Patrick Hirsch
Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Patrick Hirsch
Institute of Production and Logistics
Location Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73419
ORCID: 0000-0003-2678-4299
26026340800: AuthorId
Research Focus
Sustainable Logistics, Operations Research, Crises- and Disaster Management
- 2017 Associate Professor
- 2017 Study Programme Coordinator Doctoral Studies of Social and Economic Sciences
- 2016 Habilitation
- 2013 Research stay at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research (UPNA, Pamplona) and in the research program Internet Computing & Systems Optimization (UOC, Barcelona)
- 2013 - 2016 Assistant Professor (tenure track)
- 2012 - 2024 Managing Partner of ingentus decision support KG
- 2008 - 2014 Visiting lecturer at the Universidad Publica de Navarra, Pamplona - Spain
- 2007 - 2012 Assistant Professor
- 2006 Doctorate (University of Vienna)
- 2004 - 2013 Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien for Business Administration, Economics, and Cost Accounting
- 2003 - 2006 Graduate Research Assistant
- 1996 - 2002 Traffic Clerk, Austrian Airlines AG / Project manager, technical and commercial officer (part-time during studies), Klinger Fluid Control GmbH
- Year: 2023 Awards: International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR) runner-up Best Paper Award 2023 for the publication "Agile optimization of a two-echelon vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery"
- Year: 2022 Awards: BOKU Best Paper Award mit Sonja Maria Russo und Jana Vögl (Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien): A multi-method approach to design urban logistics hubs for cooperative use. Sustainable Cities and Society.
- Year: 2021 Awards: BOKU Lehrpreis
- Year: 2021 Awards: Meritorious Reviewer Award - INFORMS Journal on Computing
- Year: 2014 Awards: Raiffeisen Science & Innovation Award 2014 - Publication Award: Fikar, C., Hirsch, P., A matheuristic for routing real-world home service transport systems facilitating walking, Journal of Cleaner Production (2014)
- Year: 2008 Awards: 1. Preis des Förderpreises der Bundesvereinigung des Holztransport-Gewerbes e.V. für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zum Thema Holztransport
- Year: 2008 Awards: 1. Preis in der Kategorie „Poster das am meisten zum Nachdenken angeregt hat“ am 10. Österreichischen Klimatag
- Year: 2008 Awards: Peter Faller Nachwuchsförderpreis 2007 in der Kategorie Dissertation
- Year: 1995 Awards: Ehrenring des Absolventenvereins der HTL Mödling
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Optimizing the implementation of a mobile collection service in urban areas
Autoren: Kummer, Y; Hirsch, P
Event: ISC 2024 - Empowering Human Decision Making in a Robotics & Data-Driven World
Year: 2024 - Quantifying the trade-off between costs and nurse satisfaction in home healthcare planning decisions
Autoren: Delaet, A; Braekers, K; Ramaekers, K; Hirsch, P
Event: 33rd European Conference on Operational Research 2024
Year: 2024 - Integrated decision-making for medium-term home health care planning: a matheuristic approach
Autoren: Delaet, A; Ramaekers, K; Hirsch, P; Braekers, K
Event: EULOG 2024
Year: 2024 - Facilitating Resilience during an African Swine Fever Outbreak in the Austrian Pork Supply Chain through Hybrid Simulation Modelling
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Kummer, Y
Event: Tagung der ÖGOR Arbeitsgruppe Health Care & Disaster Management 2024
Year: 2024 - Optimizing the implementation of a mobile waste collection service in urban areas
Autoren: Kummer, Y; Hirsch, P
Event: EULOG 2024
Year: 2023 - Integrating Home Health Care and Patient Transportation: A Sample Average Approximation Approach to Optimize Scheduling and Routing
Autoren: Reyes-Rubiano, LS; Mueller, M; Voegl, J; Sarmiento, A; Guerrero, WJ; Hirsch, P
Event: Winter Simulation Conference 2023
Year: 2023 - Integrated decision-making in the medium-term home health care planning problem with care worker well-being
Autoren: Delaet, A; Braekers, K; Molenbruch, Y; Ramaekers, K; Hirsch, P
Event: ORAHS 2023 Doctoral Colloquium
