Rea Hall
DDipl.Ing. Dr. Rea Hall
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - Ambrosia psilostachya DC. (Asteraceae): the almost unknown ragweed gaining ground
Autoren: Montagnani, C; Gentili, R; Karrer, G; Hall, RM; Le Corre, V; Kropf, M; Citterio, S
Event: Tackling Ragweed: a multidisciplinary and international approach 2022 - RAGWEED: A SUCCESSFUL STORY
Year: 2022 - Population genetics of the invasive Ambrosia psilostachya DC. In Europe
Autoren: Karrer, G; Hall, RM; Le Corre, V; Kropf, M
Event: Tackling Ragweed: a multidisciplinary and international approach 2022 - RAGWEED: A SUCCESSFUL STORY
Year: 2022 - Super-Weeds: Wie die Fußstapfen des Menschen, den Weg für Superunkräuter ebnen
Autoren: Hall RM
Event: Internationaler FGSV-Expertenworkshop: Innovative technische Landschaftspflegerische Maßnahmen in Umwelt- und Naturschutz für Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturanlagen
Year: 2022 - The arrival of Ambrosia psilostachya DC. in Europe – population genetic structuring and diversity
Autoren: Kropf, M; Hall, RM; Le Corre, V; Karrer, G
Event: 20. Österreichisches Botaniker:innentreffen 2022
Year: 2020 - Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) causes severe yield losses in different soybean varieties by reducing the infection potential of Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Autoren: Hall, R M; Wagentristl, H; Karrer, G; Winter, A; Czerny, R; Kaul, H-P
Event: 29. Deutsche Arbeitsbesprechung über Fragen der Unkrautbiologie und -bekämpfung
Year: 2019 - Genetic variation of the invasive Ambrosia psilostachya in Europe is biased by clonal propagation
Autoren: Karrer, G; Hall, R M; Le Corre, V; Kropf, M
Event: 15th International Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, EMAPI 2019 Integrating research management and policy
Year: 2019 - Regional adjustment of management options of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) along roadside verges in Bavaria
Autoren: Hall, R M; Karrer, G; Zant L, Aliabadi M
Event: 15th International Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, EMAPI 2019 Integrating research management and policy
Year: 2019 - Bye Bye Rhizobien: Wie Ragweed, Knöllchenbakterien verscheucht und infolge den Ertrag von Soja- und Käferbohne vermindert
Autoren: Hall RM, Wagentristl H, Karrer G, Winter A, Kaul H.-P
Event: 60. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage 2019
Year: 2019 - Know your enemy: are biochemical substances the secret weapon of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in the fierce competition with crops and native plant species?
Autoren: Hall, R M; Bein, H; Bein‐Lobmaier, B; Karrer, G; Kaul, H-P; Novak, J
Event: 15th International Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, EMAPI 2019 Integrating research management and policy
Year: 2018 - A fine-tuned mowing regime is evident in the eradication of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) along roadside verges
Autoren: Karrer, G.; Milakovic, I.; Leitsch-Vitalos, M.; Hall, R.M.; Fiedler, K.
Event: ICA2018 - 11th International Congress on Aerobiology
Year: 2018 - Genetic variation of the invasive Ambrosia psilostachya in Europe
Autoren: Hall, RM; Karrer, G; Le Corre, V; Kropf, M
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - High seed density is more effective than limiting similarity in controlling grassland resistance against invasive alien plants
Autoren: Kollmann J, Yanelli FH, Karrer G, Hall RM, Heger T
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Vegetation management intensity alters functional traits and plant community composition in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Hall, R. M; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Kratschmer, S; Jung, V; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Guernion, M; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Gómez, J. A; Popescu, D; Hoble, A; Comsa, M; Bunea, C; Zaller, J. G; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2016 - Estimation of seed longevity in artificial soil seed banks of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
Autoren: Karrer, G., Hall, R.M., Lener, F., Waldhäuser, N., Kazinczi, G., Kerepesi, I., Máté, S., Sölter, U., Starfinger, U., Verschwele, A., Mathiassen, S.K., Kudsk, P., Leskovsek, R., Simoncic, A.
Event: NEOBIOTA 2016 - 9th International Conference on Biological Invasions
Year: 2016 - Estimation of seed longevity in artificial soil seed banks of common ragweed
Autoren: Karrer, G., Hall, R., Lener, F., Waldhäuser, N., Kazinczi, G., Kerepesi ,I., Máté, S., Sölter, U., Starfinger, U., Verschwele, A., Mathiassen,S.K., Kudsk, P., Leskovsek, R., Simoncic ,A
Event: COST FA1203 – SMARTER Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe. Final Conference
Year: 2016 - Biotic resistance to invasive alien plant: Using a multi-trait approach to design resistant communities
Autoren: Yannelli F.A., Hall R., Karrer G., Heger T
Event: COST FA1203 – SMARTER Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe. Final Conference
Year: 2016 - Germination and seed viability of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) influenced by seed dimensions, origin and age
Autoren: Hall, R.M., Karrer, G.
Event: EOBIOTA 2016 - 9th International Conference on Biological Invasions
Year: 2014 - Einfluss des Saattermins auf Ertrag und Ertragsstruktur von Wechselweizen
Autoren: Neugschwandtner, R; Böhm, K; Hall, R; Kaul, H-P
Event: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften 2014
Year: 2014 - Sowing date affects nitrogen yield and nitrogen utilization of facultative wheat
Autoren: Neugschwandtner, R W; Böhm, K; Hall, R M; Kaul, H-P
Event: XIIIth Congress of the European Society for Agronomy (ESA)
Year: 2013 - Influence of sowing date (autumn vs. spring) on crop development, yield and yield structure of wheat and triticale
Autoren: Hall R-M
Event: Current Trends in Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture