Johannes Tintner-Olifiers
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Johannes Tintner-Olifiers
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2013 - 2019 Habilitation in Environmental Sciences, Thesis: "Ageing of Organic and Inorganic, Non-Metallic Materials in the Environment"
- 2008 - 2013 PhD curriculum "Natural Resources and Life Sciences"
- 1999 - 2004 master curriculum "Land Use and Water Management"
- Year: 2020 Awards: Klaus Fischer Innovationspreis
- Year: 2008 Awards: 2. Platz: Abfallwirtschaftspreis PHÖNIX 2008 gemeinsam mit Dr. Ena Smidt und DI Katharina Meissl
- Year: 2004 Awards: FCP-Innovationspreis
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Characterizing food items of grouse species via FTIR
Autoren: Zohmann-Neuberger, M; Tintner-Olifiers, J; Nopp-Mayr, U; Inselsbacher, E; Hromatka, M; Schäfer, M; Kriechbaum, M; Nielsen, OK; Forbey, JS
Event: 4th International Plant Spectroscopy Conference 2024
Year: 2022 - Pitch oil production – an intangible cultural heritage in Central Europe
Autoren: Tintner, J
Event: World Wood Day Symposium 2022
Year: 2022 - MD-dating of pinewood using FTIR-spectroscopy and statistical learning algorithms like random forests and CNNs
Autoren: Spangl, B; Medl, M; Tintner, J
Event: International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
Year: 2021 - Kohlealterung, Pyrolysegrad und Lagerung – was können wir darüber aus dem Chemismus lesen?
Autoren: Tintner, J; Smidt, E
Event: 24. Österreichische Tagung der RestauratorInnen für archäologische Bodenfunde
Year: 2021 - Moisture-dependent soil development on rhyolitic and basaltic parent materials in Galápagos
Autoren: I. N. Candra, M. H. Gerzabek, F. Ottner, J. Tintner, K. Wriessnig, F. Zehetner
Event: EUROSOIL 2021
Year: 2020 - Can infrared light detect the age of straw in adobe constructions?
Autoren: Tintner, J; Roth, K; Ottner, F; Syrová - Anýžová, Z; Žabičková, I; Wriessnig, K; Meingast, R; Feiglstorfer, H
Event: Healthy Houses 2020
Year: 2020 - Infrared spectroscopy as a tool to estimate the age of wood - How we can use the molecular decay of wood for dating purposes
Autoren: Reiter, F; Tintner, J; Spangl, B; Smidt, E; Grabner, M
Event: CHNT - Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Year: 2019 - Resin composition of tapped black pine (Pinus nigra var. austriaca) recorded by FT-IR
Autoren: Hinterstoisser, B.; Smidt, E.; Ters, T.; Tintner, J.
Event: 2nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference (IPSC)
Year: 2019 - Infrarotspektroskopie in der Archäometrie
Autoren: Tintner, J; Smidt, E
Event: Jahrestagung "Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2019"
Year: 2019 - Mid infrared spectroscopy, micro histological analysis, and DNA barcoding of Sika deer faecal samples in Lower Austria
Autoren: Saggiomo, L; Meimberg, H; Curto, M; Tintner-Olifiers, J; Bernhardt, KG; Hackländer K
Event: 93rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology
Year: 2019 - Taphonomy Dating - Dating of Wood by Its Taphonomy Measured Using FTIR-Spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J.; Spangl, B.; Reiter, F.; Smidt, E.; Grabner, M.
Event: World Wood Day Symposium 2019
Year: 2019 - MD Dating - Dating of wood based on its molecular decay (MD) measured using FTIR-Spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J., Spangl, B.; Reiter, F., Smidt, E.; Grabner, M.
