Ulrich Morawetz
Dr. Ulrich Morawetz
Institute of Sustainable Economic Development
Location Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien
Email ulrich.morawetz@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-73130
ORCID: 0000-0002-5481-8292
36683018300: AuthorId
- 2006 - 2007 4 month scholarship at Thammasat University Bangkok
- 2005 4 weeks research at CIMMYT Nairobi
- 2004 Graduation Economics University Vienna
- 2004 IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program
- 2004 - 2011 Doctral Studies at BOKU. Title of dissertation "Empirical program Evaluation: Essays in Agricultural Economics"
- 2009 Förderpreis des Theodor Körner Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) The long-term impact of partible inheritance on farmland fragmentation
Autoren: Gatterer, M.; Leonhardt. H.; Morawetz, U.; Salhofer, K.
XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists
(2022) The long-term impact of partible inheritance on farmland fragmentation: evidence from Austria
Autoren: Gatterer, M; Leonhardt, H; Morawetz, U; Salhofer, K
Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists DAES and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists ÖGA - Societal changes and their implicationson agri-food systems and rural areas 2022
(2022) The Impact of Size, Intensity and Natural Conditions on Productivity in Dairy Farming
Autoren: Scheichel, E.; Morawetz, U.; Salhofer, K.
SMART Seminar
(2021) The Impact of Size, Intensity and Natural Conditions on Productivity in Dairy Farming
Autoren: Scheichel, E; Salhofer, K; Morawetz, U
179th EAAE Seminar, Food Policy Modelling as an Effective and Expeditious Response to Today’s Urgent Issues
(2021) Regional Growth And EU Policies – A Reassessment Of Econometric Estimates
Autoren: Zeilinger, J; Morawetz, U
16th EAAE Congress 2021
(2021) Spatial competition in a mixed market – the case of milk processors
Autoren: Tribl, C; Salhofer, K; Morawetz,U
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2021
(2020) Tiebout Sorting, Market Regulation and Environmental Gentrification
Autoren: Morawetz, UB; Klaiber, HA
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020
(2020) Renewable energies and electricity spot price variance in Europe – what comes down must go up?
Autoren: Schöniger, F; Morawetz, UB
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020
(2019) The welfare impacts of large scale urban noise reductions: implications from household sorting in Vienna
Autoren: Klaiber, HA ; Morawetz, UB
66th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARSC)
(2019) Econometric Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture: From Regional Averages to Farm Level Data
Autoren: Quddoos, A; Salhofer, K; Morawetz, U. B
24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
(2019) The welfare impacts of large scale urban noise reductions: Implications from household sorting in Vienna
Autoren: Allen H. Klaiber; Ulrich B. Morawetz
12th Goeffrey J.D. Hewings Regional Economics Workshop
(2018) Adoption of SFTs: the Case of GPS-guided agriculture in Lower Austria
Autoren: Stöckl, F; Morawetz, U. B; Salhofer, K;
28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
(2018) Randomised Controlled Trials for the agri-environment measure "Refrain from silage"
Autoren: Morawetz, U.B.; Tribl, C; Reindl, A;
Research Network on Economic Experiments for the CAP REECAP 2018
(2018) Farm level econometric assessment of climate change in Austrian agriculture: preliminary results
Autoren: Quddoos, A; Salhofer, K; Morawetz, U. B;
28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2018
(2017) Spatial Competition in a Mixed Market – The Case of Milk Processors
Autoren: Tribl, C; Morawetz, U; Salhofer, K
15th EAAE Congress Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems 2017 - Balancing Between Markets and Society
(2016) Gentrification due to environmental amenities ? Urban Green Infrastructure in Vienna
Autoren: Morawetz, UB
Séminaire Cournot at the Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée
(2016) Sustainable management of urban green infrastructure – A theoretical essay about the challenge of providing high-quality green in multi-storey residential construction
Autoren: Czachs, C; Brandenburg, C; Gantner, B; Hupka, J; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F; Morawetz, U
5th Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 2016
Autoren: Morawetz, UB; Sinabell, F
German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA), 55th Annual Conference
(2015) How can a Green Infrastructure Index as Planning Instrument Include Economic Effects? Considerations for Vienna.
Autoren: Morawetz, UB; Brandenburg, C; Czachs, C; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F
1st European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference 2015
Autoren: Morawetz, UB; Sinabell, F.
29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists 2015
(2015) Urban Heat Island Strategy Plan Vienna - overview and assessment of heat adaptation measures in Vienna
Autoren: Allex, B; Gantner, B; Brandenburg, Ch; Reinwald, F; Damyanovic, D; Czachs, C; Morawetz, U; Preiss, J
European Climate Change Adaptation Conference
(2014) Bewertung von Hitze-Anpassungsmaßnahmen in der Stadt Wien. Erste Ergebnisse des Projektes „UHI-Strategieplan Wien“
Autoren: Allex, B; Morawetz, U; Brandenburg, C; Damyanovic, D; Reinwald, F; Gantner, B; Czachs, C; Kniepert, M; Preiss, J
15. Österreichischer Klimatag 2014 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
(2014) Price Cointegration in the Austrian Wood Fuel Market
Autoren: Kristöfel, Ch., Morawetz, U., Strasser, Ch., Schmid, E.