Year: 2023 - Thementag Logistik
Autoren: Bauer, H; Posset, M; Russo, SM; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: Workshop BMK & thinkport VIENNA
Year: 2023 - Integrated decision-making for medium-term home health care planning
Autoren: Delaet, A; Braekers, K; Ramaekers, K; Molenbruch, Y; Hirsch, P
Event: ORBEL 37 - 37th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society
Year: 2023 - Home health care routing and scheduling: Research paths, organizational challenges and promising future research directions
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: 5th Healthcare Systems Seminar African Working Group on Healthcare Systems, African Federation of Operations Research Societies AFROS 2023
Year: 2022 - Combined transport of home care staff and patients - Sustainability evaluation of an integrated use of trip sharing and public transport in the health care sector
Autoren: Voegl, J; Reyes-Rubiano, LS; Hirsch, P
Event: Urban Transitions 2022 - Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living
Year: 2022 - Automated damage detection of trailers at intermodal terminals using deep learning
Autoren: Cimili, P; Voegl, J; Hirsch, P; Gronalt, M
Event: 19th International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference 2022
Year: 2022 - Awaken Sleeping Assets for Smart Urban Logistics Solutions
Autoren: Wrighton, S; Hirsch, P; Schachenhofer, L; Posset, M
Event: Science, Technology and Society Unit STS Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - Evaluation of an integrated mobility concept for home care workers and ambulant patients
Autoren: Reyes-Rubiano, LS; Voegl, J; Hirsch, P
Event: Jahrestagung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe „Health Care Management“
Year: 2022 - ISIDOR: Analysing the Consequences of an Extensive and Prolonged Internet Outage with System Dynamics
Autoren: Schachenhofer, L; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 19th International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference 2022
Year: 2022 - Dealing with Routing Decisions in Disrupted Networks: Immediate Post-disaster Phase
Autoren: Reyes-Rubiano, L; Voegl, J; Hirsch, P
Event: Annual conference of the Operations Research Society of Germany - OR 2022
Year: 2022 - NUTRISAFE- Sicherheit in der Lebensmittelproduktion und -logistik durch die Distributed-Ledger-Technologie: Forschungsergebnisse
Autoren: Göllner, J; Lechner, U; Hirsch, P
Event: IKT-Sicherheitskonferenz
Year: 2021 - Home health care routing and scheduling: Theory & Practice and promising future research directions
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) - Webinar on Home Health Care
Year: 2021 - Securing food production & logistics in crisis situations: The NUTRISAFE project approach on challenges and perspectives of supply chain security
Autoren: Polster, S; Lassnig, H; Rainer, K; Rathammer, K; Kundratitz, V; Peer, A; Göllner, J; Silvestru, D; Domig, KJ; Burtscher, J; Rest, KD; Zazgornik, J; Kummer, Y; Hirsch, P
Event: IDIMT-2021 - 29th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks
Year: 2021 - Outcomes of Nutrisafe - Securing Food Production and Logistics
Autoren: Burtscher, J; Kummer, Y; Hirsch, P; Domig KJ
Event: FFoQSI Annual Assembly 2021
Year: 2020 - NutriSafe - Securing of Food Production and Logistics with Distributed Ledger Technology
Autoren: Kummer, Y; Hirsch, P
Event: 10. KIRAS Fachtagung
Year: 2020 - Integrated mobility concept for the transport of home care workers and ambulant patients
Autoren: Reyes-Rubiano, LS; Voegl, J; Hirsch, P
Event: Online Workshop of the Spanish Network of Excellence in Transportation 2020
Year: 2020 - Evaluation of an integrated mobility concept for home care staff and ambulant patients
Autoren: Reyes-Rubiano, LS; Voegl, J; Hirsch, P
Event: ORAHS 2020 - 46th Annual Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research in Health Care
Year: 2020 - NutriSafe - Securing of Food Production and Logistics with Distributed Ledger Technology
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Kummer, Y
Event: 10. KIRAS Fachtagung