Event: 2nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference (IPSC)
Year: 2019 - FTIR spectroscopy as a potential tool in dendroarchaeology
Autoren: Johannes Tintner
Event: Tree-Ring Talk
Year: 2019 - The potential of Mid-Infrared spectroscopy for prediction of wood density and vulnerability to embolism in angiosperms
Autoren: Savi, T; Tintner, J; da Sois, L; Petit, G; Rosner, S
Event: 4th Xylem International Meeting XIM4 Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Bridging the gap? Outcomes and future plans on the application of FT-IR spectroscopy for nutritional analyses in grouse species
Autoren: Zohmann-Neuberger, M; Kriechbaum, M; Tintner-Olifiers, J; Smidt, E; Rosenberger, R; Nopp, H; Bosa, A; Nopp-Mayr, U
Event: Research Symposium - Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research 2019
Year: 2019 - MD Dating - Dating of wood based on its molecular decay (MD) measured using FTIR-spectroscopy
Autoren: Tintner, J; Spangl, B; Reiter, F; Smidt, E; Grabner, M
Event: 4th Baltic Conference Series - Materials & Chemical Technology
Year: 2018 - Soil formation along a climosequence in rhyolitic tephra on Alcedo volcano, Galapagos
Autoren: Candra, I.N., Zehtener, F., Gerzabek, M.H., Ottner, F., Tintner, J., Wriessnig, K.
Event: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Year: 2018 - Analyses of Black grouse (Tetrao tetrix L.) food items with FT-IR spectroscopy
Autoren: Nopp-Mayr, U; Zohmann-Neuberger, M; Kriechbaum, M; Tintner, J
Event: 14th International Grouse Symposium
Year: 2018 - Dating of wood using FTIR-spectroscopy and statistical learning algorithms
Autoren: Tintner, J., Spangl, B., Reiter, F., Smidt, E., Grabner, M.
Event: Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation DSSV 2018
Year: 2018 - Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy: a novel approach for the estimation of drought sensitivity in angiosperm woody species.
Autoren: Savi T, Tintner J, Rosner S.
Event: International Conference - Plant Physiology & Biochemistry 2018
Year: 2017 - Bridging the gap – from plants to faeces Analysing food items of galliformes with FT-IR spectroscopy
Autoren: Nopp-Mayr, U; Rosenberger, R; Kriechbaum, M; Tintner, J; Zohmann, M; Nopp, H
Event: DIBB Research Symposium 2017
Year: 2016 - Möglichkeiten zur zeitlichen Einordnung von historischen Holzkohlenmeilern – eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit
Autoren: Klemm, S; Smidt, E; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Arneitz, P; Leonhardt, R;
Event: „Laufzeit/Zeitlauf Zeitkonzepte-Datierung-Chronologie in der Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie“, Internationale Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologie
Year: 2015 - Aging of historical and prehistoric charcoals - characterization using FT-IR spectroscopy and simultaneous thermal analysis
Autoren: Smidt, E; Tintner, J; Klemm, S; Scholz, U;
Event: anthraco 2015
Year: 2015 - Erhaltung der stabilen Bodenorganik zur Erhaltung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit
Autoren: Tintner, J; Smidt, E
Event: Workshop: Deutsch – Mongolisches Kooperationsprojekt Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
Year: 2014 - Sr isotope ratios in Austrian trees as a tool for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Horacek, M; Prohaska, T
Event: 10. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Aging of historical charcoals in the environment
Autoren: Smidt, E; Tintner, J; Klemm, S
Event: Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Industry and Research - 40 years of GEFTA
Year: 2014 - Towards a strontium isoscape for the determination of provenance of prehistoric wooden findings
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Horacek, M; Prohaska, T
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Year: 2014 - The wooden findings of the Hallstatt saltmine – local or imported? Dendrochronology and chemical data will try to answer.
Autoren: Grabner, M., Bolka, M., Tintner, J., Horsky, M., Horacek, M., Reschreiter, H., Kowarik, K., Prohaska, T.
Event: EuroDendro 2014
Year: 2014 - Beiträge zu Neophyten-Frage: Beispiele aus Niederösterreich
Autoren: Klug, B; Tintner, J; Heinz, I;
Event: 16. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2014
Year: 2014 - Description of Organic Matter in Soils and Waste by means of Thermal Analysis
Autoren: Tintner, J; Smidt, E
Event: Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Industry and Research - 40 years of GEFTA
Year: 2014 - Sr isotope ratios for the determination of provenance of prehistoric wooden findings
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Horacek, M; Prohaska, T
Event: Pumpaya Meeting 2014
Year: 2014 - Beiträger zu Neophyten-Frage: Beispiele aus Niederösterreich
Autoren: Klug, B., Tintner, J., Heinz, I.