22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
(2014) Städtische Wärmeinseln - Eine Herausforderung für urbane Räume
Autoren: Brandenburg, Ch., Damyanovic, D., Reinwald, F., Allex, B., Czachs, Ch., Gantner, B., Morawetz, U., Kniepert, M.
Geographisches Kolloquium 2014
(2014) Consistent price scenarios for models of various scales - an exploration of options
Autoren: Morawetz, UB; Sinabell, F
MACSUR: Scaling in global, regional and farm models. TradeM workshop
(2014) Non-market valuation of a reduced urban heat impact on the citizens of Vienna. Preliminary Results
Autoren: Kömle, DB; Morawetz, UB
International Symposium on Society and Resource Management
(2013) Volkswirtschaftslehre für Nicht-Volkswirte - Orthodoxe Grundlagen oder problemzentrierter Pluralismus?
Autoren: Hofreither, M. F., Kniepert, M., Mayrpeter, G., Morawetz, U.
41. Jahrestagung der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie & 23. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2013 - Grenzen der Qualitätsstrategie im Agrarsektor
(2013) Willingness to pay for conventional and organic Food products in croatia
Autoren: Cagalj, M.; Morawetz, U.B.; Haas, R.
34th European Association of Agricultural Economists 2013
Autoren: Kristöfel, C., Strasser, C., Morawetz, U.B., Schmidt, J., Schmid, E.
21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2013
(2012) Analyzing the effect of agri-environmental policies on nitrate concentration in groundwater
Autoren: Heumesser, Ch., Morawetz, U.
22. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA, 2012 - Ökosystemdienstleistungen und Landwirtschaft - Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen für Forschung und Praxis
(2011) Biofortification: Consumer Surplus derived from Experimental Auctions
Autoren: Morawetz, U.
21. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2011 - Diversifizierung versus Spezialisierung in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft
(2011) Stand Alone vs. Grid Extension for Electification in Kenya-Development of a Spatial- Explicit Energy System Model
Autoren: Zeyringer, Marianne; Morawetz, Ulrich; Pachauri, Shonali; Schmid, Erwin; Schmidt, Johannes;
34th IAEE International Conference 2011
(2010) Substitutability of Energy in Austrian Agriculture
Autoren: Morawetz, U., Kniepert, M., Hofreither, M. F.
Nachwuchsworkshop Umwelt- und Ressourchenökonomie 2010
(2009) Substitutability of Energy in Austrian Agriculture
Autoren: Morawetz, U., Kniepert, M., Hofreither, M. F.
4th Workshop on Applied Industrial Organization 2009
(2009) Sensitivity to incentive compatibility: A BDM experimental auction in Africa
Autoren: Morawetz, U., De Groote, H., Hofreither, M. F., Kimenju, S. C.
International Conference Economic Science Association ESA, Regional Meeting Europe 2009
(2009) Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis and Anomalous Behavior - A Review
Autoren: Morawetz, U., Hofreither, M. F.
19. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2009 - Rollen der Landwirtschaft in benachteiligten Regionen
(2008) Substitutability of Energy in Austrian Agriculture
Autoren: Ulrich B. Morawetz
Jahrestagung der schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie 2008 - Agrarwirtschaftliche Aspekte zu Ursachen und Folgen von Veränderungen in Umwelt und Klima
(2008) Can we derive intermediate inputs from non-intermediate inputs? An empirical answer für Austrian farms
Autoren: Morawetz, U., and Kniepert, M.
12th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists 2008 - People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies
(2008) Can we derive intermediate inputs from non-intermediate inputs? An empirical answer for Austrian farms
Autoren: Morawetz, U., Kniepert, M.
12th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists 2008 - People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies
(2007) Potential income gains for rural households in North Eastern Thailand through trade with organic products
Autoren: Morawetz, U.. B.; Wongprawmas, R.; Haas, R.
105th Seminar of the European Association of Agriclutural Economics EAAE 2007 - International Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products
(2007) Potential income gains for rural households in North Eastern Thailand through trade with organic products.
Autoren: Ulrich B. Morawetz
105th Seminar of the European Association of Agriclutural Economics EAAE 2007 - International Marketing and International Trade of Quality Food Products
(2006) Comparing Accuracy and Costs of Revealed and Stated preferences: The Case of Consumer Acceptance of Yellow Maize in East Africa
Autoren: Kimenju S.C., DeGroote H., Morawetz U.B.
Annual Meeting of the International Association of Agricultural Economists 2006
(2005) Comparing Contingent Valuation Method, Choice Experiments and Experimental Auctions in soliciting Consumer preference for maizein Western Kenya: Preliminary results
Autoren: Kimenju, S.J., Morawetz, U.B., De Groote, H.
10th Annual Conference on Econometric Modeling in Africa
(2004) Voluntary set aside of arable land: econometric analysis for Austria.
Autoren: Morawetz, U.B.
14. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2004 - Standards in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Lokale und globale Herausforderungen
Towards launhing Randomized Controlled Trials in Europe
Autoren: Morawetz, UB
Regression analysis with independent variables in shares
Autoren: Ulrich, UB; Klaiber, HA
Regression analysis with independent variables in shares.
Autoren: Morawetz, UB; Klaiber, HA