Year: 2020 - NutriSafe - Securing of Food Production and Logistics with Distributed Ledger Technology
Autoren: Burtscher, J; Kummer, Y; Hirsch, P; Strobl, M; Weber, C; Domig, KJ
Event: FFoQSI Annual Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - Agent-based simulations to assess the vulnerability of food supply chains and increase resilience through Distributed-Ledger Technologies
Autoren: Kummer, Y; Fikar, C; Hermann, A; Hirsch, P; Hofmeier, M; Hoiss, T; Lechner, U; Rest, KD
Event: HHL2020 - 12th Annual Conference on Health & Humanitarian Logistics
Year: 2020 - Securing of Food Production and Logistics
Autoren: Kummer, Y; Berner, B; Burtscher, J; Domig, KJ; Fikar, C; Rest, KD; Strobl, M; Hirsch, P
Event: Disaster Research Days 2020
Year: 2020 - Facilitating resilience of domestic pork supply chains through hybrid simulation modeling
Autoren: Fikar, C; Kummer, Y; Rest, KD; Hirsch, P
Event: Winter Simulation Conference 2020
Year: 2020 - Agility for Food Supply through Distributed Ledger Technology – Open Source Tools and Results from the NutriSafe project
Autoren: Lechner, U; Hirsch, P; Furtner, T; Lamken, D
Event: HHL2020 - 12th Annual Conference on Health & Humanitarian Logistics
Year: 2019 - Absicherung von Wertschöpfungsketten in der Lebensmittelproduktion und -logistik mittels Distributed-Ledger Technologie: Das Forschungsdesign
Autoren: Reimers, T; Rudel, S; Lechner, U; Hofmeier, M; Wilhelmi, T; Fikar, C; Kipker, DK; Buchner, B; Sohr, K; Kus, M; Blunk, R; Schuster, M; Bensch, P; Bollen, T; Krummel, V; Le, DK; Friedrich, H; Joseph, S; Furtner, T; Hirsch, P; Leithner, M; Semmelmann, K; Weber, C; Müller, S; Brändle, J; Domig, K; Göllner, J; Laßnig, H; Springnagel, M; Zazgornik, J
Event: 16. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI
Year: 2019 - Challenges of the practical implementation of solution algorithms for routing and scheduling home health care staff using public transport at a Viennese service provider
Autoren: Rest, KD; Zazgornik, J; Hirsch, P
Event: Tagung der ÖGOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Operations Research in Health Care & Disaster Management"
Year: 2019 - Stakeholder requirements to the design of a cooperatively used urban logistics hub
Autoren: Protic, S, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
Year: 2018 - Time dependent routing and scheduling of home health care staff using public transport: Practical implementation at a Viennese service provider
Autoren: Rest, KD; Zazgornik, J; Hirsch, P
Event: EURO/ALIO International Conference 2018 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization
Year: 2018 - Sustainable transport – Improving the routing of vehicles to reduce their environmental impact
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: Industry seminar at the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
Year: 2018 - Integrating dial-a-ride services and public transport
Autoren: Molenbruch, Y; Braekers, K; Hirsch, P; Oberscheider, M
Event: 29th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2018
Year: 2018 - Home health care routing and scheduling: state of the art and promising future research directions
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: Lecture Series of the Research Institute for Supply Chain Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Year: 2018 - Home health care routing and scheduling: State of the art and promising future research directions
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: Faculty seminar at the Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce at the Lincoln University
Year: 2018 - A discrete event simulation to investigate unloading operations in an urban retail street
Autoren: Vögl, J;Fikar, C; Hirsch, P;Gronalt, M
Event: International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modeling and Simulation (HMS 2018)
Year: 2017 - Einsatzplanung mobiler Pflegekräfte: Besondere Herausforderungen in Katastrophensituationen
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: Logistische Entscheidungsunterstützung im Katastrophenmanagement: Welchen Beitrag können computerbasierte Simulationsmodelle leisten?