Event: 16. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2014
Year: 2014 - First steps towards a Sr isoscape of Austria for the provenance determination of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M., Tintner, J., Bolka, M., Grabner, M., Kowarik, K., Reschreiter, H., Kern, A., Teufl, K., Horacek, M. and Prohaska, T.
Event: PANGEO Austria 2014
Year: 2013 - Application of Sr isotope ratios for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M., Tintner, J., Grabner, M., Kowarik, K., Reschreiter, H., Kern, A. and Prohaska, T.
Event: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2013
Year: 2013 - Application of Sr isotope ratios for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Prohaska, T
Event: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2013
Year: 2013 - Application of Sr isotope ratios for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Kern, A; Prohaska, T
Event: First BOKU DocDay
Year: 2013 - Sr isotope signatures of Austrian trees as a tool for the determination of origin of prehistoric wood
Autoren: Horsky, M; Tintner, J; Grabner, M; Kowarik, K; Reschreiter, H; Prohaska, T
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2012 - Alterung von Holzkohlen in der Umwelt - Thermoanalytische Untersuchungen an archäologischen Proben
Autoren: Smidt, E; Tintner, J; Klemm, S
Event: GEFTA-STK Symposium Hybrid-, Nano- and Biomaterials 2012 - Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Year: 2012 - Einfluss von Kompost auf Böden - Schwerpunkt: Kohlenstofffixierung
Autoren: Johannes Tintner, Ena Smidt, Reinhold Ottner, Katharina Böhm
Event: Humussymposium 2012
Year: 2012 - Influence of drought on ring width and wood density of hybrid larch (Larix decidua x kaempferi) in Eastern Austria.
Autoren: Karanitsch-Ackerl, S, Tintner, J., Schüler, S., Grabner, M.
Event: IUFRO Larix 2012 „Larch in a warm climate“
Year: 2011 - New approach to assess the suitability of substrates for methane oxidation purposes
Autoren: Huber-Humer M., Böhm K., Tintner J., Lechner P.
Event: 13th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2011
Year: 2011 - Holz begreifen, erschnüffeln, ertasten, hören
Autoren: Hinterstoisser, B; Grabner, M; Tintner, J;
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2011
Year: 2011 - Anwendung der FT-IR Spektroskopie für abfallwirtschaftliche Fragestellungen
Autoren: Smidt E., Tintner J., Böhm K.
Event: Bruker-Anwendertreffen 2011
Year: 2010 - Prediction of Various Quality Partameters of Biowaste Composts by Means of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
Autoren: Böhm K., Smidt E., Binner E., Tintner J., Lechner P.
Event: 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010 - Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy
Year: 2010 - Neue innovative Analysenmethoden zur Beurteilung der Kompostqualität - Vorhersage des Huminstoffgehaltes mittels FTIR
Autoren: Binner E., Böhm K., Smidt E., Tintner J., Lechner P.
Event: "Ressourcenschutz durch Umsetzung nachhaltiger Abfallwirtschaft", TAKAG 2010, IV. Türkisch-Deutsche Abfalltage
Year: 2010 - Gärreste - Ausgangsmaterial für Qualitätskompost?
Autoren: Binner E., Böhm K., Smidt E., Tintner J.
Event: Tagung Aufbereitung von Gärresten am IFA Tulln 2010
Year: 2010 - Plaggensoils – a Study of Carbon Sequestration by Means of Long-Term Compost Application
Autoren: Smidt E., Böhm K., Tintner J., Binner E.
Event: 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010 - Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy
Year: 2010 - How to Enhance Humification During Composting of Separate Collected Bio-Wastes - Impact of Feedstock and Processing
Autoren: Binner E., Smidt E., Tintner J., Böhm K., Lechner P.
Event: 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010 - Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy
Year: 2010 - Monitoring and Assessment of Landfill Stability Using Simultaneous Thermal Analysis
Autoren: Smidt E., Böhm K., Tintner J.
Event: 1st international Conference on Final Sinks 2010 - From Sanitary to Sustainable Landfilling: why, how, and when?
Year: 2010 - Status of Mechanical Biological Pretreatment in Austria – Analysis of Samples from 17 MBT-Plants
Autoren: Tintner J., Binner E., Smidt E., Böhm K., Lechner P.
