Florian Part
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Florian Part
Institute of Waste Management and Circularity
Location Muthgasse 107, 1190 Wien
Email florian.part@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-81344
ORCID: 0000-0003-1301-1502
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=h6fmsdoAAAAJ&hl=de&oi=ao: GoogleScholar
Research Focus
The Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) concept will be further developed to assess the potential environmental risks and sustainability of advanced materials, including nanomaterials. The research group "QRACE" applies the SSbD concept to e.g. emerging solar cells, wind energy systems and battery energy storage systems. In the context of a circular economy, the safety and recyclability of such innovative systems is assessed quantitatively or qualitatively in order to derive design for reuse or design for recycling approaches (e.g. second-life lithium-ion batteries or polymer nanocomposites).
- 2024 Habilitation (venia docendi) for the subject Environmental Chemistry. Title of the habilitation thesis: "Safety and sustainability assessment of advanced materials including nanomaterials and secondary raw materials in a circular economy" (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 2022 - 2022 Guest Researcher at th Division 3.1 Safety of Dangerous Goods Packagings and Batteries, Berlin (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung)
- 2017 Senior Scientist at the Department of Water-Atmosphere-Environment (WAU), Institute of Waste Management and Circularity (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 2016 - 2017 Research associate at the Department for Nanobiotechnology (DNBT), Institute for Synthetic Bioarchitectures (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 2012 - 2016 University Assistant at the Department of Water-Atmosphere-Environment (WAU), Institute of Waste Management (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 2012 - 2017 Doctoral studies in the field of Waste Management and Environmental Chemistry, Titel of Dissertation: Strategies and Nanotechnology Tools for Identification and Characterization of Molecular Interactions in Complex Matrices - Analysis of the Fate and Transport of Engineered Nanomaterials in Selected Waste Streams (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 2010 - 2012 Project Manager and Engineering Consultant for Waste Management and Flood Control
- 2008 - 2010 Master Programme "Environmental Engineering" (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien)
- 2007 - 2010 Tutor and Study Assistant (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 2003 - 2008 Bachelor Programme "Environmental Engineering" (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 2018 ISWA Austria Stipendium 2019/20 für Forschungsarbeiten in der Abfallwirtschaft und Ressourcenmanagement
- 2018 ESG Travel Grant for young scientist from the Erwin Schrödinger Society for Nanosciences
- 2017 Best Poster Award (2nd Place) at the 10th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2017 (Poster Title: "Method Development to Assess Cyctoxicity of Hydrophilic Engineered Nanomaterials by Using Quantum Dots")
- 2017 Hans Roth Umweltpreis, 2. Platz
- 2007 Neptun Wasserpreis 2007 - 1. Preis in der Kategorie "WasserEMOTION"
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) Advanced materials for tracer-based sorting to improve recyclability of thermoplastics
Autoren: Part, Florian; Olscher, Christoph; Jandric, Aleksander; Zafiu, Christian; Lechner, Christoph; Lielacher, Robert
4th International Conference on MATERIALS SCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY
(2023) Development of a method for systematic classification of nanocarrier systems
Autoren: Pavlicek, A, Gressler, S, Hipfinger, C, Zafiu, C, Giese, B, Ehmoser, E-K, Völker, D, Schwirn, K, Part, F
NanoSAFE & NSC joint conference
