Buumba Mudenda Hampuwo
Buumba Mudenda Hampuwo M.Sc.
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Email buumba.hampuwo@boku.ac.at
Research Focus
In my research, I mainly focussed on fish physiology, genomics and nutrition. During my master's programme, I investigated the reproductive performance of Oreochromis andersonii, a native species in Zambia. I investigated fecundity, egg hatchability and histological analyses of the gonads to gain a better understanding of the reproductive rate.
I recently completed a study on the effects of high temperatures on gene expression and energy reserves of browns. In this study, I used transcriptomics to determine the effects of temperature on gene expression and UV spectrophotometry to determine the effects of temperature on metabolites in brown trout such as ATP, glycogen, pyruvate, triglycerides, and others.
My long-term research goals are to deepen applied genomics for conservation and evolutionary understanding. I am also interested in using genomics to better understand the responses of organisms to climate change and anthropogenic stressors such as pollution.
I am currently focussing on researching the effects of microplastics in fish, particularly their effects on reproduction and on whether they have transgenerational effects.
- 2020 - 2022 Technical Officer Fish Breeding and Genetics (WorldFish CGIAR)
- Year: 2024 Awards: Leveraging Innovations in New Communities (LINC) Grant program
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