Geosciences Union (EGU),
- 2022 -
Other Peer-Review Activities
Project reviews (for funding organizations)
- 2022 -
OeAD-Österreichischer Austauschdienst,
Scientific & Technical Cooperation (WTZ Program),
- 2022 -
- 2023
ÖGH Seminar - „Praxis trifft Wissenschaft - Wenn das Wasser knapp wird“
(Conference, workshop), member of the organisation committee
- 2023
MRI Synthesis Workshop: Cryosphere-Groundwater Interactions: a Missing Link in Mountain Water Research
(Conference, workshop), member of the organisation committee
- 2023
EGU General Assembly: Session CR2.2: 'Geophysical and in-situ methods for snow and ice studies'
(Conference, workshop), member of the organisation committee
- 2022
AGU Fall Meeting: Session G25B/G31A: 'Applications of Low-Cost, Mass-Market, and Consumer-Grade GNSS in Geosciences'
(Conference, workshop), member of the organisation committee
- 2022
EGU General Assembly: Session CR2.1: 'Geophysical and in-situ methods for snow and ice studies' Konferenz, Workshop Vorsitz (session)
(Conference, workshop), Chair (session)
- 2021
AGU Fall Meeting: Session G32B: 'Applications of Low-Cost, Mass-Market, and Consumer-Grade GNSS in Geosciences'
(Conference, workshop), member of the organisation committee
- 2021
EGU General Assembly: Session CR2.4: 'Geophysical and in-situ methods for snow and ice studies'
(Conference, workshop), Chair (session)
- 2020
EGU General Assembly: Session CR2.1: 'Geophysical and in-situ methods for snow and ice studies', Sharing Geoscience Online
(Conference, workshop), Chair (session)
- 2020
SnowHydro 2020: Conference on Snow Hydrology - Challenges in Mountain Areas
(Conference, workshop), scientific advisor
- 2019
EGU General Assembly: Session CR2.3 'Geophysical and in-situ methods for snow and ice studies'
(Conference, workshop), member of the organisation committee
- 2018
EGU General Assembly: Session CR2.4 'Applied geophysics and in-situ methods in cryospheric sciences'.
(Conference, workshop), member of the organisation committee
- 2018
SnowHydro 2018: Session 'Recent advances in experimental snow research and new measurement techniques'.
(Conference, workshop), Chair (session)
- 2023