Year: 2017 - The challenges of home health care routing and scheduling
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Fikar, C
Event: IFORS 2017 - 21st Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
Year: 2017 - Research activities in home health care
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: Scientific Seminar at the Laboratory of Computer Engineering and Automation at the Université d'Artois
Year: 2016 - Implementation of an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search based Decision Support System for a Real-World Dynamic Dial-a-Ride-Problem
Autoren: Oberscheider, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 28th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2016
Year: 2016 - Alternative transport modes for home health care staff - logistical challenges and the question of sustainability
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Fikar, C; Rest, KD; Voegl, J
Event: 28th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2016
Year: 2016 - A System Dynamics based model to capture complex dynamics of flood response
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Berariu, R
Event: 1st EURO HOpe mini-conference
Year: 2016 - Assessing service quality improvement through horizontal cooperation in last-mile distribution
Autoren: Serrano-Hernandez, A; Hirsch, P; Faulin, J; Fikar, C
Event: The 18th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation
Year: 2016 - Sustainable decision making in home care mobility on a strategic and operational level
Autoren: Voegl, J; Hirsch, P
Event: ORAHS 2016 - 42th Annual Meeting EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services
Year: 2016 - Project HubHarmony
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Gronalt, M; Protic, S; Voegl, J
Event: ERANET - Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management Call - Kick-Off
Year: 2016 - Home health care routing and scheduling: State of the art and promising future research directions
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Fikar, C
Event: ORAHS 2016 - 42th Annual Meeting EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services
Year: 2015 - Supporting Urban Home Health Care in Daily Business and Times of Disasters
Autoren: Rest, KD; Hirsch, P
Event: 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
Year: 2015 - Implementing more sustainable transport for home service providers – Challenges, methods and implications
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Fikar, C; Rest, KD; Voegl, J
Event: 7th International Conference on Applied Operational Research 2015
Year: 2015 - A System Dynamics (SD) based model to capture complex dynamics of disaster management
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: INQUIMUS 2015 - Challenges in Q2 methodologies to acquire and integrate data for the assessment of risk, vulnerability and resilience
Year: 2015 - Sustainable transport for home service providers: A case study in the home health care sector
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: HAROSA-CYTED Workshop
Year: 2015 - A simheuristic for dynamic home service trip sharing problems
Autoren: Fikar, C; Juan, AA; Hirsch, P
Event: 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics Odysseus 2015
Year: 2015 - Decision-support for coordinated last-mile distribution during disasters
Autoren: Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: International Conference on Operations Research OR 2015
Year: 2015 - Un algoritmo basado en aleatorización sesgada para la recolección eficiente de residuos en ciudades inteligentes
Autoren: Gruler, A.; Fikar, C.; Juan, A.; Hirsch, P.
Event: X Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados - MAEB 2015
Year: 2015 - A real-world application of a dynamic dial-a-ride problem for non-emergency ambulance services in Austria
Autoren: Oberscheider, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 27th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2015
Year: 2015 - A system dynamics based learning model to train decision makers on response to flood events
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2015
Year: 2015 - Sustainability criteria for transport of home care staff and frail people
Autoren: Voegl, J; Hirsch, P
Event: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing
Year: 2015 - Green Logistics - Grundlagen und zukünftige Möglichkeiten
Autoren: Hirsch, P; König, B; Protic, S
Event: klimaaktiv pakt2020 Fachworkshop "Green Logistics"
Year: 2015 - Robust scheduling of urban home health care services using time-dependent public transport
Autoren: Rest, KD; Hirsch, P
Event: TSL Workshop 2015 - 4th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop
Year: 2015 - Scheduling of urban home health care services during daily business and in times of disasters
Autoren: Rest, KD; Hirsch, P
Event: International Conference on Operations Research OR 2015
Year: 2015 - The trade-off between resource management and quality of service for a static multi depot dial-a-ride problem
Autoren: Oberscheider, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics Odysseus 2015
