Reinhard Unterbrunner
Reinhard Unterbrunner
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2007 - Beitrag von Rhizosphärenprozessen zur Phytoextraktion von Zn und Cd mit Salix caprea
Autoren: Puschenreiter M, Sommer P, Wieshammer G, Unterbrunner R, Wenzel WW
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2007 - Soil functions - diversity, evaluation and protection
Year: 2007 - Comparison of different methods for generating desorption isotherms of Cd and Pb in two soils of different contaminant loading
Autoren: Unterbrunner R, Puschenreiter M, Merten F, Oburger E, Garcia Garcia H, Wieshammer G, Swoboda S, Wenzel WW
Event: 9th International Conference for the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2007
Year: 2005 - Akkumulation von Spurenelementen in Pflanzen und deren Bedeutung für die Bodensanierung
Autoren: Puschenreiter M., Fitz W.J., Wieshammer G., Unterbrunner R., Wenzel W.W.
Event: 21. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente GMS 2005 - Experimentelle Modelle der Spurenelementforschung
Year: 2005 - Phytoremediation of Cd/Zn contaminated soils: prospects and limitations
Autoren: Wenzel, W.W., Wieshammer, G., Sommer, P., Unterbrunner, R., Puschenreiter, M., Dos Santos, M.N.
Event: Seminar des Instituts für Pflanzenernährung, Universität Hohenheim
Year: 2005 - Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils: Perspectives and Limitations
Autoren: Wenzel, W.W., Dos Santos, M.N., Fitz, W.J., Puschenreiter, M., Unterbrunner, R., Wieshammer, G.
Event: Invited Seminar
Year: 2005 - Bioavailable contaminant stripping (BCS) of Cd and Zn by continuous phytoextraction using Salix sp. and Arabidopsis halleri in outdoors minilysimeter experiments
Autoren: Unterbrunner R, Wieshammer G, Wenzel WW
Event: 8th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2005
Year: 2005 - Salix caprea and Salix fragilis: Promising candidates for the extraction of Cd and Zn from contaminated soils
Autoren: Wieshammer G, Unterbrunner R, Sommer P, Noel Dos Santos Utmazian M, Wenzel WW
Event: 8th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2005
Year: 2005 - Comparison and methods for nickel desorption isotherms
Autoren: Wenzel WW, Molina Millan I, Fitz WJ, Unterbrunner R
Event: 8th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2005
Year: 2005 - Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils using willows (Salix sp.): Prospects and limitations
Autoren: Wenzel W.W., Wieshammer G., Unterbrunner R., Sommer P., Dos Santos M.N. and Puschenreiter M.
Event: International Workshop Fate and Impact of Persistent Pollutants in Agroecosystems 2005, Organized by the IUNG, Wageningen University and Utah State University
Year: 2005 - Phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soils using trees.
Autoren: Puschenreiter, M., Balik, J., Dos Santos, M.N., Fischerova, Z., Schweiger, P., Sommer, P., Szakova, J., Tlustos, P., Unterbrunner, R., Wieshammer, G., Wenzel, W.W.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2005
Year: 2004 - Implementation of a rhizopshere model in Orchestra
Autoren: Schnepf, A., Himmelbauer, M.L., van Beinum, W., Loiskandl, W., Unterbrunner, R., Wenzel, W.W.
Event: RHIZOSPHERE 2004 - Perspectives and Challanges - A Tribute to Lorenz Hiltner
Year: 2004 - Phyotremediation of contaminated soils using willows.
Autoren: Puschenreiter M, Dos Santos MN, Hauser M-T, Sommer P, Strauss J, Wieshammer G, Unterbrunner R, Zivkovic M, Wenzel WW
Event: 2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
Year: 2004 - Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils using willows (Salix sp.): Prospects and limitations
Autoren: Wieshammer, G., Wenzel, WW., Sommer, P., Unterbrunner, R., Puschenreiter, M., Dos Sanots MN.
Event: 2nd International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation SoilRem 2004
Year: 2004 - Desorption isotherms for modeling rhizosphere processes
Autoren: Molina Millán, I., Fitz, W.J., Unterbrunner, R., Wenzel, W.W.
Event: RHIZOSPHERE 2004 - Perspectives and Challanges - A Tribute to Lorenz Hiltner
Year: 2004 - Extention of the ISO/FDIS 16703:2003(E) ‘Soil Quality – Determination of hydrocarbon content in the range of C10 to C40 by gas chromatography’ for the determination of crude oil content in the range of C10 to C60
Autoren: Zivkovic, MF., Unterbrunner, R., Gerzabek, MH., Soja, G., Stemmer, M., Wenzel, WW.
Event: 2nd International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation SoilRem 2004
Year: 2004 - Clean up of soils moderately contaminated with Cd and Zn by phytoextraction using Salix sp. and Arabidopsis halleri
Autoren: Wieshammer, G., Unterbrunner, R., Wenzel, WW.
Event: 2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
Year: 2003 - Phytosanierung – Weiden und Pappeln gegen vergiftete Böden
Autoren: Unterbrunner, R., Wieshammer, G., Puschenreiter, M.,Sommer, P., Wenzel, W.W
Event: 22. Osnabrücker Baumpflegetagung
Year: 2003 - Heavy Metal Fluxes of Chelate-assisted Phytoextraction using Canola in Fieldlysimeter Expereiments
Autoren: Unterbrunner, R., Sommer, P., Sacco, P., Wenzel, W.W.
Event: Conference on Water and Society 2003 - Needs, Challenges, and Restriction
Year: 2003 - Die österreichische Bodensystematik in der World Reference Base for Soil Recources
Autoren: Fitz WJ, Sommer P, Bohner A, Unterbrunner R, Wenzel WW
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft: "Bodenschutzstrategien in Europa - Strategien in Österreich"
Year: 2003 - Phytoextraction of cadmium and zinc using willows: microbial effects
Autoren: Wieshammer, G., Sommer, P., Unterbrunner, R., Gorfer, M., Strauss, J., Wenzel, WW.
Event: Conference on Water and Society 2003 - Needs, Challenges, and Restriction
Year: 2003 - Modeling the Bioavailability of Ni to the Hyperaccumulator Thlaspi goesingense - a chemical Non-equilibrium Approch
Autoren: Schnepf A., Schrefl T., Himmelbauer M., Loiskandl W., Unterbrunner R., Puschenreiter M., Fitz W.J., Molina I., Wenzel W.W.
Event: 7th ICOBTE 2003
Year: 2003 - Heavy metal uptake in hydroponically-grown willows species: perspectives for phytoextraction
Autoren: Dos Santos, MN., Wieshammer, G., Unterbrunner, R., Benda, O., Stasna, H., Wenzel, WW.
Event: Conference on Water and Society 2003 - Needs, Challenges, and Restriction
Autoren: Markus PUSCHENREITER, Walter J. FITZ, Andrea SCHNEPF, Peter SOMMER, Reinhard UNTERBRUNNER, Gerlinde WIESHAMMER und Walter W. WENZEL
Autoren: Reinhard UNTERBRUNNER, Pasqualina SACCO, Peter SOMMER und Walter W. WENZEL