(2023) REPOXYBLE - An innovative process for designing safe and sustainable epoxy-based composites for automotive and aerospace
Autoren: Olscher, Christoph; Tolentino, Ainhoa; Peral, Daniel; Part, Florian
19th International Symposium On Waste Management, Resource Recovery And Sustainable Landfilling
(2023) Nanocarriers: the “new” known unknowns – an approach for categorization and risk assessment
Autoren: Pavlicek, A; Part, F; Gressler, S; Zafiu, C; Ehmoser, E.-K.; Hipfinger, C; Giese, B;
NanoTrust Advanced Conference
(2023) Waste As a Resource in a Functioning (?) Circular Economy
Autoren: Part, F
Art, Science and Trash, Im Flieger
(2023) Life cycle assessment of domestic fuel cell
Autoren: Slotyuk, L; Part, F; Schlegel, M-C; Akkerman, F
World Sustainable Energy Days 2023
(2023) Safety and sustainability of nanomaterials and other advanced materials
Autoren: Olscher, Christoph; Prenner, Stefanie; Jung-Waclik, Sabine; Stingl, Andreas; Farias, Patrica; Pavlicek, Anna; Part, Florian
4th Stakeholder workshop on "Safe and sustainable by design"
(2023) Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit von Nanomaterialien und anderen Advanced Materials (SiNa)
Autoren: Olscher, Christoph; Brenner, Stefanie; Jung-Waclik, Sabine; Stingl, Andreas; Pavlicek, Anna; Part, Florian;
SiNa & ChemSave Stakeholderworkshop
(2023) Material flow modelling of graphene-based products in europe from 2004 to 2030
Autoren: Hong, H, Part, F, Nowack, B
NanoSAFE & NSC joint conference
(2023) Nanopartikel im Sickerwasser – Transportvehikeln oder Umweltschadstoffe
Autoren: Part, F
Deponietechnik 2023
(2022) Do nanomaterials from solid wastes transfer into leachate from landfills?
Autoren: Part, F
OECD expert meeting about Nanomaterials removal from wastewater
(2022) Comparison of the analytical methods ICP-MS and XRF for the analysis of complex waste samples - case study PCBs
Autoren: Jandric, A; Zafiu C; Part, F; Salhofer. S
Recy & DepoTech
(2022) Prospective dynamic and probabilistic material flow analysis of graphene-based materials in Europe from 2004 to 2030
Autoren: Hong, H; Part, F; Nowack, B
15th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials ICEENN 2022
(2022) SafeGraph: Regulatory Pathway and Safety Assessment of Graphene-based products
Autoren: Suarez-Merino, B; Adam, V; Louka, C; Pelin, M; Candotto-Carniel, F; Gressler, S; Part, F; Hong, H; Beloin-Saint Pierre, D; Briñas, E; Gonzalez, VJ; Wigstrom, J; Vazquez Fernandez-Pacheco, E; Tubaro, A; Tretiach, M; Hischier, R; Nowack, B; Prato, M; Wick, P; Baker, JH
Graphene Flagship Annual Meeting 2021
(2022) Reifenabrieb – ein weltweites Umweltproblem?
Autoren: Prenner, S, Allesch, A, Staudner, M, Rexeis, M, Schwingshackl, M, Huber-Humer, M, Part, F
Kanu-Competition – 6. Mai 2022, Wien. Für eine Mikroplastik-freie Donau!
(2022) Windkraftanlagen – Abfall oder Sekundärressource?
Autoren: Part, F
Veranstaltungsreihe BOKU-Energieclusters 2022 - Windkraft verstehen. Integrative Forschung an der BOKU
(2022) Reifenabrieb – ein weltweites Umweltproblem?
Autoren: Prenner, S; Allesch, A; Staudner, M; Rexeis, M; Schwingshackl, M; Huber-Humer, M; Part, F
1. CleanDanube_Competition 2022
(2021) Fast characterization and monitoring of sewage sludge ashes using portable X-ray fluorescence analysis
Autoren: Neubauer, S; Egle, L; Huber-Humer, M; Part, F
ISWA World Congress 2021
(2021) Applications of portable X-ray fluorescence devices for rapid characterisation of solid wastes
Autoren: Part, F; Neubauer, S; Jandric, A; Zafiu C
18th International Symposium On Waste Management And Sustainable Landfills
(2021) Aktuelle und zukünftige Recyclingkapazitäten für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien mit Fokus auf den österreichischen Markt
Autoren: Nigl, T; Scherhaufer, S.; Meyer, I; Altendorfer, M,; Part, F; Rutrecht, B, Beigl, P
Berliner Recycling- und Sekundärrohstoffkonferenz 2021
(2021) Reifenabrieb - eine unterschätzte Emissionsquelle
Autoren: Prenner, S, Allesch, A, Staudner, M, Rexeis, M, Schwingshackl, M, Huber-Humer, M, Part, F .