Year: 2015 - Simulation-optimisation based decision-support for coordinated disaster relief last mile distribution
Autoren: Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Goellner, J; Hirsch, P
Event: HMS 2015 - The 17th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation
Year: 2015 - LMK-Muse - Modellbildungs- und simulationsgestützte Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Last-Mile Katastrophenbewältigung
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: Forschungsmarkttag an der Landesverteidigungsakademie
Year: 2015 - A Simheuristic for the Waste Collection Problem with Stochastic Demands in Smart Cities
Autoren: Gruler, A; Fikar, C; Juan, A; Hirsch, P; Contreras, C
Event: 16th ASIM Dedicated Conference on Simulation in Production and Logistics 2015
Year: 2015 - Sustainability criteria for home care staff mobility
Autoren: Voegl, J; Hirsch, P
Event: International Conference on Operations Research OR 2015
Year: 2015 - Tabu Search strategies for daily scheduling of urban home health care services considering individual and public transport
Autoren: Rest, KD; Hirsch, P
Event: 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics Odysseus 2015
Year: 2015 - A System Dynamics Model for Flood Response
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: Systems Analysis 2015 - A conference in celebration of Howard Raiffa
Year: 2014 - Touren- und Einsatzplanung von Heimservicedienstleistern mit Trip Sharing
Autoren: Fikar, C; Hirsch, P
Event: EULOG 2014 - Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Logistik
Year: 2014 - Flooding events and their cascading effects – analyzing the impact on disaster relief with System Dynamics
Autoren: Berariu, R; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P (2014)
Event: The 32nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
Year: 2014 - Tabu Search strategies for daily scheduling of home health care services that use time-dependent public transport networks
Autoren: Hirsch, P; Rest, K-D
Event: ORAHS 2014 - 40th Annual Meeting EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services
Year: 2014 - Routing and Scheduling of Urban Home Health Care Transport Systems
Autoren: Fikar, C; Hirsch, P
Event: 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research SocietiesIFORS 2014
Year: 2014 - Projektpräsentation ALTCARE - Entwicklung von Planungsalgorithmen für alternative Mobilitätskonzepte in der urbanen Hauskrankenpflege
Autoren: Hirsch, P
Event: FFG - Projektmonitoring I2V 2014
Year: 2014 - Modelling simulation-based decision support in the last mile of crisis management
Autoren: Peer, A; Fikar, C; Hirsch, P; Göllner, J; Gronalt, M; Quirchmayr, G
Event: EMCSR 2014 - European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research - Civilisation at the Crossroads – Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences
Year: 2014 - Applying the SD Approach to Cascading Effects in Case of Flood Events
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2014 "Integrative Risk Management - The role of science, technology & practice"
Year: 2014 - Analysis of different levels of service for a static multi depot dial-a-ride problem
Autoren: Oberscheider, M; Hirsch, P;
Event: VeRoLog 2014
Year: 2014 - Natural disasters and their cascading effects – analyzing the impact on disaster relief with the system dynamics method
Autoren: Berariu, R; Fikar, C; Gronalt, M; Hirsch, P
Event: EMCSR 2014 - European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research - Civilisation at the Crossroads – Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences
Year: 2013 - Solution methods for a real-life problem in patient transportation
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: VRP2013: European Spring School on Vehicle Routing
Year: 2013 - Planning of Home Health Care Transport Services with Subroutes and Interdependencies
Autoren: Fikar, C., Hirsch, P.
Event: VeRoLog 2013
Year: 2013 - Time-dependent travel times and multi-modal transport for daily home health care planning
Autoren: Rest, K.-D., Hirsch, P.
Event: TRISTAN VIII - The Eight Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis
Year: 2013 - A matheuristic for routing real-world home service transport systems with sub-routes
Autoren: Fikar, C; Hirsch, P
Event: Austrian Workshop on Metaheuristics 9 AWM 9 '13 2013
Year: 2013 - ALTCARE - Alternative Konzepte in der urbanen Hauskrankenpflege
Autoren: Fikar, C., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: Science meets Business 2013 - Die BOKU und ihre Rolle im Innovationsprozess
Year: 2013 - ALTCARE - Alternative mobility concepts in urban home health care
Autoren: Fikar, C., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: VRP2013: European Spring School on Vehicle Routing
Year: 2013 - SUEHC - Securing Urban Extramural Health Care
Autoren: Rest, K.-D., Hirsch, P.
Event: VRP2013: European Spring School on Vehicle Routing
Year: 2013 - Optimierte Touren- und Einsatzplanung von mobilen Pflegekräften bei Verwendung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel
Autoren: Rest, K.-D., Hirsch, P.