Event: 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010 - Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy
Year: 2010 - Gärreste - Ausgangsmaterial für Qualitätskompost?
Autoren: Binner E., Böhm K., Smidt E., Tintner J.
Event: Tagung Aufbereitung von Gärresten am IFA Tulln 2010
Year: 2010 - New Concept and Methods to Evaluate the Sustainability of Landfills
Autoren: Huber-Humer M., Smidt E., Tintner J., Gamperling O., Böhm K., Lechner P.
Event: ISWA World Congress 2010 - Urban Development and Sustainability - a Major Challenge for Waste Management in the 21st Century
Year: 2010 - Determination of MBT-Waste - A new Approach to Avoid Failures of Biological Tests
Autoren: Böhm K., Smidt E., Binner E., Tintner J., Lechner P.
Event: 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010 - Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy
Year: 2009 - Decisions on After Use Concepts of Sanitary Landfills
Autoren: Tintner J., Smidt E., Kramer R., Lechner P.
Event: 12th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2009
Year: 2009 - Lösungsansätze zur Vermeidung von Fehlbefunden bei der Bestimmung der Reaktivität von MBA-Materialien / Reactivity of MBT-Waste - A new approach to identify failures of biological tests
Autoren: Meissl K., Binner E., Smidt E. and Tintner J.
Event: Waste-to-Resources 2009, 3. Internationale Tagung MBA und Sortieranlagen: Mechanisch-biologische Abfallbehandlung und automatische Abfallsortierung
Year: 2009 - Anwendung von multivariaten statistischen Methoden zur Auswertung thermoanalytischer Daten in der Abfallwirtschaft
Autoren: Smidt E., Böhm K., Tintner J.
Event: GEFTA Jahrestagung 2009 - Lebenswissenschaften
Year: 2009 - The situation of Austrian MBT-plants – a synopsis of data originating from a research project
Autoren: Smidt E., Tintner J., Meissl K., Binner E.
Event: Waste-to-Resources 2009, 3. Internationale Tagung MBA und Sortieranlagen: Mechanisch-biologische Abfallbehandlung und automatische Abfallsortierung
Year: 2009 - Huminstoffbestimmung mittels Infrarotspektroskopie
Autoren: Böhm K., Binner E., Smidt E., Tintner J.
Event: Humusworkshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Huminstoffe als Qualitätsparameter für Komposte
Autoren: Binner E., Smidt E., Tintner J., Böhm K.
Event: Humusworkshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Carbon sequestration by waste management strategies - A survey of experimental and analytical approaches
Autoren: Smidt E., Tintner J., Böhm K. and Lechner P
Event: 12th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2009
Year: 2009 - How is MBT-technology in 20 years?
Autoren: Tintner J., Smidt E., Meissl K., Binner E.
Event: Waste-to-Resources 2009, 3. Internationale Tagung MBA und Sortieranlagen: Mechanisch-biologische Abfallbehandlung und automatische Abfallsortierung
Year: 2008 - Humic Acids - A Quality Criterion for Composts
Autoren: Binner E., Tintner J., Meissl K., Smidt E., Lechner P.
Event: International Congress Compost and digestate CODIS 2008 - Sustainability, benefits, impacts for the environment and for plant production
Year: 2008 - Entwicklung von abgelagertem Hausmüll aus den 80er Jahren und mechanisch-biologisch behandeltem Restmüll - ein Vergleich
Autoren: Smidt E., Meissl K., Tintner J.
Event: Abfallforschungstage 2008
Year: 2008 - Possible succession an landfill top covers in the Pannonia area - an example from eastern Austria
Autoren: Tintner, J., Meissl, K., Klug, B.
Event: 1st WSEAS Interational Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Ingeneering 2008
Year: 2008 - Influence of Composts and Digestates on Soil Properties - Retrospect and Outlook
Autoren: Smidt E., Meissl K., Tintner J., Binner E., Lechner P.
Event: International Congress Compost and digestate CODIS 2008 - Sustainability, benefits, impacts for the environment and for plant production
Year: 2008 - Evaluating and planning waste landfill top Covers with the help of vegetation and population ecology
Autoren: Klug, B., Tintner, J., Huber-Humer, M., Meissl, K.