Vortragsreihe Forschungsberichte am Montag
(2020) Entwicklung einer vollständigen Wertschöpfungskette für Lithium-Ionen Batterierecycling in Österreich
Autoren: Beigl, P; Nigl, T; Meyer, I.; Scherhaufer, S; Part, F; Salhofer, S; Altendorfer, M; Pomberger, R; Sommer, M
Recy&DepoTech 2020
(2020) Sekundärressourcen aus Photovoltaik, Windturbinen und E-Autos
Autoren: Scherhaufer, S; Part, P; Beigl, P; Meyer, I; Sommer, M
Recy&DepoTech 2020
(2020) Comparison of national nano-registries calls for EU-wide harmonisation
Autoren: Pavlicek, A; Part, F; Rose, G; Praetorius, A; Miernicki, M; Gazsó, A; Huber-Humer, M
NanoSafe Conference
(2019) Engineered nanomaterials in plastic products - A material flow analysis using the example of tires containing carbon black
Autoren: Prenner, S; Allesch, A; Huber-Humer, M; Part, F
5th International Conference on Final Sinks
(2019) The significance of functional fillers and nanoscale additives for plastics in the circular economy
Autoren: Part, F; Prenner, S; Greßler, S; Allesch, A; Pavlicek, A; Gazsó, A; Ehmoser, E.K.; Huber-Humer, M
29th ISWA World Congress
(2019) Applicability of portable X-ray fluorescence devices for waste characterisation: Challenges and opportunities
Autoren: Zafiu, C; Jandric, A; Part, F
17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2019
(2019) The importance of the recycling of products used in the decarbonisation of the energy sector.
Autoren: Scherhaufer, S; Happenhofer, A; Meyer, I.; Part, F; Sommer, M; Beigl, P
17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2019
(2019) Sustainable innovation of nanocrystals for optoelectronics or bioimaging
Autoren: Part, F; Huber-Humer, M; Ehmoser, E.K.
2019 International Roundtable of NanoScience and NanoTechnology
(2019) Are nanomaterials hazardous wastes or business as usual?
Autoren: Part, F
Montagsseminar am Institut für Wassergüte und Ressourcenmanagement
(2018) Testing the applicability of the safe-by-design concept: an Austrian case study on nanoclay-containing coffee capsules
Autoren: Part, F; Pavlicek, A; Gazsó, A; Rose, G; Greßler, S; Lielacher, R; Huber-Humer, M
The Sixth International Conference nanoSAFE 2018
(2018) Quantification of brominated flame retardants in plastics from WEEE using protable X-ray fluorescence
Autoren: Jandric, A; Cocc, V; Salhofer, S; Huber-Humer, M; Part, F
6th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management 2018
(2018) Und was machst du so?