Event: Tagung der ÖGOR Arbeitsgruppe 2013 - Operations Research im Gesundheitswesen
Year: 2013 - Optimization of Medium-Term Home Health Care Planning
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: INFORMS Healthcare 2013
Year: 2013 - Optimization of Patient Transportation - Solving an Extension of the Heterogeneous Multi Depot Dial-A-Ride Problem with Tabu Search Variants
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: VeRoLog 2013
Year: 2013 - A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut solution approach for medium-term home health care planning
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Trautsamwieser, A.
Event: EURO/INFORMS - 26th European Conference on Operational Research
Year: 2013 - Two applications of OR methods for real-life problems: scheduling of home health care services and patient transportation
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: Departmentkonferenz am Department fuer Operations Research und Statistik an der Universidad Publica de Navarra 2013
Year: 2013 - A Matheuristic for Routing a Real-World Home Service Transport System with Sub-routes
Autoren: Fikar, C; Hirsch, P
Event: 2013 CYTED-HAROSA International Workshop on Simulation-Optimization for Logistics & Production
Year: 2012 - Multilevel neighborhood search for solving full truckload routing problems arising in timber transportation
Autoren: Derigs, U., Pullmann, M., Vogel, U., Oberscheider, M., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: EURO Mini Conference XXVIII on Variable Neighborhood Search
Year: 2012 - A Tabu Search Approach for Daily Scheduling of Home Health Care Services using Multi-Modal Transport
Autoren: Rest, K.-D., Hirsch, P.
Event: 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics Odysseus 2012
Year: 2012 - Scheduling of home health care services using time-dependent multimodal transport
Autoren: Rest, K.-D., Hirsch, P.
Event: 25th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2012
Year: 2012 - The need for logistical optimization: three real-life applications
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: 3rd International Students Symposium in Logistics and International Business
Year: 2012 - Weekly routing and scheduling of home health care services
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: 25th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2012
Year: 2012 - Minimierung von Fahrzeiten und Treibhausgasen im Holztransport – Vergleich eines matheuristischen Lösungsverfahrens mit einer dynamischen Tabu Search Metaheuristik
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: EULOG 2012
Year: 2012 - Environmental impacts versus driving times - The routing of log-trucks with a new near-exact solution approach
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 25th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2012
Year: 2012 - A Real-life Application of a Multi Depot Heterogeneous Dial-a-Ride Problem for Patient Transportation
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Oberscheider, M.
Event: IN3-HAROSA Workshop & Meeting on Applied Optimization & Distributed Computing
Year: 2012 - Medium Term Planning for Home Health Care Services
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics Odysseus 2012
Year: 2012 - Projects at the working group on transportation logistics and disaster management
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: ICSO-HAROSA EU Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - Minimizing driving times and greenhouse gas emissions in timber transport with a near-exact solution approach
Autoren: Oberscheider, M., Zazgornik, J., Henriksen, C.B., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: ORP3 - Operation Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme, A EURO Conference for young OR researchers
Year: 2012 - A branch-and-price approach for solving medium term home health care planning problems
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: ISMP 2012 - 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
Year: 2011 - Daily scheduling of home health care services in times of natural disasters
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Rest, K.-D., Trautsamwieser, A.
Event: INFORMS Healthcare 2011
Year: 2011 - Rezepte für erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit? - Projekt SEHC
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Högl, J.
Event: Workshop Umgang mit Naturgefahren 2011
Year: 2011 - Daily scheduling of home health care services in case of flood disasters with Variable Neighborhood Search
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Trautsamwieser, A.
Event: MIC 2011 - 9th Metaheuristics International Conference
Year: 2011 - Optimization of Daily Scheduling for Home Health Care Services
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: EU/MEeting 2011
Year: 2010 - Tourenplanung mit faltbaren Containern bei Holztransporten
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Logistik. Geographische Informationssysteme und Optimierung 2010
Year: 2010 - Optimierung der Tageseinsatzplanung in der extramuralen Hauskrankenpflege
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: Tagung der ÖGOR Arbeitsgruppe 2010 - Operations Research im Gesundheitswesen
Year: 2010 - Scheduling of Home Health Care Services in Times of Natural Disasters
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Gronalt, M., Trautsamwieser, A.
Event: ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - The impact of using foldable containers in wood transport
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P., Zazgornik, J.
