In-depth studies of actinobacterial ChdC
- Biotechnologie
Theoretical framework: Monoderm bacteria follow the so-called "coproporphyrin-dependent" heme biosynthetic pathway to form heme b. The final enzyme in this pathway is coproheme decarboxylase. In this proposal, we aim to provide in-depth knowledge of actinobacterial coproheme decarboxylases, which have been shown to be the representatives with the highest catalytic activity. Objectives: By using high-end biochemical and biophysical methods to study the wild type and variants of the actinobacterial coproheme decarboxylase from Corynebacterium diphteriae, we aim to gain an in-depth knowledge of the mode of action in general and a deep insight into all redox intermediates involved. Methods: Biochemical and biophysical characterization of coproheme decarboxylase will be performed using several high-end spectroscopic methods and kinetic characterizations of the enzymes. In addition, we will use state-of-the-art structural biology methods to understand the structure of the enzyme in great detail. Innovation: Many questions about the mechanisms of the enzymes involved in the coproporphyrin-dependent heme biosynthetic pathway remain unanswered. This metabolic pathway is essential for monoderm bacteria and some intermediate and didermic bacteria. This project provides a good basis for future developments to find new therapeutics against pathogenic monodermal bacteria, such as the actinobacterial pathogens like Corynebacterium diphteriae or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primary researchers involved: Stefan Hofbauer completed his PhD studies at BOKU in 2014 as part of the FWF PhD program W1224 "BioToP" and habilitated in January 2021. Giulietta Smulevich is a professor at the University of Florence and is an expert and world leader in resonance Raman spectroscopy of heme proteins. Dominika Borek and Zbyszek Otwinowski are professors at the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, and are recognized experts in structural biology.
Actinobacterial Coproheme Decarboxylases Use Histidine as a Distal Base to Promote Compound I Formation.
Autoren: Michlits, H; Lier, B; Pfanzagl, V; Djinović-Carugo, K; Furtmüller, PG; Oostenbrink, C; Obinger, C; Hofbauer, S; Jahr: 2020
Journal articles
Reaction intermediate rotation during the decarboxylation of coproheme to heme b in C. diphtheriae.
Autoren: Sebastiani, F; Michlits, H; Lier, B; Becucci, M; Furtmüller, PG; Oostenbrink, C; Obinger, C; Hofbauer, S; Smulevich, G; Jahr: 2021
Journal articles
An active site at work - the role of key residues in C. diphteriae coproheme decarboxylase.
Autoren: Sebastiani, F; Risorti, R; Niccoli, C; Michlits, H; Becucci, M; Hofbauer, S; Smulevich, G; Jahr: 2022
Journal articles
Initial Steps to Engineer Coproheme Decarboxylase to Obtain Stereospecific Monovinyl, Monopropionyl Deuterohemes.
Autoren: Michlits, H; Valente, N; Mlynek, G; Hofbauer, S; Jahr: 2021
Journal articles
Spectroscopic evidence of the effect of hydrogen peroxide excess on the coproheme decarboxylase from actinobacterial Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Autoren: Sebastiani, F; Niccoli, C; Michlits, H; Risorti, R; Becucci, M; Hofbauer, S; Smulevich, G Jahr: 2022
Journal articles
Molecular mechanism of the last step of the heme b biosynthesis in Gram-positive bacteria: the rotation matters
Autoren: Sebastiani, F; Michlits, H; Dali, A; Becucci, M; Hofbauer, S; Smulevich, G Jahr: 2022
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:Biochemistry of Enzymes Involved in the Coproporphyrin-Dependent Heme Biosynthesis Pathway of Gram-Positive Bacteria
Autoren: Hofbauer, S; Gabler, T; Patil, G; Michlits, H; Pfanzagl, V; Obinger, C; Furtmüller, PG Jahr: 2022
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
external links and characteristics of the publication:The role of the distal cavity in carbon monoxide stabilization in the coproheme decarboxylase enzyme from C. diphtheriae.
Autoren: Sebastiani, F; Dali, A; Alonso de Armiño, DJ; Campagni, L; Patil, G; Becucci, M; Hofbauer, S; Estrin, DA; Smulevich, G; Jahr: 2023
Journal articles
Reactivity of Coproheme Decarboxylase with Monovinyl, Monopropionate Deuteroheme.
Autoren: Patil, G; Michlits, H; Furtmüller, PG; Hofbauer, S; Jahr: 2023
Journal articles
Structural aspects of enzymes involved in prokaryotic Gram-positive heme biosynthesis.
Autoren: Falb, N; Patil, G; Furtmüller, PG; Gabler, T; Hofbauer, S; Jahr: 2023
Journal articles
The Molecular Evolution, Structure, and Function of Coproporphyrinogen Oxidase and Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase in Prokaryotes.
Autoren: Zámocký, M; Hofbauer, S; Gabler, T; Furtmüller, PG; Jahr: 2023
Journal articles
Project staff
Stefan Hofbauer
Ass.Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Hofbauer Ph.D.
Tel: +43 1 47654-77258
Project Leader
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2025
Nikolaus Falb
Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Falb
Project Staff
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2025
Gaurav Patil
Gaurav Patil M.Sc.
Tel: +43 1 47654-77278
Project Staff
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2025