Autoren: Part, F
Persönliche Vorstellung eines ehemaligen Maturanten am BORG Schärding
(2018) Methods to assess environmental impacts of nanomaterials and other advanced materials in a life cycle perspective
Autoren: Part, F; Huber-Humer, M
11th NanoTrust Conference – Advanced Materials and Circular Economy
(2018) Assessing cytotoxicity effects and the fate of quantum dots
Autoren: Part F, De Vito Francesco E, Küpcü S, Debreczeny M, Huber-Humer M, Ehmoser E-K, Fürhacker M
NanoTox 2018 - 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
(2018) Nanopartikel in Siedlungsabfällen – Neue Herausforderungen für Deponietechnik und Monitoring
Autoren: Huber-Humer, M; Part F
Zeitgemäße Deponietechnik 2018
(2018) Modelling frameworks for risk assessment of nanomaterials – from their use in products to landfilling
Autoren: Part, F; Berge, N; Huber-Humer, M
10th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2018
(2018) Synthese und Darstellung von (interessanten) Nanomaterialien
Autoren: Florian Part, Christian Zafiu, Christoph Zaba, Oliver Bixner, Marion Huber-Humer und Eva-Kathrin Ehmoser
25. Jubiuläumsveranstaltung der Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung
(2017) Klein, unsichtbar, aber überall - Was passiert mit künstlichen Nanoteilchen in unserer Umwelt
Autoren: Part, F
Gesunde Gemeinde, Stadtgemeinde Schärding
(2017) Method development to assess cytoxicity of hydrophilic engineered nanomaterials by using surface modifiable quantum dots
Autoren: Part, F; De Vito-Francesco, F; Küpcü, S; Sinner, EK; Fürhacker, M
10th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2017
(2017) Photostable and traceable quantum dots - applications in environmental sciences
Autoren: Part, F; Sinner EK
Materials Science Seminar
(2017) Challenges in predicting the environmental fate of engineered nanomaterials in waste management systems
Autoren: Part, F; Huber-Humer, M
16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2017
(2016) Nanotracers - a case study to elucidate the environmental fate of nanomaterials
Autoren: Part, F.; Sinner, E.-K.; Huber-Humer, M.
European perspectives and Asian approaches to nanosafety - OEAW/NIK Workshop within ANC 2016
(2016) Einsatz von Nanotracermaterialien - Fallstudie zum Langzeitverhalten in komplexen Umweltmedien
Autoren: Part, F.; Zaba, C.; Bixner, O.; Zafiu, C.; Huber-Humer, M.; Sinner, E.-K.
8. NIK-Meeting (Nanoinformationskommission), BMG & BMVIT
(2016) Einsatz von Nanotracermaterialien - Fallstudie zum Langzeitverhalten in komplexen Umweltmedien
Autoren: Part, F.; Zaba, C.; Bixner, O.; Zafiu, C.; Huber-Humer, M; Sinner, E.-K.
7. nanoNET-meeting
(2016) Verwertung von Photovoltaik-Modulen mit kristallinen Siliziumzellen
Autoren: Scherhaufer, S; Part, F; Salhofer, S
Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2016
(2016) Potential transformation processes of steric stabilized quantum dots and their colloidal stability in complex waste matrices
Autoren: Part, F; Zaba, C; Bixner, O; Zafiu, C; Hann, S; Huber-Humer, M; Sinner, E-K
(2016) Nanomaterials in the Environment - the Role of Waste Management
Autoren: Huber-Humer, M.; Part, F.; Sinner, E.-K.
European perspectives and Asian approaches to nanosafety - OEAW/NIK Workshop within ANC 2016
(2016) Potential transformation processes of steric stabilized quantum dots and their colloidal stability in complex aqueous waste matrices
Autoren: Part, F.; Zaba, C.; Bixner, O.; Zafiu, C.; Hann, S.; Huber-Humer, M.; Sinner, E.-K.
Fifth Nanosafe International Conference on n Health & Safety issues related to Nanomaterials - for a socially responsible approach
(2016) Verteilung von Nanopartikel in Abfallströmen
Autoren: Part, F.; Gruber, I.; Huber-Humer, M.
ÖWAV-Seminar "Der Umgang mit High-Tech-Produkten in der Abfallwirtschaft"
(2015) Surface modified CdTeS/ZnS Quantum Dots (QDs) in environmental engineering – an application example
Autoren: Part, F.; Zaba C.; Oberwalder, M.; Huber-Humer, M.; Sinner, E.-K.