Event: 24th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2010
Year: 2010 - Optimization of daily scheduling for extramural health care services
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: 24th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2010
Year: 2010 - Optimization of daily scheduling for extramural health care services
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: 24th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2010
Year: 2010 - Combined vehicle routing and foldable container scheduling
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Hirsch, P., Gronalt, M.
Event: 24th European Conference on Operational Research EURO 2010
Year: 2010 - Die Sicherstellung der Versorgung hilfs- und pflegebedürftiger Menschen im urbanen Raum durch mobile Pflegedienste bei Naturkatastrophen
Autoren: Schneider, C., Kiechle, G., Hirsch, P., Rest, K.-D.
Year: 2010 - Einsatz von GIS zur Simulation der Auswirkungen von Naturkatastrophen auf die Touren- und Einsatzplanung in der extramuralen Pflege
Autoren: Rest, K.-D., Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Logistik. Geographische Informationssysteme und Optimierung 2010
Year: 2010 - Optimization of Daily Scheduling for Extramural Health Care Services
Autoren: Trautsamwieser, A., Hirsch, P.
Event: 2nd International Conference on Applied Operational Research
Year: 2010 - Unterstützung der Touren- und Einsatzplanung in der Hauskrankenpflege durch computergestützte Planungsverfahren
Autoren: Hirsch, P., Trautsamwieser, A., Rest, K.-D.
Event: 2. e-Health Day Salzburg 2010 - team up!
Year: 2009 - Vehicle Routing and Container Scheduling in Timber Transport
Autoren: Zazgornik, J.; Gronalt, M.; Hirsch, P.
Event: Agricultural and Natural Resources Meeting 2009
Year: 2009 - Vehicle Routing and container scheduling in round timber transport
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: ODYSSEUS 2009 - International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics
Year: 2009 - Integrated empty container management and vehicle routing in timber transport
Autoren: Zazgornik, J., Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 23rd European Conference on Operational Research 2009
Year: 2008 - A Tabu Search strategy for scheduling log trucks
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: Departmentkonferenz am Department fuer Operations Research und Statistik an der Universidad Publica de Navarra 2008
Year: 2008 - Tabu Search based scheduling of log-trucks
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: OR 50 2008
Year: 2008 - Die Sicherung der extramuralen Versorgung hilfs- und pflegebedürftiger Menschen im Krisen- und Katastrophenfall
Autoren: Liehr, C.; Hirsch, P.
Event: 10. Österreichischer Klimatag 2008 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2008 - Optimierung im Rundholztransport
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: Peter Faller Preisverleihung der Österreichischen Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft ÖVG 2008
Year: 2008 - Securing extramural health care for people with special needs in times of crisis and disaster
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: IFORS 2008 - 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
Year: 2008 - Optimierung im Rundholztransport
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: Preisverleihung bei der Jahresversammlung der Bundesvereinigung des Holztransport-Gewerbes BdHG 2008
Year: 2007 - Tabu Search based solution methods for scheduling log-trucks
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: 6th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis TRISTAN VI 2007
Year: 2006 - Logistiklösungen für den ländlichen Raum
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: AGROffice - DokuPlant - Seminar
Year: 2005 - Timber Transport Vehicle Routing Problems: Formulation and Heuristic Solution
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society GOR 2005
Year: 2005 - Die Formulierung und heuristische Lösung von Leerfahrtoptimierungsproblemen im Rundholztransport
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: Tagung Logistik-Management 2005
Year: 2005 - A Tabu Search based Solution Method to optimize Round timber Transport
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 6th Metaheuristics International Conference MIC 2005
Year: 2005 - Timber Transport Vehicle Routing Problems: Formulation and Heuristic Solution
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society GOR 2005
Year: 2005 - A Tabu Search based Solution Method to optimize Round Timber Transport
Autoren: Hirsch, P.
Event: 6th Metaheuristics International Conference MIC 2005
Year: 2004 - Logistical Evaluation of replacement investments: A case study for an infrastructure supplier
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P.
Event: 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics
Year: 2003 - The use of simulation to support replacement investment decisions in production systems
Autoren: Gronalt, M., Hirsch, P., Schmid, V.
Event: 14th International DAAAM Symposium 2003