Event: 1st WSEAS Interational Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Ingeneering 2008
Year: 2008 - Beurteilung der Kohlenstoffpools im Boden
Autoren: Tintner J.
Event: Humus Symposium 2008 - Humusaufbau, der Weg in die Zukunft
Year: 2008 - Development of organic waste and incineration residues - monitoring by TG/MS and DSC
Autoren: Smidt E., Tintner J., Meissl K.
Event: AFCAT - GEFTA - STK - 2008
Year: 2008 - A New Analytical Approach to Determine Compost Quality
Autoren: Meissl K., Smidt E., Tintner J., Binner E., Lechner P.
Event: International Congress Compost and digestate CODIS 2008 - Sustainability, benefits, impacts for the environment and for plant production
Year: 2008 - Multivariate statistische Methoden als Werkzeug für eine vereinfachte Auswertung abfallwirtschaftlicher Fragestellungen
Autoren: Meissl K., Smidt E., Tintner J., Schwanninger M.
Event: Abfallforschungstage 2008
Year: 2007 - Thermische Analyse zur Prozess- und Qualitätskontrolle bei der mechanisch-biologischen Behandlung
Autoren: Smidt E., Tintner J.
Event: Internationale Tagung Mechanisch-biologische Abfallbehandlung und automatische Abfallsortierung MBA 2007
Year: 2007 - Huminstoffe - einer neuer Ansatz zur Beurteilung der Kompostqualität
Autoren: Binner E., Smidt E., Tintner J., Meissl K.
Event: Umwelttage Leoben 2007
Year: 2007 - Lebensmittel in der Abfallwirtschaft - thermoanalytische Untersuchungen
Autoren: Smidt E., Schneider F., Meissl K., Tintner J.
Event: FET Symposium 2007 - Food Engineering Topics: Innovative Verfahren, Innovative Materialien, Thermische Analyse, Food Safety
Year: 2007 - Compost Quality - Trends and Tools
Autoren: Smidt E., Binner E., Meissl K., Tintner J.
Event: 2nd BOKU Waste Conference 2007
Year: 2007 - Vegetation Ecology as a New Approach in Waste Management
Autoren: Tintner J., Klug B.
Event: 2nd Croatian Botanical Congress 2007
Year: 2007 - Humic Substances - Adequate Parameter Describing the Quality of Composts
Autoren: Binner E., Meissl K., Smidt E., Tintner J.
Event: 2nd BOKU Waste Conference 2007
Year: 2007 - Huminsäurebildung in Komposten - Anforderungen an den Kompostierprozess und analytische Kontrolle
Autoren: Smidt E., Meissl K., Tintner J.
Event: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society ÖBG 2007 - Soil functions - diversity, evaluation and protection
Year: 2007 - Possibilities Respectively Conflicts of Interest of Methane Oxidation Layers and Concepts of Reuse
Autoren: Gamperling O., Tintner J.
Event: 11th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2007
Year: 2006 - Impact of Feedstock and Rotting Process on Compost Quality
Autoren: Binner E., Tintner J.
Event: ORBIT 2006 - Biological Waste Management: From Local to Global
Year: 2006 - Stabilisierungsprozesse der organischen Substanz in Abfällen während der biologischen Behandlung
Autoren: Smidt E., Tintner J.
Event: Abfallforschungstage 2006
Year: 2006 - The Influence of Mineral Compounds on Bioavailability of Compost Organic Matter
Autoren: Smidt E., Tintner J.
Event: International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology ISEB ESEB JSEB 2006
Year: 2006 - Standortsbeurteilung auf Deponien mithilfe der Vegetationsökologie
Autoren: Tintner J., Klug B.
Event: Abfallforschungstage 2006
Year: 2006 - Impact of Feedstock and Rotting Process on Compost Quality
Autoren: Binner E., Tintner J.
Event: ORBIT 2006 - Biological Waste Management: From Local to Global
Year: 2004 - Vegetationskundliche und dendrochronologische Untersuchungen an einem instabilen Hang bei Sibratsgfäll (Vorarlberg)
Autoren: Tintner, J., Klug, B., Grabner, M.
Event: 11. Österreichisches Botanikertreffen 2004