50th Winter Seminar 2015 - Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Cybernetics of Cell Functions
(2015) Material flow analysis of six consumer products containing engineered nanomaterials – a case study from Austria
Autoren: Part, F; Hänel, K; Huber-Humer, M;
15th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2015
(2015) The use of Quantum Dots as Nanotracers. “Freitagsseminar” des Institutes für Technische Chemie
Autoren: Part, F; Zaba, C; Oberwalder, M; Huber-Humer, M; Sinner, E.-K
“Freitagsseminar” des Institutes für Technische Chemie. Leibniz Universität
(2015) Treatment and Disposal of Nano-Consumer Products - Regulatory Aspects
Autoren: Gruber, I; Part, F; Huber-Humer, M;
10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, ICEENN 2015
(2015) Using surface modified CdTe/ZnS nanocrystals (QDs) as nanotracers in complex waste matrices
Autoren: Part, F; Zaba, C.; Oberwalder, M.; Huber-Humer, M.; Sinner, E.-K.;
25th Annual Meeting SETAC Europe 2015
(2015) Verwertung und Entsorgung von Nano-Konsumprodukten - abfallrechtliche Aspekte
Autoren: Gruber, I; Part, F; Hänel, K; Huber-Humer, M;
Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2015
(2015) Dynamic material flow analysis of specific nanomaterials in C&D waste in Japan
Autoren: Suzuki, S; Part, F; Huber-Humer, M; Matsufuji, Y;
15th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2015
(2015) Nanomaterialien in Abfällen (NanoMia): Evaluierung von Regelungen und Verfahren zum Nachweis von Nanomaterialien in Abfallströmen
Autoren: Huber-Humer, M; Part, F; Greßler, S; Fuchs, D; Gazsó, A;
8. NanoTrust-Tagung 2015 - Nano-Sicherheitsforschung in Österreich
(2015) Synthesis of water‐soluble Fe‐doped core‐shell nanocrystals
Autoren: Zaba, C.; Part, F.; Bixner, O.; Oberwalder, O.; Michor, H.; S.; Hann S.; Sinner, E.‐K.
50th Winter Seminar 2015 - Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Cybernetics of Cell Functions
(2014) Traceability of Quantum Dots in Mature Landfill Leachate
Autoren: Part, F; Zaba, C; Sinner, E-K; Huber-Humer, M
8th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2014
(2014) Is China's waste management legislation successful? Evidence from urban Chinese waste management practices
Autoren: Steuer, B; Salhofer, S; Linzner, R; Part, F
4th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management 2014
(2014) The life cycle of nanocrystals – synthesis, modification, application and their disposal: approaches in waste management
Autoren: Part, F; Zafiu ,C; Zaba, C; Sinner, E-K; Huber-Humer, M
EURASIA Waste Management Symposium 2014
(2014) Emissions- und Entsorgungsszenarien von Nano- Konsumprodukten
Autoren: Part, F; Huber-Humer, M
Österreichischen Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2014
(2014) Material Flow Analysis of specific nanomaterials in C&D waste in Japan
Autoren: Suzuki, S; Part, F; Huber-Humer, M
DepoTech 2014
(2013) "Nanowaste": Untersuchung des Emissionsverhaltens von nanohaltigen Abfällen
Autoren: Part, F
Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2013
(2013) Nanowaste Management: Detection and Characterisation of manufactured nanomaterials in waste samples
Autoren: Part, F; Zafiu, C; Zaba, C; Sinner, EK; Huber-Humer, M
ISWA World Congress Vienna 2013
(2013) Nanowaste: Untersuchung des Emissionsverhaltens von nanohaltigen Abfällen
Autoren: Part, F
3. Wissenschaftskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e.V. DGAW 2013
(2013) Nanowaste-Management: Detection and characterisation of engineered nanoparticles in complex matrices
Autoren: Part, F; Gouveia, T; Zafiu, C; Zaba, C; Sinner, EK; Huber-Humer, M
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013